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Generic Name: esomeprazole magnesium

Brand Name: Esomeprazole Magnesium Capsules

Esomeprazole Magnesium Drug and Medication User Reviews

Having stomach issues went to the doctor and he asked did I get sour stomach and I said few days ago yes and he put me on this drug and its a nightmare. I don't believe I have acid reflex before I rarely used antacids and I can't eat anything except boiled potatoes and soup and I'M getting upper stomach spasms. The doctor scope me and it was clear and he did a CT scan and it was clear. Now can't sleep cause of the spasm in my upper stomach.I have ISBD. I don't know what too do.:(

I was experiencing severe stomach pain from a duodenal ulcer and from the cancer medication I am taking. The Nexium has worked like a charm -- pain level has gone down from an 8 to a 2 on the pain scale in just the past 4 days.

I couldn t figure out what was wrong, started noticing when i take this pill my throat would get real dry, feels like a knot is in your throat.

Taking for many years now, but would always prefer to get off or on something else. Works 100%! Have hereditary condition from parent, serious long-term heartburn. Love this med EXCEPT can't take the bloating anymore

I had wonderful relief of symptoms taking this type of medication produced by the dr. reddy brand. my druggist switched to this producer and I am having horrible symptoms again. this capsule is twice the size of Nexium and the other generic I was taking. what else is in it?? This specific brand does not work for me.

Took me a while to figure it out this stuff is poison for me!! Did not control heartburn or acid reflux. Burning in throat, pain in shoulders, arms, throat, sinuses, esophageal spasms and pain, reduced appetite, stomach pain, sores in mouth, nose, teeth pain. Increased B/P. The list is just ridiculous! Feel so sick! How can they say the generic has the same ingredients, obviously there are fillers that people are allergic to? I think the pharmaceutical companies are liars.

Nexium worked. This does not. My symptoms including horrible pain have returned.

Absolutely HORRIBLE!!!! I have taken Nexium for many years and it's amazing. I started the new generic form about 2 weeks ago- nightly as usual. I took me a while to figure out it was the med making me sick. Horrible stomach pain but not consistent. It was a dull ache in the center of my upper stomach. Reflux which I had not had since the Nexium returned. Dizziness. Weakness in knees. No Appetite. Gross stool with a foul odor. I have been on Weight Watchers since January 19 and lost 23 1/2 pounds to date. I have been eating amazingly so I knew it was not food related. Dropped my Cholesterol 71 points in 3 months. IT was the generic Nexium! I called my Mail Order Pharmacy and the first thing they asked me was if I had stomach pain. HUM?! YES! They were happy to switch me off the generic and back to Nexium. Waiting for the prescription to arrive now. This medication is HORRIBLE!!!!! I can usually take anything.

I am taking this since last 6 months. it is ok for acidity but I was taking 2-3 hour before meals this side effected and my all bones become weak and I am having pain in solder, hip and chest bones since last two month.

I have tried other products. They did not work so I went back to Nexium. I think it is great.

I had been on Nexium for 7 years + and recently started on the generic. I've noticed that I get stomach aches sometimes, not everyday but they hurt bad enough that I have to sit down or lay down until they subside (2 to 4 hours) as a mother of a 2 ye old it makes it a rough day but they don't happen too often (2 -4 times a month) other than that I haven't had any other side effects. I am considering changing back to the brand name though. The stomach aches are the pits!

I have taken *Brand NEXIUM for over 15 years or since its release, anyway for a long time. I recently was switched to the generic (TEVA brand). I find it does not work as long, I have to take more often and most recently after taking it for 3 weeks my hair is falling out like I am having chemotherapy treatment. How can generic be as good as the brand and why are we forced to take generic.

not as good as the purple pill

its good

Works great for GERD, however depletes magnesium levels dangerously low. I had heart palpitations, severe muscle cramping, nervousness, and shaking.

For the most part my acid reflux is controlled. Since I have begun using Izra 40,I have started seeing some twitching in my legs and I am wondering if it is side effect. I have been taking the generic Esomprazole Magnesium IP enteric called Izra 40. I saw a mentioning of its use causing a magnesium deficiency in some that could lead to tremors, but nothing about twitches. I also take Simvastatin 40, so that could be the problem. Any ideas?