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Generic Name: Deferasirox Tablets

Brand Name: Jadenu

Jadenu Drug and Medication User Reviews

Have taken this Drug since 07/26/18. Has worked for the most of the time. accouple of times Ferritin level increased, but has gone down from 3300 to 1200.

My 10 year old daughter takes this medication for her Hemaglobin H Disease/Thalassemia disorder - her Iron stores were through the roof and since starting this medication, she is now iron deficient and her bilirubin level is now high. the pills are quite large and she can not swallow them, we are having to crush them and she is not a fan of the bitter taste.

after 10 days taking it I developed an extreme rash over my entire body. Dr. said to discontinue immediately. Have not pursued any other treatment, iron level did decrease while on the drug.

I have Sideroblastic Anemia combined with Chronic Iron Overload and was prescribed Jadenu in hopes that my steadily increasing ferritin level would go down. The drug has been very effective in doing this however I had to stop taking it because of severe gut issues, extreme tiredness and muscle weakness caused by skyrocketing liver functions. My Doctor has taken me off the medication and now I'm in limbo as far as treatment is concerned since the anemia prevents me being phlebomotized.