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Generic Name: Divalproex Sodium

Brand Name: Depakote ER

Depakote ER Drug and Medication User Reviews

I started having more frequent migraines a few years ago and developed exercise induced migraines as well- to the point that I could not work out without a raging headache within 2 hours that lasted at least 12. I had an MRI and I do have several white matter hyperintsities. This winter I started having 15+ migraines per month and was using way too much Imitrex. My Nuero then tried several medications (propranolol, indomethacin, topomax,ect) so far the Depakote at 125mg has been a life saver. I started it two months ago and have only had to take the Imitrex twice (the first time because I forgot the Depakote for almost 4 days because I take it at night). The only side effects I experience are reduced libido and constant hunger. I had gained 15lbe due to not exercising over the winter and I’ve managed to lose 5. I’d rather deal with a couple extra lbs than daily headaches so I’m just focusing on moving more!

I have been having disabling vertigo attacks for over 1 year; which have increased to become daily events. My neurologist; which now makes my second for this worsening condition, just took me off of Nortriptyline and prescribed me Divalproex DR 250 mg. 1 time daily. I took it on the 1st day. The next morning, I woke with the feeling of total exhaustion, foggy mind, and a negative mental state. I was so drained that I could do nothing but sleep. I even had to call in to miss my upcoming work shift. As with any medication and trust in Physicians, I took the 2nd scheduled daily dose. Five hours later, I was in worse mental distress than I had ever been in my life, felt physically drained and a wreck. I even had one of my crippling Vertigo attacks; which was massively intensified and what felt as though I would end up in the emergency room or dead, and the constant high pitch in my ears escalated to near deafening. My mental state was thrown into uncontrollable thoughts of life not even being worth another second of the Vertigo and that there is no cure nor relief. I missed another day of work, spent the next few hours laying balled up in my dark bedroom, trying to hold onto my sanity, enduring the more intense than ever Vertigo and roaring high tone in my head, and wondering if I was going to even be sane or survive. I managed to fall into a broken sleep; which was filled with random insane dreams, until I was finally able to make my way to my living room and sit feeling totally drained and mentally depressed and foggy for hours. Once able to even think clear at all, I called and left message with my Neurologist informing him of these dangerous and possibly near detrimental facts. I informed him that I had disposed of the remaining new capsules and would NEVER take any more such mind altering medication for my Vertigo!!! This is a pure example of the wrongful prescribing of medications to treat medical ailments other than what they are proven and intended for. Be cautious, aware, educated, and prepared for any bad reaction to a new medication.

More frequent and more severe seizures, weight loss, kidney stones, drastic changes in sleep habits, easily angered with no memory of lashing out.

I had tried so many medications for migraines and none worked. This one has worked great!

I have been on this drug off and on for a couple of decades. It helps with my depression and cycling. However, I get just about every side effect there is on it. Stomach issues, crossed eyes, severe hand tremor, weight gain, unsteadiness, etc. That is why I don't stay on it. It ruins almost all of my hobbies, making life a bit less enjoyable. So, for me, it is a catch 22. Go off and deal with depression or stay on it and deal with the side effects?

I was having headaches everyday. Now I have none. The drug does make me a little sleepy during the day but it's nothing compared to having headaches all the time.

This med does not work. DO NOT GO OFF COLD TURKEY. I ended up in the ER with almost having a heart attack. I am 63 and was on it for over 20 yrs. The dr. said it would be out of my system in less than 24 hrs. WRONG! A very dangerous drug.

Depakote has been the only migraine preventative that has worked for me I don't like the weight gain but it is better than having headaches everyday

No seizures since starting this med maybe 15 years ago. I tried maybe half dozen in the past and nothing really worked. I did experience a little weight gain (10-15lbs) with this one.

I began this medication last summer. It helped relatively quickly with the mania that comes with my anxiety, or bipolar 2 disorder. I have not been having many side effects until recently and became worried when reading these reviews. My hips, knees and neck are just achy...my neck is so much so, that it effects my eye socket, as the pain travels up the back of my head and feels like my eye socket is swollen. Liver panels have come back normal, but Dr. upped meds to 1000 in December. I'm back for liver panel in June, but the achy is killing me. Just started a substantial weight gain...maintained for months...so again, worried about hip and knees.

My 11 yr old has been on this med for about 3 months now for petite mals. She was put on the generic form first b/c it's so much cheaper than brand name. After 2 months Generic did not stop her szs, it caused her to be very irritable, hungry every waking moment, stomach cramps first couple of weeks. Neuro wanted to add 2nd generic med with generic Depakote, I said no, wanted to try brand name to see if it works better. THIRD day taking brand Depakote the szs stopped completely!!! Side effects are almost non-existent. She's not as hungry, no stomach pain, and her happy personality is back! I will never let anyone, in medical field or not, try to convince me that generics are same quality as brand name. Brand name is expensive ($165 with coupon vs. $16 generic monthly) but it works to stop szs and I have my sweet happy little girl back!!! In our situation it is definitely worth the price. I am amazed how well it works compared to generic and so happy I tried this instead of listening to nuero and putting her on 2 generic meds with no telling what kind of side effects.

My wife has been taking Depakote for 2 1/2 years. Three 500 mg. tablets nightly. Severe tremors manifested in left hand

it reduced the occurrence of my seizures. once the dr increased the dose slightly, i haven't had a seizure.

short term, memory loss, enrergy loss.

My shrink started me on 1000mg of Depakote (as well as 60mg Cymbalta and 2mg Risperdal) 2 months ago, and while it has helped my moods, I do nothing but sleep and eat. (I have gained 15 lbs. in 2 months.) After 1 month, I went down to 500mg with the same effects. I have now gone back on Topamax (75mg twice a day). NOTE: I stopped taking Depakote for two nights, and the next day I had a pretty bad panic attack, which I haven't had in 12 years. So don't stop it on your own!

Have not had a seizure since taking. I also have migraines and have seen significant decrease in them. I have gained about 10 lbs, and have trouble sleeping now and cannot be out in the heat for long periods or it makes me sick.

i took this in a string of drugs for aweful bipolar depression. unlike others, mine can last years. after a week or so i did become more organized and actually lost a few lbs even though it can make you gain (though i was dieting), but i didn't really feel i was getting better, so on i go to latuda

no side affects, other drugs used in treatment also

I dont recommended at all, its to dangerous medication, that the FDA should re-considered at the, market'