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Generic Name: Glimepiride

Brand Name: Amaryl Tablets

Amaryl Drug and Medication User Reviews

Yes it's easy but low BS on busy days when eating adequate carbs is difficult gained 22 pounds warding off low BS it works but be careful.

Have only been on this for 2.5 weeks and my blood sugars are regularly in the normal range. Have gotten my fasting blood glucose to 140 which is good as this has always been high, even when I had control with just diet and metformin. I take 1mg before breakfast and 2mg before dinner. Have had a couple of lows because I didn't eat enough carbs or ate a very small dinner. Otherwise, no problems and love seeing my readings in the normal range. You have to start slow on this med. I read a review where someone said they took a 4mg pill right off the bat! Wow! My doctor had a plan for me to follow to start with just 1mg before breakfast and 1mg before dinner. I slowly increase until my fasting blood glucose readings get below 130. At my current dosage, I am already close to that. I can't imagine taking 4mg at once!

I was on Metformin for many years and eventually it was becoming ineffective and I was suffering from severe nausea and diarrhea almost constantly. Switched to a Glemiperide and blood sugar is normal and no abdominal complications. At least for me this is almost a miracle drug.

Been using this medication for awhile. Can't seem to remember much on this drug. At first it was working ok but had to adjust from only Crestor 10mg to both Crestor and Amaryl 1mg. Got some blurred vision and A1C rose full 1.5 PT in 3 months. Changed to Pravachol 20mg b/c of ObamaNOcare. What a crock! Still having issues of blurred vision and A1C issues even with exercise and eating right. Tired most of the time and hard to rise and shine when I was a morning person prior to all the meds. Added MetFormin 1000mg twice/day - What CR?P. What next?? Feel like a hamster in a cage. My guess is any drug is not good! Read the label. Terrible drug that works at first until your body gets use to it or the drug reps are giving bad drugs to the Pharmacy - hope not?? Looking at switching to ALL NATURAL stuff.

Started taking the medication and my numbers dropped in half. However less than 6 months on the medication along with trying to eat right and exercise. I now am right back at the higher numbers. The side effects are wrecking havoc for me. I now have numbness along most of my right side. Hand, arm leg and some feet. Huge pain across shoulders as well. Did not injure self at all. But never had issue till took medication. I had to change from night to morning because the pill dipped me too low in the mornings. Now it does nothing for system. Use to be 85 in afternoon when got home after taking in the morning. Now I see 180 plus waking up. And recently after numbness set in I am now back in the 200 range. Would not call this pill a success. Also would not recommend for anyone who has Seizure meds to take. This med has put me in many uneasy feelings. Not had any on floor events, but this med does not help. I have had almost every "severe" side effect from this medication. All on just 2 MG of medication once a day. Sad I took this because it seems all diabetes meds only work for a short time and then are no longer useful to my system. Yeah for all of you who can take the cheap medication. Also I have gained 15 pounds in just 3 months time. Not looking forward to seeing how much more I gained in this past 3 months. I also take this along with 1K metformin as well. I have tried so many different medications and had bad side effects that I am not sure where to go from here. May just need to look into more natural ways of controlling health. Best of luck to the rest of you,

This has NOT worked for me. My sugars are still in the 200's. The side effects are I get really sleepy within an hour of taking it and try to remember to take during a meal. I am taking 2 mg twice a day along with another med. Hope to get this changed next week.

my experience is satisfactory


Drs. started me out with too high a dose and had many low sugars. I am now just taking 1 mg in AM and 1 mg with dinner. Completely changed my diet and lost 7 pounds. Still tired, but doing better. Numbers dropped from 340 to 122 average in 2 weeks. Drs. put me on metformin, had a bad trip from that - never again taking that stuff.

This medication has controlled my sugar, however, one of the doctors Ihave recently seen suggests that Ishould not continue the medication and switch to insulin,I am not happy about this. He is stating that this 2mg Glimepiride causes damage to the pancreatic cells. What is your opinion?

I started this morning with 1mg and two hours later my sugar went from 164 to 167. Can anyone say how long it takes to start working? Thanks

suger under control but causes erection problems

I tried many differant medicines, including insulin to treat my diebetes, as well as Dieting & Exercise, nothing brought my blood sugar down untill I was prescribed this medicine. It is working VERY well for me and I have had NO side effects, & I am someone who is sensitive to medications. If your blood sugar is elevated, and diet & exercise are not bringing it down, I highly recommend this medicine.

it has caused problems of cramps &shivering along with loss of energy.

It worked at first, if I exercised after taking it. Now, there is no difference no matter how much physical exertion my day contains.

Just started using it

When my dose was increased from 2mg to 4 mg i had a severe allergic reaction! Full body hives swollen eye lids and lips.. doctors did not suspect amarly since i had been on it for one year with no problems. Hives last 3 1/2 months. When I finally stopped taking the Amarly on my own the hives were total gone within 76 hours. Terrible experience!