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Generic Name: Chlorambucil

Brand Name: Leukeran

Leukeran Drug and Medication User Reviews

Is working but slow and the price is a lot.

This drug seems to have some serious side effects but I wanted to share my experience. My cat has Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia and the vet prescribed her Leukeran after Cyclosporine didn't work. So far, we have been having good results with the Leukeran and prednisone to supress her immune system. She was losing weight so we put her on cyproheptadine. I am praying it keeps working and other owners who have had to deal with this awful diagnosis will know to give it a try!

Cold Agglutinin Disease diagnosed June 2010. First treatment was 4 rounds of Rituxan. Titer's were at 20,400 and even after taking Leukeran for months they remain the same. Dr. recently increased the dose from 4mg to 6mg. per day. Will see if the increased dosage helps. The only side effects I have noticed is occasional nausea and seem to be tired more than usual.

My 74 year old brother contracted CLL. The hemoatologist precribed Leukeran. After only 7 weeks my brothers white cell count went from 207,000 all the way down to 4,800. He was take off the pills. Now white count increasing slightly each week, but no where near what it was. After 8 weeks off the pill the white cell count is only at 13,100. We highly recommend that you ask your doctor about this drug if you contract CLL.

developed cancer cells of skin after 3 weeks of pills. looked alot like chicenpox at the beginning, but turned to red bumps which had to biopsied.

had no side effects with this drug.