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Generic Name: Droxidopa Capsules

Brand Name: Northera

Northera Drug and Medication User Reviews

After starting out on the drug I noticed ED imededatly. I started out because of my OHT and had to slowly build up to 300mg over 6 months. After a time, 100 would ware off and I would be falling, 200 would ware off. The 300 was like a brick wall though. 3 times daily with midodrine and no more hospitals, broken noses, teeth, etc. I called in Jan of 2018 and now it's $2400 per month after insurance. Thank you Cory Booker (D) NJ for taking all of those "charitable" donations from drug companies. $175k in 2016 alone. Anyway, my biggest complaint is the ED. It was only listed on one page as a possible but it was the only drug introduced during that time. To happen so rapidly is more than a freak occourance. As soon as my supply ran out the "problem" was fixed. I would still take it if it wasn't $2400. Oh well.

Suffer from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and chronic Lyme. This drug has been a miracle as it allows me to go about my daily life in a somewhat normal fashion for about 8 - 10 hours a day! I am on the max dose and still have very low blood pressure but helped me at least be able to stand without falling over!

I've been using Northera at 200 mg 3x daily for 18 months. Prior to Northera I was passing out 3-4 times a day. I considered it a miracle drug until several months ago when my slight headaches turned into daily vomiting migraines. I am in the process of weaning off. Praying the passing out doesn't return!

Im an 18 year old female who as taking this for treatment of NCS, and very low blood pressure. Had been hoping this would help. Only ale to take for 2 days, side effects were awful. Extreme headaches, and chest discomfort. My heart rate doubled, and I still felt exhausted. Unfortunately did not help at all.

This drug has changed my life. I was previously on Midodrine at 90mg/day prior to switching to Northera two years ago. I have zero side effects from the highest dose of this drug compared to multiple side effects from Midodrine. I also have found I do not have to take this five times a day as I previous did with Midodrine due to the half-life time.

My adrenal glad was severely damaged by chemotherapy for breast cancer 2 years ago. Midodrine and Florinef were not effective. I have been on Northera for over 2 weeks now, and feel wonderful. I have more energy now than in years, and my orthostatic blood pressures are normalized.

I've been on Northera maximum dose for over a year now and mainly just experience fatigue and occasional bladder infections from the dye used in the medication. I find if I drink plenty of fluids that no bladder infections occur. It is very important with my condition to drink lots of water. I do still experience low blood pressure regardless of Northera but it does give me some relief ofy symptoms. I didn't benefit from other medications such as midodrine or fiorinef. I've found that I do benefit more from Northera than any other drug treatment though I do still experience problems. Still have to be careful and move slowly especially if I'm ill for any reason as not feeling well just seems to exasperate my symptoms more. I've had this problem for over 5 years and was so glad to have been approved to use thus medicine. Everyone reacts different to different meds but if you experience light headedness, feeling faint, and similar symptoms, I think it is a great idea to give Northera a try under careful supervision. I am grateful for this medicine....still wish there was something to help even more but it has helped me.

I have syncopal episodes and am desperate to find something to address my hypotension / POTS. The usual fludrocortisone, midodrine, etc have not been effective. The side effects of Northera have been severe. Headache, fatigue, and sleepiness which have actually decreased my activity level. I just want to sit in my chair and sleep...I literally can't do anything else. I cannot logistically take it three times a day, ensuring I do not take it within 4 hours of bedtime, and have any meaningful quality of life. I was very hopeful Northera would work for me.

I'm a c6 quadriplegia and an take northera do to very low bp and passing out issues due to bp bottoming out. I currently take 300mg 3 times a day. It works great to keep bp at normal range. Side effect I have had are sweating, feeling very warm,(which is a plus for me as I'm normally very cold feeling), pain in stomach nausea, night sweats and mild focus issues.

I could not tolerate the highest dose of this medication - it gave me very bad headaches and made me nauseated and very fatigued. I cut my dose down to 1 300mg tab in the morning and 2 300 mg tabs in the afternoon. Sometimes I would get 1 one 300 tab in before bed. I'm still having headaches and am thinking of going back to my Midodrine and Adderall meds since I have almost no energy on this drug.

Stiffness of muscles I feel like I am 100 years old. I get down to the floor and hurts so much , I need help to get up.

I have been on Northera for 10 days now, and it gives me a headache and nausea. My titration schedule has me increasing the drug from 100 mg 3x/day to 200 mg 3x/day each week until I get to 600 mg 3x/week. Hopefully the side effects will abate soon. I'm using this in place of Midodrine...