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Generic Name: dexamethasone

Brand Name: Decadron oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Treatment for prostate cancer. No relieve of the pain especially during urination. Insomnia is the major side effect I experienced.

I went to the ER for pneumonia and was given this medication through an IV. Despite getting a lower dose I am 6 hours out from getting the drug and feel WORSE! My anxiety is through the roof I have panic disorder and this is making it 10 times worse! My heart is racing (102-104) my head is pounding. I would have never gotten this if I knew. If you suffer any anxiety please do not take this and save yourself the sleeplessness and anxiety it causes!

i am asthma pay sent

Heartburn and unable to sleep.

NEVER AGAIN! I was given Decadron for sciatica. The first day was fine, I did feel a bit "jittery" but nothing that I couldn't tolerate. The second day was o.k. a bit more jittery...that night NO SLEEP! I was literally unable to sleep. Took another dose on day 3 and within an hour complete anxiety had kicked it. My heart was racing, BP was high. I could not form complete sentences or think clearly. I went to the doc and was given an anti-anxiety to counteract the effects of the drug. I am day 3 off meds and still suffering effects (brain fog, severe exhaustion, hives, jitters, "crawling skin feeling"). Day 2 off drugs and covered in hives.

My feet have been killing me for a couple years. I finally went to the doc and he prescribed this in a 4mg 8 pill bottle. It was nothing less than miraculous. A slight headache, but well worth the trade of. I can walk upright again...

My face flushes bright red about 30 hours after taking my dose on days 1, 8, 15 & 22 of chemotherapy. I also experience terrible feet & calf muscle cramps for the first 1 or 2 days. I also have trouble sleeping for the first 2 days after taking it.

Relieved back pain but no effect on nerve pain

This was prescribed for 5yr old daughter. She had strep and a very painful mouth. Fortunately she spit out 1/2 the dose. Several hours level she became a hostile and very angry human being. It was awful, I thought I had lost my child to a mental disease - it was so sad and disheartening. This lasted for 12-16 hours. We will never allow this drug to be given to our kids again!

After having gamma knife surgery for a menengioma brain tumor, I started having swelling. The dex works ok but I have had so many of the really bad side effects I've had to go off of it. I have not taken any for two weeks now and am still suffering from that drug. There has to be something better out there.

My husband was on this medication following a brain tumor removal meningioma. Started on 8 mg and was gradually taken off of it. Two weeks after that he developed a reaction to the mesh used in his head and ended up in ICU for 10 days. Started back on 12 mg. He was confused, annoyed, nasty. Everything and everyone annoyed him. Taking care of him and being with him has been one of the worst times of my life. He is now down to 2 mg a day and seems to be improving. It is definitely the best worst drug!

In about 15 minutes, I noticed that it made my sinus congestion, extreme phlem, coughing, thoat closing, difficulty breathing through nose and mouth, wheezing easier to breathe.

I do not recommend this medication for any one. Please ask questions before you use this drug. I was given one does of this drug by a small town er doctor. Only one does and they didn't even wean me off the drug. Now am paying the for it. I the side effects flush checks, very moody anxiety, very high, has made my depression worse. I think it made my asthma worse. I have not felt good at all today. Please understand the effects before you take it or use this drug because side effects. If you don't have use it don't not worth it effects of drug. Am stilling dealing with effects of one does and now it making my asthma worse. Plus it makes you feel yuckier.

Increased appetite, sore throat, tightness in throat, diarahea, confusion, hypersensitive mood changes

I hate it. I sleep 2 hours a night with 10mg Valium and Temazepam. My face looks like I've gained 25 pounds but I have only gained about 3! I have the night sweats, acne, flushing. I cannot wait to get off it. I am getting very depressed too and the lack of sleep is NOT helping.

Temporal Lobe 3.2cm meningioma Currently taking 2mg QID. Causes increase heart rate and nervousness. Lucky to sleep 4-6 hours a day. I have been taking for 12 days. Lost 10 lbs. If it is working GREAT. If not I want off. Diagnosis made on Sunday with surgery on Wednesday.

I had to take these pills 13 and 7 hours before my Chemo treatment for Ovarian Cancer. They really helped and I had no adverse reactions to this medicine. I was given extra doses after one of my Chemo treatments because i got sick and they really helped with the nausea and vomiting. My dosage was 5 4mg TABS for each Time that i was to take them.If you are Diabetic you must play close attention to your blood sugar because it will raise your numbers but they should go back to normal in a day or two. Atleast that was my experience.

my mother has to take chemo for ovarian and colon cancer which she has had surgery for she was given the decadron 5 tablets at 4 mg each the night before chemo treatment to counteract the chemo meds affect she has only taken the decadron twice and she experienced bouts of crying, trembling and shakiness. she said this was not worth it she was not taking anymore of it. she still has 5 more treatments of chemo to go.