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Generic Name: Estradiol and Progesterone Capsules

Brand Name: Bijuva

Bijuva Drug and Medication User Reviews

I just want to say that this medication has been a lifesaver for me!!!!! I have been on it for three weeks and my hot flashes are Gone!! I may have the start of one or two a day and they go away within a couple seconds!! I am a healthcare worker that wears a lot of PPE, and it has literally been a lifesaver!! I have more energy, my joint pain I did, and my mood is so much better!!!!! Thank you to my gynecologist for recommending this amazing medication!!! I am also sleeping so good now!!

The night sweats have disappeared, sleeping well but I have gained 8lbs in two months. I need to find a solution without gaining weight.

Hello. Has anyone else been prescribed this HRT even though they are still having a monthly cycle. The notes that come in the box say for women that have had 12 months or more of a missed period. I have all other symptoms except this part as I'm still regular. Thanks xx

Leg cramps, kidney and back pain, acne and emotional crying. It’s like experiencing all those PMS symptoms again. Not enjoying this medication. Still having hot flashes.

I was on Combipatch and had terrible skin reactions from the adhesive. then I switched to Climarapro and had the same reaction to the adhesive. I was continuing to use the patches because they were working so well...no more hot flashes, better mood and improved vaginal dryness. My dr suggested Bijuvia to try. I've been on it a week os far and it seems to be working just as well in all these areas.

I started Bijuva when Duavee stopped being manufactured. I am very happy with the results. My hot flashes are all but gone. My mood swings have improved so much that I have been able to stop taking Xanax altogether. There is only one side effect that puzzles me. About 30-40 minutes after taking Bijuva, I get really relaxed and woozy feeling. I don't mind it because I can go crawl in bed and immediately fall asleep! If I stay awake the feeling goes away in about 15 minutes. I was wondering if anyone else had this side effect?

Tried for one month, but the fatigue that came with it was a deal breaker. I exercise 4 times a weeks and eat well, but I kept fighting lethargy while using. A no-go for me.

I have been taking Bijuva for almost 3 months. My hot flashes and not get sweats are completely gone. Which is a huge relief for me. However I have gained 12 lbs. all around my middle section. May face also seems swollen. I have also had occasional pelvic pain and breast tenderness. I work out 3x per week and am an avid bike rider. Despite all this the weight is still climbing! I don’t know what to do because the relief from the new got sweats and hot flashes has been life changing. All I know is I feel like I look 5 months pregnant ??

It is fantastic and you will feel better just keep on using it and you will be amazed.

Excellent drug

On Bijuva for almost 1 year. It really helped.

I am on my second month. Hot flashes are gone. No night sweats. Very happy about that part. It makes me very sleepy not only at night but I feel fatigued all day. Breast tenderness. Weight gain. Has anyone tried taking it every other day? I have a follow up with my Dr. to discuss options.

I experienced weight gain of a 14 pounds by the second packet. I have always been lucky and not had trouble with controlling my weight. also fatigue was an issue too. It did however stop the night sweats but unfortunately was not a good fit for me.

When I started bijuva I felt incredible; better mood overall, no vaginal dryness

After taking Bijuva for a little over a week, my hot flashes were gone and I slept much better. Also improved sex life. I've been using Bijuva for about 5 months and I have gained 15 pounds. Not sure if it is Pandemic weight or Bijuva.

I've been taking Bijuva for 3 months and I transitioned from taking Combipatch. At first, I felt like a different person with lots energy, decreased brain fog and my skin even looked better. However, I would say over the past month I've been unusally tired and just not myself. It definitely helps with hot flashes, as mine were severe. My concern is if my fatigue is a result of Bijuva interfering with my thyroid medication even though I take them 12 hours apart. The manufacturer help line couldn't tell me if it contained soy, only that it was plant based, which was no help at all. I avoid soy in my diet as it does make a difference for me with regard to my thyroid. I will have my levels checked and if there is significant change, I will be looking for a new hormone replacement. It would have been helpful to know the plant source prior to spending the money and wasting time trying to figure it out myself.

Just started with Bijuva and it fantastic.

Feel way better and even lost some weight.

Can only recommend Bijuva. It made my life great again!

Started with Bijuva and my life quality got way much better. Can only recommend Bijuva to all.