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Generic Name: Ambrisentan Tablets

Brand Name: Letairis

Letairis Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have only been on this drug for less than 2months so I really didn't like having to rate this medications effectiveness this early on taking it. What I will say is the entire process of getting this medication is absolutely insane dealing with CVS specialty pharmacy. Way to expensive also. I have had heart palpitations since day two of taking it and that's new to me. The swelling in my feet is crazy considering my lung Dr. doesn't want me swelling, so why prescribe something that does just that. The flushing is all over my body not just face and I keep receiving comments that I have a great tan, no, I don't it's the pulmonary hypertension medication. As for the breathing any better, nope not at all.

This drug has been a miracle for me. Before taking Letairis, my PA was 90 measured with a heart catheter. Now it is down to 33!!! Now after a little over two years, I walk 2-3-miles 3-4 times a week, I have some edema but control it with mild diuretics. I was afraid to take this drug initially,because of the potential side effects, but when even the simplest tasks left me winded, I agreed to try it. Within two weeks I was walking without being winded, within one month I was walking 1 mile a day at lunch. Without this medication I am sure I would not have survived 2 years.In addition to PAH I also have Cardiomyopathy. I am grateful for this medication and would advise anyone who suffers from PAH to try it

this med seemed to increase my activity level at first but a few months into treatment i noticed that yes my activity level was almost back to normal but when not on the go i was sleeping more to the point friends,family and my job were concerned at that point my DR switched me to Opsumit now i feel great

Being on it about 3yrs. I had to go on oxygen already. Planning on putting me on another drug plus. Stuffy noise a lot.

I love this drug without it I think iu would be dead I cant sat enough good things about it. I think I ve used it for 2 years now grateful for sure

I have been on the drug for four years and it has been amazing. I can breathe

I had elevated pressure, 140 and elevated wedge pressure. I can do yard work again. Recently have had chest pain that is intermittent on left side. I need to get a recheck of pressures.

Just got on the medicine Saturday. Don't know the effects of it yet.

I have been on this drug for over a year along with Revatio since the new drug was started I can tell it made a difference in my breathing. I side effect is the stuffy nose, but that can be handled with nose spray. Patricia

this made my husband worse he took this 5 months he said I can not take this it is killing me and 6 weeks later he passed away I strongly believe this was a major factor in his death he vomited could hardly breath this got bad after he took letairis for10 weeks trying to get use to it

i am so pleased with Letairis**** my pressures during right heart cath were 136 i was very bad. i havent had a recent check but i know it must be way down. sometomes i almost feel like a normal person,my only fear is . .. since this drug is $7,000 per month that i will not be able to stay on it I dont have any side effects ,i hope others have results like me. i will update this in a few mts ps been taking 2mts so far yippie

I have PAH secondary to Scleroderma. I have been traking Letaris for 3 years and it has helped a lot.

i have had pah for 4 years,Letairis has giving me my life back.I can do pretty much anything i want now.

it has work wonters for me.i gave it a five start

This drug has been a miracle for me. Before taking Letairis, my PA was 90 measured with a heart catheter. Now it is down to 33!!! Now after a little over two years, I walk 2-3-miles 3-4 times a week, I have some edema but control it with mild diuretics. I was afraid to take this drug initially,because of the potential side effects, but when even the simplest tasks left me winded, I agreed to try it. Within two weeks I was walking without being winded, within one month I was walking 1 mile a day at lunch. Without this medication I am sure I would not have survived 2+ years.In addition to PAH I also have Cardiomyopathy. I am grateful for this medication and would advise anyone who suffers from PAH to try it.

I took this medication for 2 weeks and all of my joints were affected. This is not the usual reaction, but after not using it for about 5 days, my joints no longer were painful. Sure wish it had worked.