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Generic Name: Abacavir Sulfate and Lamivudine Tablets

Brand Name: Epzicom

Epzicom Drug and Medication User Reviews

since starting this medication had most of the side effects i would not recommend this drug .

i am taking this medication as part of HIV therapy. i love it! it is so easy to take! it is one of three medications for me, and it is working so well. If you are to begin taking it, the side effects were not too bad for me. i had a "flu" for two days, some levels were adjusted, and not a single problem since. I will say, that I am always hot now. sleeping is a bit of a challenge, especially for my husband.

I began Epzicom about a month ago (in conjunction with Kaletra) Frankly I was very uneasy about taking it since the side effects can be so daunting. Of course my doctor tested before I began it. I like just the one dose daily. I had some side effects for about a day (dry heaving) but those disappeared quickly. I think I will always have the deep itching and diarreah (Ii just cannot seem to spell that correctly)but I lost seven dear friends to HIV in the 80's and I am glad there are meds to save my life. I am 74 years old and am not as strong as I formerly was but that could be age!!!

I've been using Epzicom since it was first made available, in conjuntion with Sustiva, and have had undetectable viral load, high CD4 counts and good CD4/CD8 ratio. The convenience of once daily dosing almost outweighs the outrageous, ever-increasing price.

started taking it two days ago and having some sideeffects and at the moment not not what to do