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Generic Name: Clonidine Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Kapvay

Kapvay Drug and Medication User Reviews

My child i2 13 and may have taken a double dose. What should we do

My son is 12 years old. He is Autistic, ODD, ADHD and Bi-polar. This medication was suppose to treat the impulsive rage that he has. It helped at first, but after the second week, it stopped working. My doctor just decided to change drugs due to how intense my son's 'freak out' moments were getting. The drug did work very well at first. It was the first time in a long time that we went a FULL 2 days with NO drama!!! That was a welcomed blessing from above!

Did not help with my dd focus, concentration, and impulsivity. It did work on her hyperness..but mellowed her too much...also this medicine was very expensive when you are taking 2mg am and pm as prescribed. DD had upper respiratory infections, sore throats and legtharic proper dose.

My son is now 8. Was diagnosed with ADHD 12 months ago and has taken Capvay from the start. It has worked very well. Takes 2 in the morning and 2 at dinner. If we forget, usually at night, you can really tell the difference. The first thing the next morning you now RIGHT AWAY if he missed. Wow! We switched health plans and now they are charging us $350 avg for month for 120 pills. I just looked at the reviews on Intuniv, NO WAY I will switch him to that, I'll pay the money and look for better insurance. I highly recommend CapVay. The only thing is that it can make him sleepy from time to time, but he used to wear out from the HD and crash all the time, so not really much difference there anyway.

When my son started taking kapvay, it was great. He had already been taking clonodine, so this was a nice long acting version that allowed me to give him much less Focalin (his other med). However, after about two months, he developed a severe facial tick, pulling one side of his mouth back, had trouble focusing his eyes, and was pulling his eye back and blinking as well. Fortunately, after taking him off of it, he is 98% better. We were sorry we couldn't use it anymore, but be on the lookout for these symptoms.

My son is 6 year old 1st grader and currently takes Vyvanse and Kapvay. Kapvay is of course the more recent medication. Vyvanse worked alright for awhile on it's own but he started talking way too much and was too wired to go to sleep. I was constantly receiving notes from school about him beind disruptive and talking too much then of course bedtime was a battle. Before kapvay we'd have to stay up with him until he was tired enough to sleep. If we put him to bed at his usual 8:30 he'd talk for like 2 hours straight. As soon as we started Kapvay it was great. It helped take the edge off and he started getting tired around bedtime FINALLY! No more staying up with my 6 year old. And behavior has improved in school. He currently takes 50mg of Vyvanse and 0.2mg daily (Kapvay twice daily 0.1mg in the morning and 0.1mg just after dinner). I was surprised at how quickly it started to work since it says it does not really work until 5 weeks of taking the meds. He has only been taking Kapvay 3 weeks now but we saw changes in his sleeping at the end of the first week and behavior changes at school the 2nd week! Considering it's only been 3 weeks I can't wait to see how things will be at 5 weeks. Kapvay has definitely made me hopeful. And my son is much happier. I would say the only side effect he's experiencing which I didn't even really realize until today is the dry mouth. He's been drinking more water lately and he typically hates water. So it's kind of a plus for us although we do keep an eye on him in case he starts overdoing it.

Love this drug my five year old has been on this for 6months and she sleeps all night.

My little girl is 4 years old and was diagnosed with ADHD combination she is on both Kapvay and risperidone both are twice a day and they both work just fine she takes a nap in the afternoon and is in bed by 10 before it was hell to even get her to sit down. It was hard at first to give her the meds because they are in pill form and she is a small child but after a while she was able to do it on her own and even tells me when it is time to take her pills.

My son developed a head tic after being on ADD medicine for 20 days. Kapvay has helped with the tic quite a bit although when he is over stimulated it still comes out in full force. Currently, he is not on ADD meds anymore, just the Kapvay .3mg. In the beginning it did make him very tired and each time we dose-up it starts the tiredness over but after about 2 weeks he's almost back to normal. If you ask him, he would rather be a little tired than to have the head tic. I don't know that I would say it has helped with his focus or concentration but it has slowed him down which helps with his classroom behavior.