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Generic Name: Esterified Estrogens and Methyltestosterone Tablets

Brand Name: EEMT

EEMT Drug and Medication User Reviews

After double mastectomy 5 yrs ago, I started estratest for hot flash and energy problems. It worked perfectly but was taken off the market so Dr. prescribed EEMT. It worked as well but insurance will no longer cover and at $450 for 3 mos supply I can no longer afford to buy. Just suffering with severe night sweats now.

After a hysterectomy and oophorectomy at age 46, I took estrogen only for a year and had no energy, no libido, and became depressed. The doctor added testosterone and my life has turned around (fantastic sex life!). After 13 years, I've decreased the dosage, but I don't want to quit using this because of how great I feel.

Wow! I stopped getting my periods since I had a procedure in the uterus last year. I completely lost my sex drive, my husband even accused me of not loving him, once the Dr. prescribed this medicine it's been a God's sent. I'm back to my old self and loving it! My sex drive is great and now my love life and marriage is back to normal. Cant say enough, the only things I have noticed is breast tenderness,and my vaginal dryness is gone.

When the branded Estatest was made, this was the BEST HRT on the market and the only one that worked for me. (I tried at least 12 other estrogen formulations and had no luck dealing with menopause symptoms and feeling like myself.) Since it went generic, NOT ONE of the companies making it produces a product that works synergistically the same way. A big part of the reason they stopped making the brand was the boneheaded decision of the FDA to refuse to approve this drug when it's the only one that some women like me can use. The same effect cannot be achieved by separate applications and/or doses of the two combined drugs in it. And now since the methyltestosterone part is being more strictly regulated, I have to get a new subscription for it every 6 months even though there's only a teeny amount of the male hormone in this formulation. Talk about overregulation of a very good drug!!!

Well since I had my Histerectomy I do not see an OBG doctor because my Family doctor didn't see the need. But I developed a Hippo Tyroide condition.

I believe that is is becoming less effective for me I have been on it for 10 years