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Generic Name: Allopurinol

Brand Name: Zyloprim

Zyloprim Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been taking zyloprim from last 40 years, but now since they change the color-pink of this tablet, my both leg is like broken. My shoulders are broken . I can work very slowly in my house only. I can not do nothing now.

Well the drug worked great for the gout, Completely gone for 2 years. But tightness and tingling in feet is progressing. Went to several different doctors and were unable to diagnose. Stopped allopurinol and has been gone for a week already.

It makes me too sleepy when taken with Sulindac 200mg oral. I had a swollen knee and gout.

I have been on allopurinol, 300mg-dose daily, for five years now. Recently I had a diagnosis of hematuria and of "an enhancing mass in the left kidney" indicative of renal cell carcinoma, found during a CT scan. Does anybody else have my experience?

Have been taking allopurinol 300 for about 4 months. During that time I have had the most severe and longest lasting attacks I have ever had. Prior to taking it I had attacks about once in a two month peroid, and those attacks were almost always a result of letting my guard down on diet. Now, I have the pain for weeks at a time and have watched diet closer than ever. I am suprised to see so many success stories using this drug because my condition is worse than ever.

This drug was a lifesaver for me. Before going on it, I was on crutches and missing work the pain was so severe. I was on it for about 6 years with no side effects. I was also able to give the crutches away too. It worked fantastic.

My doctor prescribed me this drug due to swollen ankle caused by high uric acid. It worked after just about a week of taking it. However, after about 2-1/2 weeks of taking it, when I was pain-free and swollen-free I stopped using the drug, immediately after a day swelling and pain came back and had to take it again. Now I think I have to take it forever as I feel that if I stop using it the pain will come back. I also now experience tingling sensation in my left armpit, don't know though if this is a side effect of the drug. My doctor prescribed me 1x of 100mg.

I have been taking this drug for about 15 years and it has always helped in controling my gout. The side effect of this medication according to two of my doctors are numbness of fingers and feet. I am experiencing this effect now. It is worse in my fingers due to lack of being able to determing if my fingers are actually touching or are in contact with items that I am attempting to minipulate in my daily routine.

causes nausea almost all day after taking it in the morning.

This pill always helps me with GOUT. I get GOUT so bad that i have have Zylprim and it always helps. The brand name brings it on so i dont take it thank u for letting me tell u.

I've been taking Allopurinol for years now. I haven't had any problems with gout.

I have been satisfied with this drug,but now I find the FDA is approving a new drug and throwing this drug overboard/What gives?

I may not have been on this drug long enough to make an informed judgement only 3mos. So far I'am completely satisfied.

Have not had any gout problems in over 10 years.Prior to that they were routine and extremely painful.


zyloprim (inmy country, Indonesia, we found "zyloric" of glaxo wellcome)is well known drug for treating gout and high uric acid due to its effectiveness and quite an affordable medication.