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Generic Name: Doxazosin Mesylate

Brand Name: Cardura

Cardura Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was on Flomax for BPH for several years, it completely killed my libido and ability, caused severe ED. Doctor switched me to Cardura. Initially 1 MG, which seemingly did nothing and I had trouble peeing. Upped dosage to 2 MG at bedtime and 1 MG at noon. Peeing is better, still not as good as it was with Flomax, and, after having been on it for about two months, I'm right back where I started - it's killed my libido and is causing serious ED. Not sure I will continue this drug, have had chronic prostatitis and BPH since age 46, am 55 now, this doesn't seem to be "the" drug to fix my problem.

It's been years since I used Cardura but with little knowledge at the time I was prescribed for BPH. I couldn't understand why I got dizzy every time I bent down but now realize my BP was extremely low. My doctor, then, ignored my concerns.

Iâ??m 34 years old and was recently diagnosed with a high blood pressure that i was told was almost 10years okd from the tightness of my heart. I was put on 50mg Cozaar (morning and night), Lopin and Cardura. I was quick to having side effects so through an elimination process my doctor spotted the cause and it was Cardura. I had extreme dry mouth which led to oral thrusts, lower abdomenal pain and i always jumped out of bed most night due to fast heart beats. I have made a switch to an alternative medication and things are settling down. I suppose cardura isnt really for me.

I have tried many different drugs for H.B.P. at last I have found the right one.

Take Cardura 4mg for 15yrs for BPH, seemed to work OK. After heart attack they upped my dosage to twice a day. BP all over the place, up, down all over. Found that HCTZ if taken at the right time of day (for me 7am) lowered my BP nicely BUT If I take it at the right time of day I can sleep 8-9 hours with uninterrupted bathroom trips. Did most of my urinating during the day. HCTZ was wonderful. First time in 20 yrs slept all night. Now the bad news, it interfered with my other meds so badly I had to stop it. My arthritis meds did not work with HCTZ. All though I was sleeping all night I was in pain from the Arthrutec not working on my arthritis. Then Lopressor. All over the place with the dosage and still no even BP. Calan, dropped my BP to 90/60 with a half dose for 10 days. The only thing I have found for sure is that getting the right BP meds is not so easy. Thank goodness for nitro. Six months now still looking for the right meds.

very swollen ankles but did not know it was the this medication that caused it.

this little white pill gave me the most terrible side effects. stomach pain/gas, chest cramp and wheezing lungs.

This is the first time in 9 years that I have found a blood pressure medication that actually has reduced my blood pressure. I have spent years with a blood pressure most often over 200. A 1mg pill once a day of Cardoza does it. I am so delighted. There are a few side affects as those listed for this medication but nothing compared to other drugs and combination of drugs I have been on. Gone are the palpitations, swollen ankles, fluttering heart beat, a dry mouth, and other side effects all of which were bothering me a lot.

The drug has helped my prostate when used with Avodart and Bethanechol.

Terrible medication for me-increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, dry mouth, headache-several more. Not good.

I was treated for prostate cancer in 1996. After treatment I experienced urination frequency and voiding problems. I have been on 4 to 8 milligrams of Cardura per day ever since. I have not noticed any severe side effects, but am more tired than I think I should be.

I had been taking Tamulosin which is purported to be the "gold standard" for BPH. After a few years of tiredness and fatigue, and it's now ineffectiveness, I tried 4 mg. Cardura. SUPER results in urinary flow with lots of side effects. I stopped and switched to alfuzosin with better results than Flomax. However, I'm gonna adjust the Cardura dose to 1 mg to see if it's tolerable as it's terrific for bladder emptying (I had a bladder stone).

I have so many side effects from BP meds. This seemed almost a last resort. I have taken it for about six weeks and had to get off it. I became extremely tired and lethargic. At times felt slightly unbalanced. My mouth was extremely dry and was swelling to the point that it was hard to talk. When I contacted the doctor he said to stop it immediately. We are now on the search for something else to take.

I started having hot flushes=4 per day. now have gone up to every 2 hours. blurred vision.

I am taking this for migraines am female, and after two days I have not had a migraine even with some specific triggers. I hope this keeps the migraines away forever. So far no side effects & I don't have to worry about a prostate.

my blood pressure is better regulated, but I hava swollen ankles

Swelling in legs and feet

I have been on 4mg of Cardura for over 10 years. I stopped and my BP elevated but returned to normal after startin again. I was told that this medication in addition to controlling my BP was to help in limiting the number of times I need to urinate in the evening.