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Generic Name: Danazol

Brand Name: Danazol

Danazol Drug and Medication User Reviews

I got diagnosed with endometriosis earlier in January this year (2018) through laparoscopy surgery. It was so reliving to know that the severe pains I have been having all these years was not in my head, but it was so scary to find out, because my partner and I really want to have children, and I understand that this could affect that later in the future. My gynaecologist recommended that I go on either Lupron (leuprolide) injection, or Danazol capsules for 3months to basically dry up any remains of the disease. Reason being is because they can scrape out as much as possible during surgery, but there might still be a few cells of it left that can multiply again, so in order to give your body an as fresh possible start, these are the best options. And knowing how much I want to have children, she told me it would be the best thing to do, than to be back with a worser stage of it, but of course she left it up to me to decide. After reading all the reviews on the Lupron injection, I was terrified. I understand that some women have no problems with it, but maority have claimed that it has caused osteoporosis in their bodies, and it has ruined their lives. Some claim that it helped them get pregnant in the future, but it ruined their bodies so much that they couldn't even enjoy having kids, and things like breaking bones during pregnancy. It was such a scary decision to make. I decided to go with Danazol on the basis that, it is a steroid based drug as opposed to a hormone based (as hormones screw with my body too much), and I understand that it dries up your estrogen and progesterone, but at least I am not pumping another hormone in my body. I can stop it anytime. And after talking to my friends who are pharmacists, we all sat down and did research and found the bone degrading side effects to have been slightly lesser in Danazol. If I felt that I could feel the effects too much, I would stop straight away. The only downfall is having to diligently take it at the same

I am 47 years old woman. I have cystic disease of the breast in others words I don't have breast I have a lot of cystic that make my breasts. My new doctor prescribed Danazol 100mg. The bottle say "Take 1 capsule by mouth twice daily increase as tolerated to 2 capsules twice daily". I have pain in both breast and after I took the capsule my pain got worst. I was hoping that my breast get smallest, but didn't happen. Then I starting bleeding for weeks. Now, I have a new problem in my hands, work with my vaginal bleeding. Other problem I have is my weight, I gain weight since I start it taking this medication. For me this prescription doesn't work.

It has not helped with my endometriosis at all. I am experiencing extreme nausea and vomiting. It is making me mentally unstable as well, along with hallucinations. The worse part is my abdominal pain is worse than ever.

200 mg a day. Started 6 months ago. During first month had excessive swelling of feet and ankles. Some joint and muscle pain. Headaches and migraines. At 6 months an extreme spike in blood pressure and severe dizziness. Immediately discontinued use. Also, menstral bleeding stopped after 3 months use, but returned in the 4th month. It didn't work as it was supposed to and side effects were brutal.

Prior to the treatment, I had a large endometriomia cyst removed which encompassed my ovary. When I first started the danazol I felt horrible. I have severe headaches and vomiting, but these side effects went away. After 6 months of the treatment I still was bleeding daily, so my doctor has put me on Divigel for 7 days and scheduled an ultrasound.

this treatment cause me liver problems so i reccomend to ask your doctor about using it

I am very dizzy and drunk feeling.. I feel disoriented not sure about taking it ..will discuss with doc after reading reviews that it makes others sick. Not sure of effectiveness havent been on it that long

I have been taking danazol for 10 years because I have hereditary angioedema. I have to take this medication or I end up in the hospital. I wish I could find the company that makes this medication because Sometimes I can't afford the danazol.

I have been on this medication for 2 years. My dosage has increased to 100mg twice daily. I do not have breast pain anymore. Slight weight gain and flushing but nothing severe.

I'm on a low dose 100/day for breast pain. Breast pain reduced but not gone. Side effects include lower back pain, dizziness, frequent (daily) bleeding/spotting and a weird feeling in my throat, like I swallowed a grape that won't go all the way down the esophagus (I didn't see this listed in the posted side effects). Some vomiting, but without nausea - weird. No weight gain on this low dose. Anyway, I've been on it a month and will continue the drug to see if the breast pain goes away completely (I hope the bleeding stops too). My breast pain was so bad, even these side effects are worth the reduction in pain I have experienced so far.

I have been on Danazol for 42 years. It has proven to be effective in preventing HAE.The main side affect for me has been weight gain.

I am taking it for ITP and it has kept my platlets up but I am concerned about the side effects

i have used this drug for 15 years with no side effects controls H A very well

I recently had the dose increased to 200 mg daily to reduce breast itching. It appears to be working because my breast cysts fluid activity has decreased. I don't have to have the painful aspirations as often and the pain has stopped. I want to know about long term effects too. So far I've only had slight weight gain but not sure how new dosage will affect my weight. Some doctors say take for a while where as my new prescription will be ongoing.


it makes me feel drowsy, moody and un balance. i also felt a bit heaty and headache. what i hate the most, i put on weight easily eventhough on diet.

14 years of infertility. Surgery for endometriosis / adhesions followed by 6 months Danocrine. Result one baby girl...29 year old lawyer with no birth defects. Could not be better. For me.....only mild pain after pregnancy.