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Generic Name: Fluconazole

Brand Name: Diflucan

Diflucan Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have not experienced any of the horrible side effects like some other people on here. However, I don't think the medication is working or killing the candida.

I was so sick to my stomach with 1 pill also made me have muscle spasms in my .leg during the night.not taking it.

I have Dark marks on my face that been here for months Now I am very self conscious I won’t to know will they go away I’ll never use this medication again never I also had blisters on my lips

I used Diflucan successfully multiple times over several years. Then,when I was in my young 30s,I used a dose a friend had that had expired, and got large maroon skin hives(rash) on my face and neck. I didn't attribute the spots to the diflucan until abut the 3rd time I got rash, which was worse each time. The 2nd time I'd used unexpired generic fluconozole, the 3rd time unexpired Diflucan. I don't know if the reaction had anything to do with that one dose being expired, or if my body's tolerance just changed, but I can't use it anymore. So don't take a chance on an expired dose!

Iâ??ve had with yeast infection since 18 years old the past 3years my yeast infection is gone but now I get thrush with painful sores so bad I canâ??t even drink water and loose weight I have been taking 200 mg 2 times a day as I was in the hospital for 7 days is it safe to take 200 mg Twice a day when you out was the risk as I get pain full sores and painful white thrus all on my tough and down my throat does anyone have experience this and what to do as I get this once a month around my period and sometimes stays 3-4 weeks at a time Please Help

OTC treatments have never worked for me. I am extremely susceptible to vaginal yeast infections. Anytime I take an antibiotic I�m sure to get one. Plus I am diabetic and high blood sugars also cause them for me. And when I get one it�s 100% awful and really bad. 1 pill and I�m cleared up in a few days. The day after taking it I usually already feel the difference. I usually take a second one a week after the first one is taken for the just in case factor. I would recommend this medication to anyone. Women who are allergic to it, I feel so sorry for. This medication works miracles for me.

I had a bacterial infection so the doctor prescribed me Metronadizole. It gave me a terrible yeast infection , the kind that is real dry & irritating. The doctor called in Diflucan & I took it about 3 days ago. It just start clearing up today. My discharge isn’t white anymore it’s becomibg more clear. I haven’t had discomfort all day today. The medication is working but i’m going to wait a couple more days a couple more days before having any sex with my boyfriend. Overall this medication really works. I’m so relieved.

I was put on Augmentin (antibiotics) and got a yeast infection, so the dr prescribed this. It has made me miserable. I have had the worse diarrhea for the past two days. Last night I had major chills and couldnâ??t get warm. I still have a bit of a yeast infection- Iâ??m hoping it clears up soon.

This is the only medication that has help with my yeast infections. Those over the counter ones actually cause irritation and make it worse. I have no side effects from this pill

Day 3 and hasn't gotten any better, if anything has gotten worse. Got it from being on Augmentin for sinus infection. Have been eating yogurt twice a day also.

I was prescribed this med for a yeast infection I got due to taking hormone meds. I was prescribed 100mg once a day for a week. A week after taking it my hair is falling out in clumps. My hairline is sore, the same feeling as if you've had your hair in a ponytail for too long. I'm not sure I would ever retake this medication.

Took amoxicillin and got a yeast infection because of it so my doctor prescribe this and worked extremely well.

I am baffled but in the best possible way. Since last October my entire left side has been burning. From the top of my scalp to my left knee. On a guess that I had a yeast infection which I don't believe I really had an urgent care doc prescribed this and for the first time in almost a year - inexplicably I felt insanely much better - I don't know why. I imagine the source of that issue is fungal but its my WHOLE LEFT SIDE. Its sort of concerning that this IS what helps but it so much does - I would love to understand more about why.

I think Diflucan is giving me a slight headache, but other than that it seems to work great. Cleared up my itching and most of my discharge within a day of taking the first dose. I took the second dose five days later (today) and am hoping it'll knock out the rest of the discharge. This is my second yeast infection ever and I definitely prefer the pill to the messy creams. Advil takes care of the headache.

Worst side effects ever. Sever cramping in the stomach. Dizzy, nausea, sweating and chills. I do not recommend!

For some reason I am prone to yeast infections and get them about 4 times per year. Diflucan consistently works for me in just one dose, I am completely better within 24 hours. So much easier to use than those messy OTC creams. I have no side effects at all.

Cleared things up but for some reason I'm completely swollen down there. Second time this happens and the heartburn at night, ugh. I'm miserable.

Slight constant headache first 36 hours of the 72 hours on the medications. 1pill per day for 3 days. Dizziness first time I took it. Had read about this so planned to take it at bedtime each night to avoid dealing with dizziness and headache. Plan worked. Still slight itching at start of day 3 hoping it'll be gone by end of day. I took amoxicillin for a bacterial infection and then got a yeast infection because of it. I was on my period so had to do the pill vs cream. I prefer the cream vs the headache. But in the end it seems to have worked.

Took and got huge swellings on lower lip and upper right eyelid. the lip swellings turned black and have scarred me. They do not go away!!!!

I discovered this drug years ago after my first pregnancy. I won't do it any other way. Nothing over the counter works for me. I have NEVER had any side effects from taking it. My Dr. often hesitates to give it to me so I looked up side effects. Maybe some of those things are from prolonged use. I only need it periodically.