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Generic Name: Acitretin

Brand Name: Soriatane

Soriatane Drug and Medication User Reviews

Been on this medication for going on about 19 years now. Started when I was 12. No major side effects. When I started taking the medication I felt like crap for about 1 week or so but it took no time to help clear my condition. Now I have severe pealing on my feet and hands at times but that can mostly be worsened X100 by my condition. Especially in the summer because the only parts on my body that sweat are my hands and feet. But now I don’t know if it’s the medication or just because, I’m having problems with muscles and joints. My hips pop bad and I can crack my knees all the time. I’m having really bad pain in both my shoulders. Especially after work, I’m a mechanic so I tent to work above my head all the time. And worse of all I’m developing carpal tunnel in both my hands. Makes it difficult when all I do is work with my hands.

I have been using this on the lowest dose for about 2 years without side affects. A couple of times I have increased the dose (with doctors approval) and had severe dry mouth and chapped lips. While the low dose generally heals the affected areas by about 90%, I still have small scaly areas. I have my blood work checked every 90 days and take 2400mgâ??s of fish oil to keep my cholesterol levels inline.

It has dried my face and lips so they are always dried and cracked and burn .. my face around my lips are red ... it did take the inflammation out for a little while ... then it stopped working ??

it works pretty after taking it for a couple of months. Watch out if you stop taking it. The psoriasis comes back with a vengeance. I hope that it will work again. I used thousands of dollars worth of creams and ointments. This is the only thing that helps me

Been on this medicine for over two and a half years. Once off it my foot started to break out and peel again so the doctor wants me back on it. Chapped lips and hair loss and soft finger nails are the biggest problems for me.

Side effects include peeling skin ( excessive) on hands and feet, nail problems, lesions under both big toenails, odor and sweating on the bottom of my feet, itching skin, increase in cholesterol, ear pain. SORIATANE generally inhibits growth of squamous cell skin cancers and affects tissue that is fast growing such as hair and nails. Time has not reduced the intensity of side effects but increased the deterrent effect on skin cancers. It works or I would stop taking it.

i was very satisfied until my insurance company put me on generic, i don't believe it has the same effect.

Used for aprox 5 months w/o any problems. Then almost overnight it seemed that hair loss in clumps, on the lower part of scalp in back of head. Been off drug for 2 months hair just starting to grow back - white. Glad to be done with it.

My dr. tells me I have Lichen Planus in my mouth and tongue.Sent me to a dermatoligist and he prescribed Soriatane. I took it for one month and the side effects were so bad, I had skin peeling off my face lips arms legs. I quit taking the pills which he wanted me to take for 6 months, But my side effects still linger on and my mouth is worse.

1st time onset of Placque Psoriasis of hands/feet in my 50's. Been on Soriatane about 2.5 months. Worst side effects so far are dry mouth/nose, bad taste in mouth, bouts of severe itching. Extreme fear of hair loss and hope that doesn't happen. Started on 10mg in July, increased to 20 mg 2 wks ago and do PUVA 3x's weekly (since Feb) plus apply ointments morning and at night. Always wear socks/shoes and sleep in socks & gloves after applying ointments. Psoriasis has improved somewhat. Hands in good shape right now with a few minor areas of rough spots. Feet better (not cracking/bleeding)...some peeling but still not cleared...feet still red around the edges..........Frustrating, discouraging - Trying to maintain hope and have faith in God that this will resolve

Drastic hair loss. Itching continued and skin peeling increased. Too toxic to continue.

I'm a 66 year old male.The problem was severe breaking out of the fingers, hands and bottom of feet. I don't think I have very bad side effects, but when I stop taking Soriatane the break-out starts again. My sugar count has gone up, and the Doctor says she is going to stop the med.. I feel I need this med. but what's going to happen when I stop? Washing the areas is very important, i"m a truck driver and sometimes it is hard to stay clean.

Do not use my hair is all falling out!!!!!!!!!!

Soriatane has been around for many years - I wish it would have been perscribed sooner. I have Ichtyosis Vulgaris. Have had no advterse side effects - it works very well and I am thrilled. Although some of these comments were frightening. I disregarded them, trusted my DERM and finally have soft skin.

Before I started taking Soriatane a had large scaling and crack's that would bleed, know I have very light redness and no crack,s or bleeding.

after taking this med My skin has cleared also 100%. Only side effect so far is chapped lips

Saw no difference in the first 2 weeks, then by the 3rd week, I was so tired. Ended up having a hear attack and a stroke the following day.

taking for about 3 weeks.having a matallitic taste in my mouth espally when eating ang drinking