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Generic Name: Dalfampridine Extended-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Ampyra

Ampyra Drug and Medication User Reviews

Diagnosed with MS in 2011. I was tripping and falling and losing balance and numbness. My walking and leg weakness is my biggest issue now. Slow, weak, atrophied, and poor balance. I started ampyra 6 months ago. My walking speed and duration has improved a lot. I feel my balance is a bit better too. Is it a miracle? No, but I can walk a long way before fatigue and tripping set in. I also think it has helped with urinary and bowl issues. I’ll continue it.

I was diagnosed with MS in 1994 just after graduating college. The only drug offered for treatment then was an anti-depressant. I went on to use Copaxone for years and then Rebif before being done with shots and switching to Gilenya and Ampyra. Ampyra helped me for over 11 years to keep driving, going to the grocery store, walking out to my own backyard and livingh as close as possible to a normal life. Last year after ,my father passed away and a time of extreme stress I had my first ever seizure and spent a few days in the hospital before going home. I now know just how much the Ampyra was helping me because even walking to the bathroom in time is a struggle with the help of a walker since I had to stop the medication. I haven't driven since last March because you have to wait a year after a seizure, but even when time was up and I was cleared by doctors, I still felt my right leg was now too weak to press the break properly. Even though I now have to take anti seizure meds for 4 more years it's still not recommended that I can ever take Ampyra again. I really miss the freedom and independence it allowed me.

I had severe back and tailbone pain. Stopped taking Ampyra no more pain like that since

This drug raises my A1C to twice the number if I don't take making me a diabetic and when I don't take my A1C are at regular levels. According to doctor this happens frequently to women taking this drug. no one told me.

I was officially diagnosed in 2012 I started taking the ampyra a few months later it helped my walking from the start. I have now been on it over 5 years and now that it is going generic my assistance with the cost is also gone. Since I have been taking it my husband has died and I live alone. 5-9-17 I fell and broke hip and wrist. I had surgery and rehab but now my MS has [progressed so much that I can hardly walk and have to use a wheelchair. I believe the anpyra is what helps me be able to stay by myself. I am worried that if I have to stop taking it because I can't afford it what walking I have will be gone and I won't be able to stay on my own. I am not afraid to live in a nursing home but I have a house and I write and paint all of which I will lose if I go to a nursing home. I have worked all my life and have little savings and now I'm retired and this happens. I have looked into several help sites but no luck yet. any advice will help

This gave my wife seizure’s she almost died in a head on collision behind the wheel having one. Once she stopped taking it no more seizures.

At 6 weeks, benefit/cost-risk analysis is not positive. The minimal improvements for the cost are not worth it.

I started Ampyra 7 days ago and already Im noticing huge differences in leg strength and ambulation.First 3 days I had minor side effects to include increased burning sensation in my legs, day 4 increased stamina and I was all over the house walking instead of sitting, day 6 went shopping without extreme exaustion or feelings of my legs giving out. I know its not a cure but Im extremely happy with this medication, in my case its helping me tame the beast in only 7 days, beyond exited!

My progressive MS was making walking increasingly difficult and difficult to move legs with each step. It is expensive but there are more ways to get payments covered than before to keep a sorta-low copayment. It has helped with walking - no change in any other conditions. I still drag the one leg a little bit but can get around a bit easier. Not a block-buster - it won't get me dancing a tango.. or any dance at all... just a better walk than before. If you can afford the cost i recommend it. Ask you insurance about co-payment from the manufacturer.

Made me worse after 2 weeks. Before drug I was very in control. Now, major setback.

I have had a vast improvement in my quality of life!!! Improvements in my mobility and balance are evident!!! I still have MS issues but this medication has certainly helped me deal with them.. It is a game changer for me!!!

First trial with this medication, 10 days in I had a great worsening in my walking... thought maybe a relapse. Second trial with it months later, had burning sensation in my legs that was so incredibly bad I was in tears. Only took three doses. This drug does not agree with me AT all.

Been on one year has not improved walk as matter of fact right now not walking at all going off

Walking has improved. No spasms in left leg lately. But after a month on ampyra my tongue started to hurt when eating spicy foods. Then my whole mouth was in pain. I could eat anything nor use listerine after brushing. Very painful.

When I take it as prescribed, I walk like a normal person, although I can't push it all day and wouldn't dare run. Only worry is that if I run out, I find myself having great difficulty walking - seems to be much more acute than before I started taking it. An effect of ampyra or a coincidence?

Took it for 2 wks before the dreaded UTI showed up. No noticeable benefit from taking it.

Off Amprya after 15 days. Side effects:1)major hot flash 1.5 hrs after taking, lasted about 15 min, 2)about 2 hrs after taking made very sleepy and slept for 3 hours,3)by day 5 gait and balance worse, 4) by day 8 felt very spacey like head not connected to body. Side effects intensified balance & gait troubles. After 7 days off med I am back to where I was before starting. Still walk with a cane. Was hopeful that I would be able to give up the cane. Not sorry that I tried.

Experiencing very bad burning skin on my legs like a bad sunburn on my skin. Don't know if it is from Ampyra or not, but I was on it when it first came out, and then stopped because my Neuro said I wasn't walking "fast enough" then went back on to see if it would help with the "quicksand feeling" I will say I forgot if that is helping because the burning is so bad I want off but waiting for my Drs. appt.

no assistance did nothing, paid cash