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Generic Name: Gabapentin Tablets

Brand Name: Gralise

Gralise Drug and Medication User Reviews


Gralise was working very,very well for me at first,Now my leg pain is coming back more and more every day. I am NOT happy with the pain and after spending almost $100.00 to fill the perscription, I am really not happy!

I have neuropathic pain on the right side of my body following a thalamic stroke. I was previously taking Gabapentin 3x per day which was only marginally effective and had side effects of making me groggy and low energy. My neurologist switched me to Gralise, which I only have to take once per day, and it's more effective with no noticeable side effects. Before, on Gabapentin, I would sometimes wake in the night as it wore off and my pain would return. This no longer happens on Gralise.

I was injured in a fall over 2 years ago and it has cause sever nerve pain in my upper back, left ribs, left shoulder, neck and the back of my head. I was on 600mg of Gabapentin for 14 months but it didn't help at all. I was then switched to 300mg Gabapentin and 100mg of Lyrica for 5 months and it wasn't helping much at all. The doctor switched to this medication 3 weeks ago and it is controlling the pain better than the other medication combination. I still have really bad days and nothing may make my nerve pain go away.

It has made me extremely drugged out in the first week or so. Im on the trial pack at this time and on day # 13 for the first time, Im feeling more alert. I didnt take it one day, fearful of the side affects due to children staying the night-the next day i was extremely depressed and realized how quickly i had become "addictcted" to it. I dont think its an easy drug to ween off of. Not sure I will continue, how ever it has helped.

Weight gain and fatigue from gralise. Once you take it it's hard to get off. It's VERY expensive and I am still on two other opiates and a spine stimulator to relieve the pain so I am disappointed with the gralise but I don't know how to stop taking it. My doctor doesn't want me to stop she wants me to take more of it and I refuse!

Only works about 12 hrs then have to take two more

I've been taking Gralise for years and I think it is wonderful for my arthritis.

My pain management doctor RX this to me after she asked me if I tried Gabapentin before and the results. I told her I did and it didn't work. That's why I was referred to her. What did she say?I see well we will try you on Gralise and add amytryptilne to it next time and look into a spinal ablation. I have stenosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, fibromyalgia and pain from my Hashimotos disease.I'm tired of these so called pain management clinics thinking everyone is a junkie. If we were then it'd be a hell of a lot easier getting it on the streets, because the real junkies get it no questions asked.

bad job by a nurse in hospital gave me me a anti blood clotter right in my side nerve broke out with shingles, was on gaberton and patches and lyrica ,acupuncture, deep massage homeopathic treatment for damaged nerves and i can control it yet cannot do anything physical, walking, going to outside activities... To the lady who wants off gralise , I got off of gaberton cold turkey(9 a day) with Q10,200mg,and dandelion(dexel,(mexican) 4 per day), vita c 1000 and no side effects... Gralise I have been taking and feel the best I have ever felt soo in 6 months will report how I feel then.

I use this and Trokendi XR for migraine prevention. I hardly have had any migraines since starting on these meds. I highly recommend it.

Gralise ER comes in 300mg or 600mg tablets. I was prescribed this medication because I have fibromyalgia. Lyrica, Cymbalta and Gabapentin did nothing to help the pain. My doctor started me with 300 mg and took one each evening for a full month before beginning the 600mg dose. I have been taking this for about a year now and will probably have to increase the dosage soon. Like anything, your body becomes accustomed to pain medication, but this one seems to help me more than any other drug therapy. Gralise ER is an extended-release derivative of gabapentin. It has really helped my fibromyalgia nerve pain. Before Gralise ER, there were two to three days a week I could not even walk. Literally. This medication makes you a little groggy after a couple of hours and it is recommended to take after your last meal in the evening. I conquer. It has definitely helped me sleep better each night. People who suffer from fibromyalgia never sleep well and this has helped immensely. I manage a Law firm and had considered disability prior to beginning Gralise. It has allowed me to continue working for now.

I have been taking Gralise for four days for lower back pain. The side effects I am hhaving--I have brain fog, and dizziness, and crazy dreams. I want to stop taking it, and I am wondering about cold turkey since I've been taking this for only four days. After reading about everyone being on this for years, and the effects I am having, I want to stop. I need to be sharp at work and I feel like I have had four martinis before I walk in the office! Can I just go cold turkey? thanks for chiming in.

I have been taking Gralise for two and a half months. I am happy with its effectiveness, as it has reduced my nerve related pain by at least 50 percent. Occasionally, I will notice a small dizziness sensation, but it is mild and does not last long, and is not significant. That is the only side effect that I have noticed from taking the drug. I have to remember to take it along with my evening meal, so I have set up a reminder on my smart phone to remind me every evening to take it around meal time.

I have been taking this drug for a week and called my doctor today to report side effects of extreme dizziness, random nerve tics, shaking and anxiety. I have tried gabapentine in previous formulations and it produced horrible sude effects as well. With the side effects and ineffectiveness of pain relief I want to discontinue use. I am waiting for call back from doctor to discuss.

I have a busy schedule and find it impossible to take Gralise at the same time each day. This causes me to forget to take it. I want to stop taking it but the doctor won't tell me how to stop.

I have CRPS from nerve damage following ankle surgery. I took 1800 mg of Gralise for 10 mos, and it help with pain relief. However, I was very "out of it" and struggled with extreme fatigue, memory issues, coordination/balance. Worked with my doctor to wean off - I suffered from extreme nightmares to the point of screaming & crying in my sleep. This is not mentioned as a side-effect, but it happened each time dose was reduced by 600 mg. I'm finally off it, and only now realize how "stoned" I was for the past 10 mos - made working full-time very difficult. I recommend using this medication only if your pain is intolerable or your lifestyle is low-key.

During titration, I had side effects (dizziness, urge to sleep late) at 1200 mg. Did not go up any higher in dose, although the MD said recommended dose was 1800. Dizziness was gone after 5 doses of 1200 mg, but it's still harder to get up in the morning than it was before I was taking these pills. Pain relief is good. I only hurt at the site of the operation now, and the pain is mostly gone when I am at rest.

I had extreme migraines (w/o aura) which were increasing in intensity and duration. I also tried Botox and underwent migraine surgery, along with years of prescriptions, drs. appts., various tests and treatments. I am on day 22 of the Gralise and feel better and am sleeping better than ever! No side effects at this point. I was averaging 14-15 days a months of migraines, which were completely debilitating. I could not be happier at this point. :)

I have been diagnosed with Sensory Neuropathic Cough, basically all the nerve ending in my throat are hyper sensitive. I was coughing 90% of the time with some extreme coughing spells that would last 5-7 minutes. I was taking Neurotin which improved my cough by about 50% but I was always tired, no motivation, and had weight gain that I hated! Once I started seeing a neurologist, she put me on Gralise. The cough has improved even more, the tiredness improved, and the weight is starting to come off. I am currently taking 2400mg per day and feel like I am starting to have control of my life again. I will have a cough for the rest of my life but am happy to say that this medicine has helped to control the cough. Now I rarely have extreme coughing spells and the cough has improved by 80%.