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Generic Name: Alendronate Sodium

Brand Name: Fosamax

Fosamax Drug and Medication User Reviews

Diagnosed with osteopenia via dexa bone scan test. I have been taking generic version for about 2.5 years. No real side effects noticed. I take the weekly dose. The hardest thing for me is to not drink anything but water for 30 minutes after taking. I usually have coffee first thing in the morning. So it is hard to wait for that 30 minutes to go by. Also, switched bone scan places due to problems reading the scan, dr. said it had no T-score. I read somewhere you didn't need to take this longer than 3-5 years, as it would show no more improvement. But dr. said I could take it forever if I wanted to. Anyone know about this? Don't plan on taking forever though.

I was started on Boniva. After two months I started with tingling pain. After the second does I was having severe pain in my feet, tingling in my hand and around my mouth. After I stopped the medication it took a month and half for most of those symptoms to subside. Sent to a Rheumatologist who prescribed Fosamax. The same symptoms are coming back after the second dose

I am 58 years old and was prescribed Fosamax for osteoporosis. The day after I took my second dose, I woke up with severe pain in my upper back and neck. Over the next 3 days, pain spread down my spine and into my R hip. I decided not to take a 3rd dose to see if pain would resolve. It took about 14 days to return to normal. After reevaluating the drugs side effects and reading these reviews, I have decided not to continue using Fosamax. I think the side effects are much more dangerous than the condition it treats.

Been on Fossamax for 4th week. I take the once a week tablet. After the 2nd dose, I had extreme foot pain to where I was awake all night, almost in tears. Saw a doctor and he immediately diagnosed me with Gout! Couldn’t walk! Was put on steroids which immediately helped with pain. After 4 days of steroids, I was almost pain free. I just read these reviews and am badly scared, especially since I just took my 4th weekly pill. I plan on stopping immediately.

This medication was not working for me. I took it for about 6 months and then I realized why so many things were going wrong, heartburn, stomach ache, nausea but the worst was BONE PAIN, especially my upper body, upper arms, ribcage, shoulders and neck. It felt like my bones were splitting, it was extremely painful and I could not figure out what was happening until I read the side effects of this drug. I stopped immediately and now 3 weeks later my neck still hurts. I would not recommend this drug to anybody.

Almost two years come this February with 0 side effects! This was requested from my pcp for osteoporosis but since I’ve seen rheumatologist, she wants me to stop being I have a history of gurd, I’m on meds for that. Wants to switch to reclast. My pcp stated if I tolerated the foxomax, I should be ok with reclast

With a low DEXA score my doctor had me take this medication in a once-a-week pill. On 2nd day, I had bone pain in legs and teeth, poor sleep and an overall feeling of ickyness. It seemed to trigger binge eating of salty carbs and I gained 8 pounds in 2 weeks! My symptoms did not lessen or go away. My registered dietitian daughter recommended I take a calcium supplement with vitamin K2. I immediately started to feel better after taking Solgar Advanced Calcium Complex. After taking this for 1 week most of my symptoms have resolved. My teeth still feel odd but the pain is gone. I am still stunned that only one dose of this medicine made me feel so miserable. I will NOT TAKE IT EVER AGAIN.

I’ve been off this drug for a month after taking 3 weeks. My diarrhea is not going away

After years of my medical people urging me to take Fosamax, I have taken it once per week for eight weeks. Around the sixth week I realized that the joint on my right foot was swollen as if I had gout which I had never had before. After reading several studies, one major one done by the NIH, I have stopped taking the medication and I’m trying to normalize the swelling in my foot and bone pain in various parts of my body. I am right now on gout medication for what the NIH labeled as pseudogout caused by calcium crystallization rather than uric acid crystallization. My doctor said it is really difficult to actually diagnose pseudogout so I wonder how many others have suffered from it without it being documented.

I tried this drug for 5 weeks and it made me so sick; it exacerbated my A-fib, and I couldn't walk; felt confused as if I was having another stroke. I stopped the medication, and these side effects went away. My doctor prescribed Boniva but I'm sure Boniva is probably even worse. I'm going to try vitamin alternatives.

I am a massage therapist. After taking this one time,within 24 hours, my shoulders feel like I have torn rotator cuffs. In reading the reviews I am very afraid of what tomorrow may look like.

I was on Fosamax 70 mg several years ago for a total of 3 months. With each once a week dose I progressively felt nauseated and the symptons progressed to head and body aches along with pressure in the chest. I stopped taking it and continued to focus on diet and exercise. A year later, my dr had me start Forteo injections. I could not tolerate the daily injections and reduced injections to every other day and then only 2 times a week...as that is all my body could tolerate. I took Forteo for 2 yrs and 2 months and finally had enough of feeling sick and stopped. I gained a little bone mass in 2020-2021 and remained level 2021-2022. Dr. now wants me to try a half dose of Fosamax 35 mg to see if I can tolerate it. My body feels so good being off Forteo I have little desire to try Fosamax 35 mg. along with the risk of necrosis. Not sure what I will do, but will update my posts in the future.

I have a very active and full life. Normally high energy. My bone scan came back with osteosporosis My doctor wanted me to take fosamax I took my first week pill. I have had no energy at all this week. I cannot even get started. The muscles in my legs are so sore. Lower back pain. Gas, bloating, nausea. I will not be taking that. Going to increase calcium, D3, and I got turmeric there are great reports coming now on turmeric and bone mass.

Do not take this medication!! I took six doses and could not understand why I was in such severe pain. So I researched this drug and saw so many negative reviews so I quit. My in-depth research said the drug will remain in your system 5-10 years! This drug should not be in market!!! These manufacturers should be sued

My Doctor has been urging me to take Fosamax for 8 years! I resisted because of all the scary reviews and I wanted to try more natural methods. After 8 years of running, great diet, high quality bone supplements, weight lifting, weighted vest, mini tramp and other remedies my spinal T score is still -3.4. I started Fosamax weekly 3 months ago with zero side effects. And I am one who has a long history of side effects from medication. It's still another 18 months before my next bone scan to see what my T score shows. I also started taking Levothyroxine at the same time, which I had resisted as well. No side effects their either.

I have a question...I just took my 3rd dose of Fosamax, why did I do that? Anyway, yesterday, my back, neck and jaw started hurting, all of a sudden. My heart palpitations increased. I will never take this drug again. What can I do to get it out of my system? How long will it take to get it out? This is ridiculous...glad I didn't take it longer....I cannot imagine the side affects.

Muscle and nerve pain after using for 2 months (thigh) neck stiffness and dizziness.

Thanks for others posting in this website. I’m 59 yo and recently diagnose osteoporosis and injected 1st dose Prolia without any side effects. But after further studies of Prolia, I decide to stop Prolia and switch to Fosamax plus. Now I have taken Fosamax plus nearly six months and also have NO side effects. I wish to share my positive feedback to encourage others to try this medicine.

I began taking fosamax generic form tablet in July after a bone density scan showed my bones are very bad in lacking calcium. I take it once a week. I have had symptoms that we are not sure are related to the pill. I had throat burning, tickle in throat, red eye for two weeks, swollen lip a few days with blister inside lip, peeling skin below my nose as if it were chapped. NOT any of these symptoms are proven side effects so It is watch and wait. If i see any other symptoms that are strange I am going to stop taking it. Other than that i feel ok.

My rheumatologist completed a decade scan and told me I needed to take Fosamax weekly. I started in February and by March I could not climb stairs thought my knee caps were broken. Every week the pain was worse and some other area of my body ached. I felt like there was a war going on inside my body. Before starting I was very active gym 7 days/ week golf 3-4 times per week. My doctor told me to hold for 4 weeks at the end of June and drink plenty of water. It is almost September and I am still in agony all over my body. My stomach is awful as well. I will never touch this medication again and only hope this resolves. I feel like I aged 10years in 5 months.