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Generic Name: Elagolix Tablets

Brand Name: Orilissa

Orilissa Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication worked wonders for me when it came to the pain I experienced during my periods. It took it completely away for 6 months. However, I did experience minor to severe side effects. Hot flashes were the minor side effects that I experience. This was a daily occurrence that happened multiple times a day. The major side effect that I received was joint pain that was severe after working 8 hours a day. I understand why this medication is only available for a 6 month period, I don’t know if I would’ve been able to walk after that. I will no longer take this medicine due to the joint pain.

The user experience of this drug seems to be quite dependent on person to person and how much you've been prescribed. Before trying Orilissa I was on a synthetic progesterone that, though keeping me alive (I was bleeding heavily everyday) was making my mental health plumet so badly I ended up in a psych ward twice while on it. I was prescribed Orilissa (150 mg once a day) after my hysterectomy and my life was no longer at immediate risk. It's been a night-and-day difference in terms of how much my life has improved since replacing my synthetic progesterone for this. The worst side-effect I get personally are hot flashes, which are an annoyance that's well worth it for the benefits. There's a possibility only 150 mg of Orilissa wouldn't have been enough to treat my severe (then life-threatening) endometriosis before surgical intervention, but with that combination of treatments I got my life back. I feel whether the drug is right for you is heavily dependent on your circumstances and body chemistry. Any gyno worth their stuff should be helping you work through which treatment (or combo of treatments) I'd right for you. There's no real magic bullet with endometriosis.

I’ve been on Orilissa 150 mg since mid-2019, and these past 2 ½ years have been the best years of my life! It’s incredible how my life has gotten back on track since being pain free and period free. That said, my insurance will no longer cover Orilissa because it’s not recommended for > 2 years. My bone density scan is normal, and I feel totally healthy. After one month of taking pills every-other-day, my period retuned and has been manageable. Not as bad as before, but why would anyone want to have a period!? Hopefully insurance let’s my doctor petition to keep me on Orilissa for longer.

I have had endometriosis for 15 years, I’ve had 6 surgeries for Endometriosis. This is the only medication that has helped!

I began my Orilissa journey with 150mg daily almost 3 years ago. At the time, this medication was very new to the market and I didn’t have access to many reviews or opinions so I went in to this treatment blind. Within 2 months my periods stopped completely, and stayed away for the years to follow. Within the first 6 months, my endo pain was gone and I stopped having cysts grow. The only side affect I experienced was night sweats, which I was already used to as I took Visanne previously. We tried to conceive for years prior to this treatment. I am currently in my second trimester of my first pregnancy. I am so grateful for this medication giving me my quality of life back.

I don't know why this med is even out there, I was prescribed it for 6 months, I was kinda hesitant to use it cause of some people's review. First week I thought hmm why are people complaining, by second week all the side effects slowly sneak on me, I'm talking about headache, dizziness, night sweat, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, mood swing, anxiety etc... although it stopped my period and I didn't have to deal with the terrible, horrible, extreme painful period anymore, I couldn't help but stop this med after 3 long months before I hurt myself or somebody else. I stayed on it for that long cause I couldn't make up my mind between them side effects or the pain, side effects won. After I stopped I had my period a month later with pain for the whole 3 months I didn't have a period. I'm glad this med works for some people, but if anybody from the get go you feel the side effects are too much for you just stop.

My gyno put me on this medication because I was getting ovarian cysts every month and most of the time they would rupture. At this point, I don't know which is worst...rupturing ovarian cysts or the side effects of this medication. I've already contacted her about coming off of it after only 3 months of taking Orilissa. First, the least worrisome side effects I've been experiencing are mood swings and hot flashes. However, that is nothing compared to the overwhelming anxiety I have been feeling every single day. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep (if I'm able to fall asleep) I have constant anxiety. I battle anxiety attacks everyday so much so that my FP prescribed me Xanax and an antidepressant/anxiety med. A few weeks ago I was driving and had an attack and had to go to the ER because my whole body felt tingly, I couldn't breathe, I was too dizzy to stand, and shaking violently. I've never ever had an anxiety attack like that before. It was so terrifying and now I've been having to keep myself from slipping into that everyday. Yes, this has helped a lot with my pain but I can't handle this anxiety anymore. It's just not worth it for me at this point.

My reason for use may differ from most but my experience was the same. I was instructed to use this drug for 14 days to try to stop ovulation during an egg freezing cycle. I have never had a history of depression or suicidal thought. My migraines which are typically seasonal were constant. I broke up with my boyfriend and cut off 7 inches of my hair. With all respect to her, this medicine made me go close to full Britney 2007. I'm still recovering. I don't ever review things but this was so awful I felt a need.

Let me first state that I never write reviews, but I felt that this could help someone who is hesitant to take this medication. I have suffered with endometriosis since 2011. I finally found a doctor that knew how to treat me. He combined two medications: norethindrone and letrozole which I have taken for the past six years. The two medicine stopped my cycle and shrunk my cyst. Everyone once in a while I would have a flare-up, but for the most part no problems. A few months ago my cyst came back and started to have severe pain. My doctor suggested I stop taking the mentioned meds and start Orilissa. I read the reviews and was extremely hesitant especially about the anxiety and depression. I have taken Orilssa for three months now. The first week was a minor struggle as my body adjusted to being off the old meds and adjusting to the new ones. Since then, the pain has stopped, my cyst has shrunk, I don't have a cycle. I have has also lost 15 pounds being of the other meds. My doctor says I can only be on these meds for six months, but I'm praying he'll allow for a longer period of time. I pray others have the success that I have had.

Lo estoy tomando 1 al dia de 200 mg por unos 2 meses despues de una cirugia por endometriosis y endometrioma en el ovario para evitar que vuelva a crecer mi endometriosis hasta que quiera buscar un embarazo, en si el medicamento me causo dolor en el cuerpo y mucho agotamiento durante la primera semana que lo tome se lo comente al doctor y me receto tomar junto con el medicamento un anticonceptivo de norethindrona 0.35 mg y me mejorado mucho los sintomas de orilissa me siento muy bien no tengo dolor por mi endometriosis supongo que hace un buen conjunto limpiar con una cirugia antes de usarlo

I was prescribed Orilissa for constant pelvic pain that was suspected to be from endometriosis. The first couple days were fine, but then I started getting horrible panic attacks everyday. My doctor told me to take it every other day to see if that helped. Taking it every other day stopped still caused major anxiety. I stopped taking the medication after 2 weeks because I couldn’t take the anxiety and panicky feeling anymore. I would like to say that those feelings went away once I stopped taking it- but they did not. One week after stopping- I am still randomly having panic attacks and suicidal thoughts to go along with it. It is awful and it did nothing for the pelvic pain at all. I am praying that these feelings go away soon.

I have been on this medication for over a year now and I cannot believe all the side effects I am reading. I have not had any headaches, nausea, or hot flashes. I have zero pain from my period and this medicine has worked great for me! With my insurance; I only pay five dollars for a month supply.

I experienced extreme memory loss and depression, I felt like I was existing but not living. On top of that, it did not reduce my pain or stop my periods as intended. I ought out a place to write a review (they don't have the option on their website) because I wish I had read this review before I ever tried it. It was suffering.

I was prescribed this medication from my Gyn because of my severe painful menstruation. I started in July 2021. Instantly felt the side effects - joint pains, feet and hands were always numb, hot flashes.. When I decided to stop taking orilissa, my endometriosis got worse..Dealing with excruciation pain everyday on the right side of my abdomen and radiates to my rectum. I have to take pain meds to go on with my day otherwise I can't function. Life is no longer normal. very sad!

I was on 150 mg once a day and felt great. My cycles were pain free and flow was tolerable. I didn’t rupture a cyst for 6 months. Previously I was rupturing cyst every 3 months. I have grade 4 endo. I just recently increased to 200 mg twice a day after rupturing a cyst in September. The increase was a little rough, but side effects seem to be getting better (nausea, headache, hot flashes, insomnia). Mood is stable, but I am on antidepressant, but recently started to wean medication. I haven’t had increased depression or anxiety. If anything it has decreased. I have gained some weight, but not sure it is from medication. I just started exercising again, so I will see if the weight gain is decreased. Overall, tolerating medication. Hopefully, to decrease endo implants before probably getting a total hysterectomy in 2 years. I am also receiving acupuncture and on herbal treatment. I am trying to also treat my endo naturally with diet changes. A great read is “Overcoming Estrogen Dominance.” Trying to just understand my body while also being pain free. It took me 6 months to start medication due to fear of side effects. Overall, happy I started it. Side effects are more tolerable than my painful cycles, heavy flow, and ruptured cyst every few months. I have a coupon card through the website. $5 a month.

The medication by itself will cause horrible menopause symptoms, because that’s what it is causing. It stops the estrogen in your body so you’re gonna go through menopause. My doctor told me to get a testosterone treatment and those symptoms stopped completely. You need those two together for maximum comfort. Overall I love this medication and not being in pain is the best.

Stage 2 endo, could never tolerate hormones in the past and surgery didn't help. Orilissa 150mg has almost totally eliminated my pain. I lost my period after 6 months, but I also have all the symptoms of menopause and some new strange pains in the bladder area and in my bones. I'm not sure how much longer I can go, but I'm working on getting some antidepressants so I can still function.

I started taking this a month ago & immediately noticed the pain was easing up. A month in and my acne has cleared up. I feel better during the day because I’m not in pain before or during my periods. All together, so far I’m pretty excited that it has worked this well so fast.

I've had endo for a very long time, numerous surgeries. I was prescribed Orilissa 200mg BID over a year and a half ago. The side effects of hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia were brutal, however it brought my pain down to almost nil. About 4 months ago the pain started again, the period started again, along with the side effects.... I've been off the med for about a week now, and noticing that I am extremely tired and weak... almost an orilissa withdrawal.... Not sure if this is normal or not.... Overall, for me. The med gave me my life back.