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Generic Name: Drospirenone/Ethinyl Estradiol

Brand Name: Gianvi

Gianvi Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was terrified after reading all of the negative reviews!!!!! But I just finished month 3 and I have experienced absolutely no negative side effects. I even made sure to ask my boyfriend to help me watch out for any moodiness or mood swings and he hasn’t noticed a difference either. I guess the only negative thing I have to say (and it’s really not much of a negative) is that my OBGYN swore my acne would disappear but I have yet to experience any changes there. I recommend giving it a try if it is what your doctor recommends for you. You never know if you don’t give it a try and it is definitely not bad for everyone.

I used to have clear skin and moderately ok periods. Starting the beginning of 2019, there was a major hormonal change in my body for some reason and I had shorter but extremely painful periods to the point where I would have to sit and take time for myself. My acne got really bad which was never the case. Then I got prescribed Gianvi but was skeptical after reading about so many mental and blood clot side effects. But its safe to say that my acne even though has not 100% disappeared is way better and under control and my periods are short and not painful. I still get dull cramps the day my period comes when I take my second or third placebo pill but I got prescribed ibuprofen to control that which I take as needed. I have not experienced any breakthrough bleeding which I was super anxious about as my own friends have had issues with that. So far I am happy with this product and its ease of use.

I had been on two different birth controls before I used Gianvi. This medication did a decent job of regulating acne, but it caused me to be more irritable and to gain weight. On the other two birth controls, Beyaz and Mononessa, I had little to no weight gain, and no emotional issues. I used this for 3 months and was not pleased with it. I’m now back on Mononessa.

While I haven't noticed many mood swings or issues with PMS, etc., this has caused my periods to become sooooo long. I'm very diligent about taking it every day and at the same time everyday, but I have spotting several days before I start the inactive pills, then once my period actually starts, it lasts for two weeks. I feel like I am spotting/bleeding more days of the month than not. I just requested a switch from my doctor. Hopefully it will work out better. I do notice that I have less cramping and pain around my cycle, but it's incredibly annoying to be bleeding more than half the month.

I started taking this after Apri and 7 other brands left me severely depressed. I was less depressed on this, but it really altered how my brain works. On two separate occasions, I had something edited out of my sight. The first time I was exiting the restroom and I stopped but couldn't figure out why. Insert woman standing in front of me. The second time I spent an hour looking for my purse with a full 10 minutes staring at the chair. Insert purse on the chair where I was staring. I was so frightened by this that I stopped taking it after that. Also, my memory is now horrible (even 5 years later).

I would like to say first, when I was prescribed these, I looked up every little piece of information on these pills. I started to get super anxious and scared because of the higher blood clot rate. It still makes me worry every once in a while though. I have just finished the first pack. I have noticed my mood has gotten better, no crazy anger sprees or anything. The cramps aren't so bad. I did feel a little tired when the cramps first started but nothing a little coffee won't take away. My period is light so far. I haven't finished my period yet so we will see how that goes. Mine typically lasted 5-7 days. I used to get headaches almost every day on the last birth control I was on. On this I have only had one. Yay! One thing I did notice was I feel kind of achy some days, like I had been working out. But it hasn't been too bad. So far I'm enjoying it. I think I will invest in some compression socks to prevent DVT/blood clots and become a little more active. If anything changes, I will definitely write another review.

I was miserable the whole time I used it! My moods were all over the place; I was angry and tired; and my period became really long. I bled for nearly two weeks straight! My doctor responded by increasing the dosage, which made it worse. Finally, I stopped taking it and found a new doctor.

Absolutely love this birth control option! I tend to get headaches with other OCPs and I've experienced none with this medication (finally!). I was nervous to try it with all the bad hype around Yaz, but I've had ZERO negative side effects. I'd absolutely recommend it to healthy young females! (Preferably non-smokers to avoid blood clots.)

I have been on this pill for about 7 months. In the past several weeks my mood swings have changed a lot. I am crying more frequently, lashing out on my friends and family members. My cycle has stopped but I have been having some spotting problems since being on it. I am going to call my doctor and see if I can be changed to something else. My acne has also increased since being on this and I have also been staying completely exhausted since being on this birth control. I have been on other birth control pills and I have never experienced the mood swings like I have experienced with this one. I have lost weight since being on it but I have noticed a change in my attitude as of late.

I started taking Gianvi as an option to help control PMDD symptoms. I took it for two months and noticed recently I have been depressed and melancholy. Difficulty motivating, sleeping as much as I could, little interest in anything or anyone. Increased appetite for junk food high in fat and sugar, which cause a bit of weight gain. I quit taking it 24 hours ago and I feel much better already. Not looking forward to the hormonal withdraw to come but Chasteberry tea really helps with that!

I've been on this pill for about 6 months now and I love it. I have always had bad acne and the first month it made it so much worse but then everything cleared up. My period used to last 4 days (it was VERY predictable) now it last 5. Sex drive is same as always. The first month I got head aches, which rarely happen to me and was very emotional, that has all gone away.

Overall this is a good bc pill. I have tried many from Ortho tri cyclene lo to microgestin. This pill did give me head aches the first month. I actually lost about 5 lbs on it. It cures my pms/pmdd!! It does dull my sex drive but so does every pill I have tried. My worst side effect is nausea and acid reflux. I take it late in the day to reduce that. Over all it is he best pill I have tried.

I have been on this medication for over 5 years. I started taking it for acne after several other treatments (specifically Acutane) did not work. Around March of 2014, my prescription ran out and I was unable to get back to my doctor's office until August of 2014. My acne came back around May 2014 and in August, I was prescribed Vestura. I took Vestura for two months and completely stopped birth control in November due to the side effects of Vestura. In January of 2015, I had my physician switch me back to Gianvi and within 10 days, my acne has cleared completely and I have not had any side effects.

Within a half hour of taking the very first pill I felt rather fuzzy headed. As the day went on my head kept feeling worse. I had a throbbing sensation behind my right eye and felt the need to put pressure on the right side of my forehead. I couldn't wait to go to bed and try to sleep off the yucky feeling I felt in my head! I also started to feel cramping like my period used to feel when I was a teenager. Just to make sure it was the meds and not my imagination I took another pill the next day and had the same results. Yucky head within a half hour and pain behind my right eye. I had my doubts about Gianvi from the beginning since I googled it and found it was basically Yaz an that it could cause sever problems. I'm just very disappointed in my doctor for even prescribing something known to be so dangerous to me

while on gianvi i lost all sexual desire and when i did have intercourse it hurt internally. I also ended up have FIVE blood clots (2 of them became a Pulmonary Embolism).

I loved this birth control. I was on it for 3 years. I didn't feel any different. I could go months with out my period. Never got achne. Now the pharmacy switched me to vestura. UGGG I am going back on Gianvi can't wait to feel normal agian.

I have taken Gianvi for about a year. This one has worked very well for me. I use it to treat severe cramping, migraines and extremely long heavy periods. Because of this pill, I have a period once every 3-4 months with no cramping and no migraines. Weight loss has become difficult, but this pill gave me my sanity back.

I was spotting every single day of this pill. It did little to help my cramps (which I was also getting every day).

I was on Loestrin 24 for over a year and loved it. Due to insurance issues, I had to switch. I was told Gianvi would be similar. NO NO NOOO. The first month I was bleeding NON-STOP, and since then my period inconsistent and I've had a slew of other issues. I am a runner and athlete, exercising 5+ days per week and I eat very well. I have GAINED 10 pounds and am constantly tired! I will sleep 9-10 hours and still need to nap everyday. It has been about 4 or 5 months now and I am absolutely getting off of this next month, as the issues have only gotten worse.

I LOVE this drug. Before it I was on Yaz and before that I suffered from what I though was PMS super style but it was really PMDD. This drug calmed my hormones so I never experienced the level of crazy that I was so used to. In addition it cleared my acne, not somethine I was looking for but a bonus. My advice is to not take this unless you suffer from PMDD. Otherwise they might just make you hormonal.