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Generic Name: Bromocriptine Mesylate

Brand Name: Parlodel

Parlodel Drug and Medication User Reviews

in 1984, after 7 years of trying other medications, my cervical dystonia had me frozen, my neck to my shoulder, when given parlodel, =with therapy I was able to begin moving my neck and head slowly when asked to the right and then to the left, it was a complete wonderful change for me have continued with it now into 2014 at 15mg a day, no problems,have cervical dystonia with pain for 37 years, alleviated by botox injections, starting in 1986 with Dr. M. Brin and continue now with them, my life is 99% easier

Mental Disorder with Loss of Normal Personality & Reality, it caused unlawful/unruley psychotic black-out episodes followed by conduct unbecoming.

I Have hyperprolactinemia so i have been using this drug for around 6 years. I don't remember any side effects at all. I still have had trouble getting pregnant...trying for 6 years, just failed my 3rd IUI. I was just wondering if parlodel masks pregnancy symptoms. Does anyone know? Thanks!

well i have been taking parlodel now for about 2 months. i have notice some changes in my boby. my breast does not hurt( tenderness) anymore and the lactating stop, my dizzy spells decrease, and also my headaches. at the start of taking this drug sleepy and lightheaded now 2 months later and awaiting still

i have been taking parlodel now for about 3 weeks. t first the side effects were noticeable with me.. dizziness, tiredness and sleepy all the time...as if i was just dragging myself round...now after three weeks i sometimes feel a strange sensation on my left side on my face ( over my eyes) and am not sure what this means.

have use this drug it work for me.can i still use it again because i want another baby.

I was first diagnose with pituitary microadenoma at the age of 15.I was only taking 1/2 dose during bedtime.I felt very awful because of d side effect such as dizzeness,nuasea,hot flushes,sleepiness,etc.But eveentually I got to use to it and my prolactine level got lowered. It really help me a lot by taking this madecine to control the pituitary growth of my microadenoma.

the medication has alway made me feel sick and about three hours after taking it I would through up . I have had a very tired feeling almost like I am getting the flu.

I was given this medication many years ago by my OB even though I clearly told the hospital that I planned to breast feed my child. I did not know that I was getting this medication or even knew that something like this drug existed. I tried to reverse the medication and almost committed suicide when I could not reverse the medication. They no longer use it on maternity wards because they think that it causes cancer and obviously other problems too.

I honestly love Bromo! Been on 2.5 mg now for a week after gradually increasing dose upwards from 0.625. Since starting am finally sleeping! Have lost 22 lbs in 21/2 weeks, can make fists again and dont have chronic headaches! Most important that every two people with the same condition may respond very differently to each medication. I started initially on Cabergoline for elevated Prolactin and Growth Hormone. I felt awful, could not get off of couch and GH levels didnt budge, took a two week drug holiday (with exception of Testosterone replacement) and started Bromo 31/2 weeks ago. I am very happy with it! Be patient, be honest with your Dr and be willing to try different things till you find the one that works for both you and your condition!! Good luck!

it causes naesal congestion and headach for me.

I was taking this medicine for years because of high prolactin levels after pituitary tumor removal. I stopped using because it was decreasing my human growth hormone, which, in turn, decreased muscle mass and bone density. While on this expensive prescription in my thirties, my body was having aging symptoms of someone in their seventies. After stopping usage, human growth hormone increased to a normal level, muscle mass increased, and body is acting it's age instead of 40 years older. No more brain fog nor fatigue. Although my prolactin level decreased while on this medicine, it was not worth the side effects I experienced.

Gave me headaches and nausea until I started taking with ice cream or sour cream--just a tablespoon or so and the side effects were gone! If I take it without dairy the symtoms come back and cause sleeplessness.

I have had irregular periods since i was a teen and had recently taken a blood test to diagnose the problem. My ob found a slightly increased level of prolactin, but found no hyperprolactinoma after an MRI. I was put on bromocriptine anyway and three weeks later, I had a period. The side effects (extreme drowsiness, headache and stuffy nose)were a bit strong at first, but subsided after a few weeks.

I have not tried this med but am on Sandostatin LAR instead. My question is about the cost. My once a month shot costs about #3,200 every month which drives my insurance rates thru the roof. Can anyone give me an idea of the costs for this drug?

I was diagnosed almost 7 years ago with a Pituitary Macro Adenoma and have been on Parlodel/Bromocriptine ever since. My levels were 3900 and dropped to around 8. I successfully went through 2 pregnancies while taking the medication (slighly lower dosage). Although I still experience morning nausea if I do not eat anything (usually a handful of cereal is all it takes), this medicine saved me from having to have surgery and has kept the size of my tumor from growing all these years.

parlodel was given to me in 1985 and it enabled me to get my thoughts from my brain to the muscle I was trying to use, it also helped control the pain with my spastic tortocollis, I have tried the generic for 2 months after taking the brand for 22 years, and when I was totally on the generic I got into so much pain I was curling up on the floor, like I did when my first slow onset of tortocollis in 1977 after a snow skiing fall on my basil ganglia stated my dystonia and so little was known about it, but is has been a saving grace to my quality of life and I stay on a low dosage, it used to be twice as much 5mg three times a day