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Generic Name: Clomipramine Hcl

Brand Name: Anafranil

Anafranil Drug and Medication User Reviews

I Have OCD And This Medicine Intensified My OCD And Intrusive Thoughts And Made Me Feel Crazy.

Where do I begin. Anxiety from obsessive terrible thoughts, ruminations, no control of thoughts. Finally an 85 year old Psychiatrist at the time, asked me what my Father did, I said Doctor, brother? Lawyer, me? Iâ??m a sales rep for technical products. He said. â?? your obsessiveâ?. He got me off of Paxil, and transferred me on to Anafranil, 100milligrams. Told me I would feel a lot lot better in two weeks, and I wonâ??t believe him now. He was right, and my symptoms vanished. 15 years on medicine. Taking 50 mil. Now. I Did do the cognitive work as well, therapy, and medicine. So thankful for this medication.

I was prescribed at different times, all SSRI’s and not one helped me with depression and intrusive thoughts. Only 2 weeks on Anafranil 25 mg and I stopped crying and over time it helped me with the intrusion thoughts. I can’t live without it.

It saved my life

was on it for many years made me unstable and anxious I would suggest srris first this as last resort lowest doses necessary I suggest Luvox for ocd.

on many doses for years made me very unstable nervous and agitated. I would suggest trying Luvox, Zoloft and any ssris before this med and keep doses as low as necessary.

I've been wrongfully diagnosed with bipolar and BPD. Lithium and antipsychotics caused homicidal thoughts made me feel horrible. SSRIs were off the table since my mom nearly murdered my dad on them. Finally psychiatrist prescribed Anafranil. I'ven on 100mg for a month. This medication caused my mild, every once in a while involuntary kicking to become frequent full body tics - but IT'S WORTH IT. The violent thoughts that were destroying me are gone. The tics are a rare side effect. The only other side effect I've had was constipation, which got better after adding more fiber. I definitely recommend this.

I have severe OCD, I tried this ten years ago but did not stick with it. I have been on it for three weeks and obsession gone. The lack of energy has reduced since I stuck with it. You have to watch your diet and calorie intake. I am feeling what I assume is normal and will continue.

Anafranil was pretty good for depression. But it didn't help with my OCD. Also, it caused racing heart at only 75mg, which scared me. And it was sedating' even during the day.

I used to take sertraline (Zoloft) for my panic attacks associated with emetophobia and panic disorder. At first it worked partially, but then I got worse. I tried clomipramine (Anafranil) due to family members doing well on it in the past. I still have some anxiety very occasionally but I can say it does not interfere with my everyday life like it used to.

I took it for a few months when first diagnosed with severe OCD. I went from 180 pounds to 220 pounds with a craving for sweets. I think the craving come from being so weak. I should have watched my diet but had become so depressed and having so many panic attacks due to the OCD this medication made a very positive difference in my life!

This nmed stopped 90-95% of my obsessive thoughts! The down fall is I have gained 40 pounds! I so need advice for what I can do to lose the weight. Nothing is working!

I was on anafranilfor probably ten years...Still had ocd thoughts wanted to try something different tapered off of it been on for 2 weeks feel pretty shitty off of it wonder how long it will last

After trying other types of medication for depression, I felt lucky to have been prescribed this medicine. For the other medicines, I experienced sleepyness and could not drive with out fighting sleep. I would have to pull over and rest as well as take naps. But with anafranil, I had no such problems. i do feel hot sometimes when no one else is but thought it was menapause. The past 6 months, the price has gone out of control to $500 for 1 months supply. I am asking my doctor to prescribe something similar than is more affordable.

Have taken intermittently for over 30 years. Always works superbly but takes about 8 weeks to be effective and side effects can be quite brutal. But well worth the wait.

I Was on Anafranil for about 13 years for OCD and anxiety. During that time I developed a whole host of gastrointestinal issues stemming from chronic constipation. My anxiety and OCD were almost non-existent and after this long I decided to try life without this medication. The withdrawal was hard. Muscle twitches, restlessness, and crying at Hallmark commercials. After a month they went away. What also went away??? My horrible, chronic, constipation! I went from pooping three times a week, passing out on occasion whilst attempting, to going twice a day! Life is better off the med. Something to note, when combined with Amitiza my seizure threshold was lowered enough to trigger a 10 minute grand mal seizure. I do not have epilepsy, or any other seizure disorder, and have been released by the neurologist. Apparently both Amitiza and Anafranil are both cleared by the liver and the Anafranil level in my blood was so high after adding the Amitiza (a med used to combat chronic constipation) that it caused me to have a seizure.

I am BiPolar 2 and my mood swings were awful. Within a month of starting Abilify my moods started to normalize and today, 2 years later I am more stable then I have ever been….

within days I no longer check things all the time like if my doors are locked, if my wallet is in my purse, repeatedly checking my work at the office 5-6 times over and over again. It is effective on half the starting dose for me and I am 105 lbs.

A much more effective drug for OCD than Zoloft or Luvox. Also great for minor aches and pains associated with depression.

I took this med and it has made me really sick and had mult-symptoms from it :( I think it does work for others though