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Generic Name: Abacavir Sulfate

Brand Name: Ziagen

Ziagen Drug and Medication User Reviews

Took Ziagen in combination with Combivir for 6 1/2 years. Although it kept my viral load undetectable and t-cell count under control, the stomach problems and nausea were awful. Right along this combo, I took Prevacid to ease these side effects, hower the nausea didn't go away until I stopped taking this combination. I am now on Truvada and Reyataz: feel like I'm born again! The side effects will stop once you stop taking the med. Empower yourself and tell your doctor you insist on a change of combination, especially if you are undetectable as you can always go back to the medication because you will not have developed resistance to it.

I am undetectable so that alone is Great News. I am however experiancing diffaculty breathing ever sense I started this medicine. Its been a couple years now but the breathing has not got any better. whats the worst of the 2 evils ??? also have stomach issues and sores in the mouth that I believe are reaction to this drug. all in all, I guess I am Healthy . My doctor does not seem to think that it warents taking me off this med so I have to deal with it.