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Generic Name: Dofetilide

Brand Name: Tikosyn

Tikosyn Drug and Medication User Reviews

Afib for years... Several meds and 2 ablations....Started tikocyn in the hospital and by the 4th dose I was so short of breath that I couldn't even walk around...Stopped Tikocin and for 3 months same problem while at home...I started a diet high in potassium and the fib stopped !!!! It has been several years now... I can now walk around on a flat level surface without SOB... I'm unable to do any inclines, carry weight items, or hurry... A lot of life changes and would never have used the med. if I'd known...

One partly successful ablation with complications due to colbalt radiation 50 years ago for cancer. Tikosyn side effects seem to be blurry vision and bleeding of the retina. The 12 hour law is maddening at times, but wonderful to not have arrhythmias of various sorts any longer.

I have had 4 unsuccessful ablations. This drug has done the trick for me with a-fib. Absolutely no side effects and have been taking the drug for 2 years.

This has worked for me for more than 10 years.

I have been taking Tikosyn since March (now end of August) and have just in last week developed skin rash with hives and maddening itching! Benedryl helps, but not totally. Hives flair abhalf hour to an hour after taking concentrated between waist and knees. Otherwise, Tikosyn is controlling the VT. No shocks since I started. Previously, I was shocked by ICD a total of TEN times.

Doctor goal was to inhibit the natural heartbeat totally. I have a pacemaker with defibrillator totally controlling my sarcoidosis screed heart.

I went into cardiac arrest after the second dose of Tikosyn. I don't even want to hear the word said.

I have been living with Afib for 23 years. Had a triple bypass in 1995 and lived with Afib for a long time. I am a disabled veteran and the V.A. is my only medical provider.My new cardiologist was surprised to learn that no one ever tried one of the anti-arrhythmic drugs that are available. She had me admitted to the Orlando Medical Center in December, 2017 for three days. I was given Tikosyn and within a few hours I was in Sinus Rhythm. Only side effect was strong headaches. The headaches are seldom now but are a fair trade-off for sinus rhythm.

I have been taking Tikosyn for three years. I stay out of afib 80% of the time. I did add Hawthorne, Ubiquinol and Magnesium to my regime & am in normal sinus rhythm for 99% of the time now. I also take Metaprolol Succinate. I was taking Metaprolol Tartrate which caused shortness of breath. Switched to timed released Succinate and OMG what a difference. No more SOB. Be sure to call Pfizer if you are placed on Tikosyn, they offer 5.00 cards for those who are not on Medicare/if on Medicare or other, they have a generous program and you can get your Tikosyn free in some cases. I wish there was a cure for Afib, but I will continue with Tikosyn for as long as I can tolerate it or until it quits working. I wish us all Normal Sinus Rhythm.

Wow, a miracle for me after a few years of persistent Afib and flutter with PVC's. I was running at around 60% function and the Cardizem plus Metropalol used to drop my HR to 115 dropped my BP to danger low levels. I felt terrible! Flecanaide didn't have any effect. One month on Xaralto then 3 days in hospital on Tikosyn plus a cardioversion and I feel like an athlete again. Keeping my fingers crossed but 2 months and no afibs and counting.

I have been on this drug for 6 or 7 years and was told early on that it will become ineffective. Well, today I was told it was no longer doing me any good and the doctor took me off it. It is a little scary but seeing my test results it's easy to see that it is no longer effective. I didn't experience, or didn't know I was experiencing, any side effects so it will be interesting to see if there are any changes in my lifestyle in a week or so. I'll report later if there are.

Update on my Post: Very pleased with drug. I had a Loop Monitor implanted in Sept, 2016. It shows I go into A-Fib about once a month of different durations from a few minutes to 5.5 hours. TIKOSYN kicks me back into rhythm each time. Can't ask for more than that. I had an unexplained bleed in August 2016 and am an excellent candidate for the Watchman filter. Ask your doctor about it! It was developed for A-Fib patients who have bleeds on blood thinners. I'm on ELIQUIS. I'm told 95% of strokes form in the tiny atrial portion of your heart and the Watchman is placed there to "catch" the clot. Hopefully, after placement I will be taken off blood thinners, which caused my bleed. I have had no bad side effects of TIKOSYN. It kicked me back into rhythm with first pill.

After 3 cardioversions, an ablation and always reverting into A-Fib, this drug worked on first pill. I was hospitalized in ICU as required. Was in A-Fib again, upon admittance. First pill kicked me back into rhythum. No side effects. Been 4 months and crossing fingers that it lasts and lasts.

When my AFib progressed from paroxsmal to persistent, EP recommended Tikosyn. I checked out the reviews on this site and was initially turned off by some of the severe reactions. After going over the reviews a few times I decided to give it a try. Fortunately, so far have not had any reactions. Percent of time in Afib is 33% now. Difficult to tell what % it was before taking med.Hence, my score of "somewhat effective".

I have been on this for 2 months and have not had any negative side effects. Biggest concern is taking it at the pre-determined times, and not missing a dose.

2 years post rheumatic mitral valve replacement and maze procedure couldn't control afib put on tikyson 125 2 morning 1 night has done well except for the total fatigue way to many adverse affects with a lot of other meds need antidepressants but can't find none that doesn't interfere with tikyson this medicine is not widely known by PCP's so double check on all meds giving same as with your pharmacy.really like the outcome but really hate the adverse reaction with other drugs their deadly.

I have been on this for 3 months & it has helped me get back and stay in sinus rhythm, but I feel so achy at night in bed (I never had any discomfort before taking this pill). Don't know if it's related to the pill or not. Have not read much about the side effects.

Tikosyn has been effective for two years for my chronic A-Fib. A troublesome side effect is the fatigue and brain fog. When I asked my cardiologist about this, he said this was the best solution for my A-Fib, but he was worried about my "brain." Does long term use of Tikosyn cause Dementia or Alzhimers?

I was admitted to the hospital for 4 days and converted 5 hours after the first dose. I have had a few breakthroughs this past month that I have been on the Tikosyn. The longer I take it, the better I feel. I have gotten my life back. I am not short of breath, I can go up the steps in my home, able to go outside...even in the cold weather. When I have afib, it consumes me; scares me, makes me depressed, miserable, short of breath, unable to enjoy life. I have had no side effects so far. I am afraid of long term side effects and often wonder how long the Tikosyn will work. I am 63 y/o and I realize that if the Tikosyn fails I will request an ablation. I just cannot live a full live with afib. I understand, from what I have read, that some people are in afib and are not even aware of it...in my case, it consumes me and makes me feel horrible...it is the most awful, sickening feeling to be in afib..in my case. I am also concerned about the cost of Tikosyn when I go on Medicare late next year. For right now, though, I am taking a day at a time and enjoying every minute of normal sinus rhythm. Tikosyn has been a wonder drug for me. My husband is so happy for me too. I hope the Tikosyn helps my heart as it became enlarged due to persistent afib. I did not realize how devastating afib can be, because so many doctors just brush it off. I take 25 mg of Metapropol Tartate and Eliquis too.

I have been on Tikosyn for over 3 years and has worked wonderful with no side effects. However, I am not out of rhythm and have to go for cardio version. I hope this is not the end of it for this drug, it has work excellent till now.