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Generic Name: Eszopiclone

Brand Name: Lunesta

Lunesta Drug and Medication User Reviews

Been taking 3mg for years and was working daily well. However as of late the efficacy has greatly diminished. This latest refill seems watered down (eszopiclone from Sunovion Pharma) and not nearly as effective.

been on mutipltle sleep cocktails, this seems to help the most at the most important poart. wen im frfting away. thags when o trallu start thinking i can sleep in a hour or 2 or do a 3milr elk snfft. alslo hepls neuroglogical problems i have ALLOT, is it reallt that distant from a bzno? just bit less evil, more happy, bu maybe smarter nerve pain, eh it not as much but it gives me a

I love Lunesta. I was tossing and turning all night with little or no sleep mainly due to stress. With Lunesta, I'm out in 30 minutes, I sleep all night, I go right into REM and have amazing dreams, and I wake up feeling like I just had the best sleep of my life. So what if it doesn't taste too great. It's medicine, not Bananas Foster, lol. I highly recommend this. Lunesta that is, not Bananas Foster. Well ok, I highly recommend Bananas Foster, too. Be well.

Ive been on 3 MG of Elevil since its Introduction in 1977 and Mfg by Sandoz,It was used for "Shift Differential Use" as I was a Corrections Officer working 11:00PM to sometimes 3:00 PM the next day and Daytime Sleeping didnt cut it.today June 2022 its Generic and used for Chronic Pain as im a Totally Disabled Corrections Officer since 1990.i take it at night but here I am writing this at 12:15 AM,my usual start of my day,i also take 10mg of Valium,Medical Marijuana,300mg of Lyrica all at Bedtime just to get some sleep,my next move is to Hire Conrad Murry MD,Michael Jacksons DR and search for Him in Bimini, the Caribbean......this is no life for a 64 formally active Male.Sexlife is non existant for 4 years.

This drug had terrible side effects for me that got worse the longer I was on it. I felt mentally impaired and extremely exhausted and depressed to a degree that terrified me until I realized that the medication was causing it. By mentally impaired I mean I had trouble walking, concentrating, and finishing even the most simple task. My limbs kept going numb and at times I disassociated. I was unable to stop crying and couldn't feel positive emotions for weeks on end. I saw my psychiatrist about my worsening mental state and she didn't mention that these could be side effects of Lunesta - so instead she prescribed me adderall and I kept taking the lunesta. The adderall helped with energy a bit but I was still feeling so mentally impaired and depressed. Eventually it clicked that my symptoms had gradually gotten worse the longer I had been on lunesta. I stopped taking lunesta 10 days ago and slowly have been getting better. Today is the first day my normal energy levels are back and I can feel positive emotions again. This drug is really really scary to me. I would not recommend this to anyone.

My doctor prescribed this me on May 18th, I tried it several times and no results, only a bitter taste in mouth which would last for a couple of days and agitation from being now groggy and tired, BUT HERES THE GOOD NEWS!!!, a few days ago, I tried taking 2 and sticking them in marshmallows to avoid the aftertaste of bitterness, well that night I almost got some sleep, but I kept getting out of bed, so the sleep sensation went eventually went away and I was up all night, well for those of you , who are about to give up DONT! last night I said I'm going to try one more time, so at about 6 pm I ate a full meal To make sure I was full, I limited what I ate to the bare minimum and I read the ingredients to make sure that what I was eating didn't contain a lot of fat, I wrapped 2 lunesta in the marshmallows as someone had said to cut the bitter aftertaste. I took them at 9 pm and got in the bed, turned off the light and waited, I don't know when but I fell asleep and slept all night, I feel so relieved and energized. So there's hope to those who has taken it and had no results, i finally encountered a good night's rest, I'm excited to see what tonight brings, I hope it wasn't just a one time thing, I will keep everyone posted, but yes I have had bad results, but I kept reading suggestions and reviews of others and have had a positive result from lunesta. Do Wrap them in marshmallows for bitter taste, DO NOT eat after large meals, and lots of fatty foods, DO get in bed and ready to sleep after taking them. The only thing is I had to take 2, but whatever works,

Lunesta worked well for me but my DR. took me off of it due to links to dementia.

On 3mg for over 10 yrs now, nightly. If you EAT A LOT OF FAT OR A BIG MEAL IT DOESN'T WORK. I occasionally take a drug vacation and cut them in 1/2, then 1/4s, over a few weeks, but I've never been able to sleep since I was attacked, eventually I start them up again, which is preferable to sleep deprivation psychosis hospitalization. I have had great luck in finding an easy med, but you sometimes have to consider if you want to sleep so much that you can overlook a bad taste (suck on a lozenge), and you cannot eat for about 3 hours before you take a pill, so no midnight ice cream, no alcohol, at all, it's really up to how you use it that makes it fully effective. I know many people who take it that still eat late at night, then complain it doesn't work. The instructions make that very clear. After it kicks in I might have a protein bar. But you need to be IN BED, READY FOR SLEEP, with 8-9 HOURS available. You can't take it at 2am to get up at 6am. I think it's great, good luck!

My heart rate dropped to the 40s- 20 below normal. Horrible sleep for 2 nights taking it and felt horrible with low heart rate. Do not recommend

This drug needs to be taken when you are in bed and ready to fall asleep. I was averaging 4~5 hours of sleep every night and now it’s 8. Not habit forming and no grogginess in the morning. A + for me. ??

Tolernance insreases fast

Use twice a week will be probably problem free but longer risk it will fail to work and then you have to wean off slowly over several months or longer you have to be sure you can only use it 2x a week

Lunesta is hot garbage! Didnt do anything for me give a mettalic bitter taste in my mouth. After talking Lunesta i was stll able to drive an hour later.

Took Lunesta for 4 nights. After still being awake for 3 hours after I took it, I refuse to take another. Doctor gonna have to try something else

Was prescribed this for insomnia, did absolutely nothing for me at night. It’s very expensive also, what a waste of money

I have used Lunesta for over 10 years and I have found two types, those that work and those that don't or work very poorly. They are easy to identify. The ones that work poorly or not at all are the color of very faded jeans. The ones that work well are the color of new unwashed jeans OR an orangy/tan with M on one side and EZ/3 on the other. If you need more than one quit them. The others can be cut in half and work just fine if you are not too stressed then just take one whole one.

It almost works, can get a good 4-5 hours of sleep. Have been taking over 10 years. The max dosage available is too low.

I suffer from insomnia and was given a prescription for this medication by my psychiatrist (I also suffer from depression) The first night I took lunesta it didn't work at all but the following day I felt like I was "high" all day and unable to function. The following night I tried again and it didn't work. I was ok the next day as though I hadn't taken anything. I continued for 9 days...only to find out I was having trouble speaking...like my head wasn't functioning properly. I couldn't think of the word I wanted to say. I don't know if it was my doctors fault for putting me on this drug knowing I had a mood disorder or this was a side effect not mentioned. Beware people

I've used Lunesta for well over a decade. There are several manufacturers of Lunesta, SOME DO NOT WORK, OTHERS DO. Dark blue is a good sign (K 85 marks on pill). LIGHT BLUE - DON'T WORK (L 35 0n pill). There is a beige variety with an M on it but I don't remember the number, it works fine. There are others of different efficacy. For me the ones that work may take up to 20 or 30 minutes at worst, if I'm stressed. But I stay asleep. I've had 3 different Light Blue varieties, over many years, that were all useless.

This sleeping medication seems to be working so far. Had close to 7 hours and I have extreme insomnia where I only sleep 4 hours at a time. I had that bad taste in the mouth that everyone has been talking about. I solved the taste problem by taking a mini marshmellow(also tried with big marshmellow and broke into a little piece) and put the pill inside of it and molded it around it(a little water helps it get sticky). Voila! No more bad taste.