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Generic Name: Deutetrabenazine Tablets

Brand Name: Austedo

Austedo Drug and Medication User Reviews

It gave me anoise like a tune in my head. The doctor doesn't want to say the caused it but it started when I started taking the medication. I am going to sue also.

Do NOT NOT NOT take this drug! They do not tell you the real side effects. You dont know until you go only ine and see for yourself. If I live through this I CAN'T WAIT to sue these LIARS. It's coming. How dare you play with people's health like this. How dare you. Pure greeed.

I am a 53 year old Male. I started Astedo for Tardive Dyskinesia. I am on 6mg dose twice a day, it has taken most of my symptoms away. Only symptom I have is uncontrollably chewing but it has definitely made it less of an issue. I have no blinking issues anymore, no lip smacking, no tongue movements and no trunk movements when standing. I felt as if I was having tourettes syndrome experience, and it was keeping me away from people and going out. Now I am happy to say that it has given me my.life back. I have had no significant issues or side effects with this drug. I had to fight the insurance company to get it as I was taking antipsychotic medication and they would not approve the drug due to its cost. It is approximately $4800.00 for 60 pills! But after much fighting my psychologist got the medication approved. If you have TD, I recommend this drug highly. Your doctor will give you what is called an A.I.M.S. test, and if you score a 6 or above on this test they will recommend this drug for you, I tested at a 13 but I still have to go in to see where I am at now, I'm sure it is below a 6 now. I have had no problem driving on this medication or operating equipment. Hope this review helps. I am so fortunate to have normalcy in my life now!

Austedo works, sometimes, for the 1st dose. I can go until 5 p.m. or so. Sometimes, I have to take the 2nd dose between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. and even then my mouth becomes painful. I take 24 mg twice daily.

I have been using austedo for one year and 3 months. Am on 48 mg daily for tardive syndrome. It took 2 months to be effective. I would get nauseous when I first starting taking it but you have to take it with food and I wasn't. It has been a miracle wonder drug for me.

Made my insomnia worse and caused me to be nauseous.