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Generic Name: Carbidopa and Levodopa Capsules

Brand Name: Rytary

Rytary Drug and Medication User Reviews

Originally prescribed Sinemet and experienced severe nausea. Change of doctors and was prescribed Rytary about 4 months ago. Symptoms are lessened and the nausea is very minimal. 2 capsules 3 times a day and using with Rasagiline.

Diagnosed with PD at age 62. I am now 78. I take 8 capsules of Rytary 245 daily and supplement with carbidopa/levodopa 25/100 as needed. It is the best extender so far. I was getting too much dyskinesia. The cost isvery high with my medicare advantage plan. Over $500 per month my cost when in the drug coverage gap.

I was diagnosed with PD at 49 (am now 62). I take 3 capsules (36.25-145mg) 4 times a day, and have found it to be better than all the other meds I have been prescribed. One downfall is I canâ??t eat 30-60 minutes before/after a dose otherwise it doesnâ??t absorb properly. I also find that it doesnâ??t work as well by the evening dose (5pm). I also cannot take it overnight as it gives me terrible dreams/nightmares. Itâ??s expensive ($75 per month co-pay) but Iâ??m the only person who is prescribed it at my pharmacy so they always order/keep it in stock for me. All that said, it is the best PD med I have taken to date.

I began this medication two weeks ago. Within six the saran wrap that had been wound so tightly around my brain and body for 3 years was gone! nothing is perfect, I have to figure out dosing, but I am much improved.

When I was put on Rytary my symptoms improved a lot. Very happy with this medicine. Have been on for 2 years at the lowest dosage and so far still working. I also take Pramipexole with it.

Since diagnosed with PD in 2001, I have beenfortunate to be on a "Very slow progression." I did note agree to taking Sinemet until 2008. By 2016, while still slow PD progression, my neurologist felt I should try a newer drug, Rytary, rather than again increasing my Sinemet dosage. It took a short while to find the correct dosage amount to take but along with Entacapone, I have been helped greatly by the Rytary and a equally effective exercise program started in Ohio, David Zid's "Delay the Disease;"

I was given samples to take 1 "23/95" capsule 3 times/day for 1 week and then if experiencing no problems was instructed to go to 2 capsules 3 times/day. The tremor was not noticeable during the second week taking 6 caps/day. On the other hand, I had been on regular carbidopa/levodopa 25/100 taking 2 tablets 3 times/day, and the results were the same. There were no periods of "downtime"where the medication wasn't effective in either case.

Eliminated, or suppressed, many Parkinson's traits and improved balance and other known Parkinson's problems.

Not totally reliable and finding the right dose takes a while and a continuing 'tweaking' but overall more on-time. Seems very sensitive to food and works best take an hour before or two hours after eating ... a snack in between is okay

The extended release is more effective than the carb/levo combinations. My carb/levo dosage was 5 pills 5 times a day, with Rytary its 3 pills 4 times a day. I have some days when I am almost totally free of symptoms. Stressful days exacerbate the symptoms. The only downside is I am becoming more emotional. The other day, I smelled the chicken my husband had just finished cooking. I haven't been able to smell for over 15 years.

The symptoms never have gone away.