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Generic Name: Enalapril

Brand Name: Vasotec

Vasotec Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been experiencing insomnia since on Vasotec. Has anyone experienced this as a side effect.

Just started taking it a week ago, my Dr. switched it out with innefective BP meds. Two hrs after taking it, I felt like I had the flu...teeth chattering, bones/muscle aches. Weak legs, which is already an issue because I need a hip replaced. Not too pleased and a bit scared.

I been using is for 20 years it is the best no side affect other drugs failed.

within an hour of taking the genaric of this drug i have the sensation that i have walked near a public pool that uses chlorine and this chlorine lasts until it is almost time for the next dose. it is very annoying to have this constant smell but i do feel that my bp is lower have taken this drug for 3 days now (5mg once daily). i take this pill around 5pm every evening it does make me tired and i can feel my pressure going down within an hour of taking it even though i have this chlorine smell but at least im starting to feel better i think

first week had a real "metallic" taste, then that went away, has lowered blood pressure, but I do experience lightheadedness or dizziness if I stand too quickly, especially from a squatting position.

Mydosage is 1.20ml Enalapril ratiopharm in am.Approx 30 mins.later i cough a very hard cough which persists all day,worse at night,+ a sore throat which I've had for about 2mnths.I aked Dr.about this he said it would go after a time,that was in june,& am still the same now or maybe a bit worse.It has brought my BP down,but made my life very difficult,i am 75 years old & could do without the stress.I dread to think what I shall be like if I catch a cold,this winter.

My dose was raised a few months ago and a get dizzie when i get up and my urine was vear dark of and on when i started it 10 or so years ago when they up my does a few months ago its been very dark and i have been having pain and vomiting and nausesness with the very dark urine I going to doc now i read the info and it matches to see if this is the cause they did blood work last week on my live its suppose to be 0.40 to0.50 and it was 1598.2 so I wonder about if its this medication causing it..

makes me very tired, fuzzy thinking etc when taken in morning. Take 10mg daily but I weigh 105 lbs. I understand someone weighing much more do not have this problem. I plan to now take it at night with supper to see if that is better.

It makes me sweat profusely when taking this drug. I don't mean a drip off the end of my nose but a continuous stream. Takes about a week to go away when I stop taking enalapril but then BP skyrockets. I feel stuck in a hard place.

Have taken for over 30 years and have had to increase my dosage. Price is almost prohibitive but generic does not work for me.

had open heart surgery with 5 bypasses in June. still having high bl. pressure issues. this makes me feel slightly drunk.

short of breath

I was prescribed this medication due to the fact that my urine test found a high amount of protein in it and I have Type 2 Diabetes. To help prevent Kidney Disease. Too soon to see if it works.Has given me a no stop hurting cough that won't go away. Hard to sleep. Stomach & ribs ache from cough. I see the dr. in two weeks and he wants me to continue the medication until I see him. I normally have low B/P. B/P is still ok. cough is so bad.

the medicine has extemely negatively affected my libido