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Generic Name: Candesartan Cilexetil

Brand Name: Atacand

Atacand Drug and Medication User Reviews

I lost more than 3/4 of my hair from this drug. I had to go to a dermatologist for her to diagnose what was causing my hair loss and pinned it down to this drug. My hair started coming back in after I discontinued this drug.

The warning that this drug may be harmful to small children and pregnant women should have been a major red flag. I've been on BP meds for years. After retiring and losing 20 lbs Doc switched me to 4 MG (half a 8 MG pill) Atacand looking for a weaker med. After being on Atacand for a month I ended up in the ER after my BP kept climbing all day (150/110), dizziness and pressure on my chest. I also was experiencing mental confusion. When they asked me in the ER who the president was, it took me a good 30 seconds to come up with his name! Very concerning. After being back on half a dose of my old med for a week, I am back to feeling like myself again. Avoid this drug if at all possible.

I have been on Atacand for 3 months. I immediately noticed bags under my eyes and tiredness. i have since noticed my hair thinning. i now have pain in my chest and blocked ear canals. The med has certainly lowered my blood pressure.

It works great on lowering my BP.Other meds have not done so. Only problem is it makes my Back hurt, my gut swell & have lost massive amounts of hair.

Why is my supplier and also many local drug stores unable to get the generic brand of candesartan? I now have to take the brand name and because we have to purchase through mail order, it is quite expensive! Is there an ingredient missing? Anyone know what the problem is? Thank you!

been on it for 3 years along with hct water pill. sometimes it works. but blood pressure still rises. not in the normal range. doctor put me on atenolol. will see if this helps.

have got most side effects even to the point of having endoscopy which was fine so I beleave it was a side effect of the tablets one side effect is food hard to swollow

Taking Atacand 16mg for about 6 months. Works effectively in keeping BP down, but now have Burning Mouth Syndrome. Pharmacist says this is due to the build up of chemicals in the drug. Dr. says "not to worry." Also found hair is thinning. Well, at least I'm alive.

Have had no problems with 8mg. Love it. Recently bp jumped up after 2 surgeries so Dr. added Bystolic, not digging it so far, now I have weird chest pains. Hoping after recovery can go back to just Atacand only.

I take 8mgs/day. I sometimes experience coughing, vertigo and itching. I started on a much cheaper generic, but it gave me a hacking cough 24/7.

Only my systolic is ever high. I take no other meds. Usually 128/60 Pulse 60. on medication. Off=150/60 or sometimes systolic is higher. Tried to get by on 16 but need 32 and take it at night. Other meds for BP were awful. Can't take diuretics, K falls too low and get cramps. Pain seems to make my B.P high. Have arthritis.

I've been on Atacand plus 16mg for only 3 months and have notice joint pain in my hands, whether this is due to the drug or not can not say for sure. It has been effective in getting my blood pressure back to we're it should been. Must admit a little worried reading other comments that users may have obtained liver & kidney damage due to this medication, will be speaking to my GP about this when I see him next month for a follow up visit.

The info given when you buy your drug do'es not list all side effects. Thanks to Atacand I now have cirhosis. I had a C T scan in Jan. 2013 and no sign of it last week it was found on a new scan.I took it over 3 years and am fed up with drug companys! You can only find out the possible side effects if you look up the drugs on Web M D John

this was very dangerous for me, shortness of breath, I am very active had to quit the gym, could not walk more than half a block when I was gasping for breath, pharmacist told me that it effected by lungs; now off of if and on a duretic only; lost 2 kg and my bp dropped 3 points

I take half of a 4 mg Atacand and all I can say is that after taking it about 1-2 hrs later I am so tired, my stomach is upset all day, and have a cough. My doctor told me to take 4 mg, with these side effects on just 2 mg I have to be insane to take 4. People talk to your doctor you are the only ones that really know how your body feels, and make sure they are listening.

I have been using this medication for about 10 years and have had no problems with this medication

Since I have been on this med I have sinusitis, wheezing, leg and joint pain, insomnia, and am now noticing more problems with itching and rashes. I have made these complaints to my doctor. I have seen warnings of the drugs in this category and don't understand what it will take other than death for doctors to make connections of the drug and side-effects when presented at office visits. Why does the FDA not step in and stop the pharmaceutical companies from distributing drugs such as these. One has to see the commercials after people have died or suffered. I am going to request to be put on another medication for my treatment. Some doctors have a "god complex" and don't listen.

weight gain and fatigue