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Generic Name: calcitriol

Brand Name: Vectical topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

If you would make this as a cream that would be terrific. Ointment is too thick to get on with ease.

I was prescribed Vectical on 12/2012 by my dermatologist. When I went for my physical in July of 2013 I was diagnosed with HYPERCALCEMIA. I stopped all vitamins or anything with calcium. I've been to endocrinologist, dermatologists,pulmorary, eye dr.with no answers to my condition which made my nails hand/feet look like claws, I'm exhausted all the time. The MSDS provided by the pharmacy did not mention this HORRIBLE side effect of this product. Only the clinical pharmacology mentions it. What do I do now.

I had severe reactions, dizzy, breathing problems, confusion & had no idea it was this ointment. I reported this to my Doctor who had no idea it was a side effect and a rather severe one. I used this 21 months & stopped when the sores were so raw for using it. Directions said to apply to affected area if body everyday as directed, never was told not to exceed the warning amount. My rash was all over my body.

im in need of this ointment, and i really need help in receiving help to pay.it's because my medicad won't.im disable and my hands and feet are really bad.my dr. has prescribed other meds. but my conditions always return.sometimes more servere.this vectical has really healed the skin to where i have use of my hands and i can walk without so much payne. my derm.dr. is 140 miles round trip and she tells me this $800.00 a tube. every time i run out and use other ointments im right back where i started. please email if you have any advice for me to get help on receiving this medicine. thank you and may god bless you for such a wonder med.

I use vectical along with zithranol for pustular psoriasis on my right heel. I have used this medication for nearly 2 years; and, have had no outbreaks.

I was diagnosed with pustular psoriasis on both my hands and feet over 2 yrs ago. I have been on multiple medications and treatments (light therapies and laser treatments) The laser treatments helped the most. After stopping the laser treatments I was using two topical medications(Clobetasol & Vectical). I currently have stopped using Clobetasol and am now only using Vectical. My hands and feet are almost clear with very little flair ups. I actually heard about Vectical on the Dr Oz show and mentioned it to my dermatologist who then prescribed it. Vectical applied twice a day on both my hands and feet is working very well for me.

I also have Fibromyalgia and RA, my hands are deformed and quite crooked. I have used this now about a month. Using a cotton swab I have been able to cover the areas that need to be covered without any discomfort with my hands. This has been a good medication for me.

This worked great for as a regular maintenance drug in between my monthly clobex lotion usage. Clobex works great for me but I can't use it regularly. Vectical slows my psoriasis flareups enough to make this a great routine for me. My only complaint is the ointment form, it can be messy and difficult to apply.

it does itch and i find myself waking up at night to itch my foot then it is bleeding by morning.