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Generic Name: Fluvastatin Sodium Extended-release Tablets

Brand Name: Lescol XL

Lescol XL Drug and Medication User Reviews

muscle pain

It is more expensive than GOLD (30daysX80mg for about $135 at Target). One oz (28.5g)would cost $1603. The gold price is about 1200/oz. The package is lousy, for a such expensive medication. I expect not to get loose pills in an open container. I DO EXPECT A FACTORY SEALED PACKAGE!!!!AND A LOWER PRICE! Last night, I refused an open container of 100 pills and they promised one for Monday and I tried to buy my medication for three days until they will provide a factory sealed container of 100 pills, but they wanted to charge me $20.99 for three pills of 0.080g and that means $2,400.00 per oz (28.5g) or reported to gold it is twice the price of gold (approx. $1,200/oz). I tried other generics, but were not good for me.

Horrible Headaches and muscle pain in legs occaionally

this is one of the few statins I have found that does not use lacti acid as a binder in the drug which can be a problem for people who are lactose intolerant.

The cost of this medication is breaking my paycheck...Why does this not go generic...$75.00 for 30 pills...wow

I was on Lescol 80 XL for years, no side effects, not a problem, ever. My cholesterol went from the 300 range to 168 in 30 days. I was on it until 20 mo ago, when my provider refused to pay for it---I was switched to Lipitor. I had to be taken off the Lipitor last week due to muscle weakness, higher b/p, etc. My M.D. and I are hoping Lescol has been put back on the o.k. to pay list.

increased appetite

Lescol XL is the second medication I have taken to control my cholesterol level. The first was Lipitor (took that for 13 months and could barely walk). Switched to Lescol XL in 2006 and started developing the same problems as with Lipitor (severe muscle weakness, pain in joints and even hair loss). I no longer taken any form of statin. Even though both medications lowered my cholesterol level it was not worth the side effect of not being able to walk without pain.

I been using this medication for years, no side effects,my numbers are fine,but an expensive drug,40$ for 30 pills even with insurance.

I was on Zocor for 1 year when they raised the dosage and I started having mussel pain and the liver test came back with bad results. Changed to Lipitor after being off all medicine for 3 months, in 2 weeks had severe mussel pain and cramps. Stopped Lipitor and after 1 month started Lescol XL 80mg, have been on this drug for 2 years with an occasion mussel cramps in calf (2 to 3 times a years), if I eat a banana no problems. Dropped from 236 to 166 and has stayed around 160 to 175 range for the last 2 years. Get levels check about every 3 months.

After 2 weeks on this medication, it too along wit hal lCholesterol medications gave me terrible reactions, muscle aches and pains. I continued thsi medication for a total of 4 weeks thinking it may go away, but just liek all the others, it got much worse. I will not take somethng to lower my cholesterol that helps one thing and causes many other bad things. This drug can cause organ damage.

After having bad side effects with lipitor and three others, Lescol XL brought the numbers from 350 to 147 without side effects.

i had total cholestrol of240,after takin this medicine i had side effects, it effected my liver,i got jaundice,so i stopped the medication,my cholestrol levels came down to 136 but i was takin uric acid tablet(zyloric300mg)along with Lescol XL 80mg.Now after 1month i checked my choletrol .ttryglcride is 280 total cholestrol is 216 LDL is 280 HDLis 11 URIC ACID is 8.7 so please advise me to what should i do.Doctor has advised not to take any medications.So please send me a diet which can reduce my cholestrol levels

This has caused muscle weakness and fatigue.

So far I have been on this medication for 4 days and the side effects are:Gas, Diarrhea, Itch and Rash , Sore Sinuses, Cough, trouble sleeping and some chest pain.

After muscle problems with Lipitor went on lescol. No problems and my numbers across the board were great.

Caused sever muscle pain in arms and upper back. After stopped using took additional 2 weeks for muscle pain to go away.