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Generic Name: Glipizide

Brand Name: Glucotrol

Glucotrol Drug and Medication User Reviews

It brings down my blood sugar to about 50 within 2-3 hours

I was taking 10mg and that has been reduced to 5 mg along with 1500mg of metformin daily. I don't think it is necessary because I continue having low blood sugar level unless I eat several times for 4 or 5 hours after taking meds. I am trying to convince my doctor to discontinue this or I will just stop taking on my own and keep my weight under control and pay close attention to diet. We all need to do that anyway, whether or not we are diabetic.

Over the past 4 years I have been taking Glipizide/glucotrol I have developed a terrible reaction to sun. It has gotten worse over the past year. 15 minutes of direct or indirect sun and I begin to itch, hives/welts appear, skin turns red...even through my clothes. The screen and antihistamines don't work. The itching and welting gets so bad and nothing soothes it. I have to go in the house, wash with cold water, try not to scratch and wait for the itching to stop on its own. If I am driving my car and sun comes through window on my left arm it starts. On an airplane if sitting my window and sun comes in, it starts. Received my latest prescription and found a warning on bottle to avoid extensive time in direct sunlight. Others I know on this med have stated the same thing. Guess people are starting to report this severe reaction if they now warn you on the label. Going to ask my doctor about changing meds. I can't take Metformin- severe reactions to that, .too..

Yes, the glipizide brought my blood sugar down, but the side effects made me not want to take it again...headache, stomach pains, nausea, throbbing/racing pulse, when I raised my arms to fix something high, I thought I was going to pass out. I also take Metformin, 1,000 mg in the morning and at night.

My mother is 88 yrs. old she started taking this medicine about a yr ago. Since then she has had blood sugar values ranging from the 40's to 322. Two days ago she suffered a t.i.a.

I was taking metformin w/ 5 grams of glipizide blood sugar was under control Dr. decided metformin was affecting my liver so took me off. I am now taking 40 grams of glipizide every day, it seem as though it is having no affect whatsoever, my blood sugar hasn't been below 178 it is usually in the 190s.

After being found allergic to Metformin (rash everywhere) for 1 year I took 5mg daily of Glipizide. It works well, but when blood sugars began to climb for no apparent reason, I was changed to 10mg. Now I have occ'l low blood sugar with night sweats, weakness, dizziness OR my morning blood sugar readings are 70 +/- a little too low for confidence that I am doing the right thing. Has anyone else had irregular problems with adjusting dosages? Thanks.

Glucotrol has been a very effective treatment along with taking a cinnamon supplement to control my blood sugar levels,which in turn controls my diabetes.

I have a high A1C level (about 11) and the goal is to get it below 7 in the next 3 months. About 3 weeks ago, my blood sugar level was higher than 200. I admitted myself into emergency because I was experiencing symptoms that were very similar to Transient Aschemic Attack (TIA) - the precursor to a real stroke. The doctors have prescribed 5mg Glipizide (Glucotrol) in addition to my regular dose of 750mg of Metformin twice daily. I have been taking this cocktail for about 4 days now, and my blood glucose levels have dropped to below 150. I've also eliminated all external sugars from my diet - no fruit juices, no sweet dairy products etc - and am exercising for 30 minutes each day. I am restricting my diet to less than 250 carbs per day. I think the combination of diet, exercise, and medication is necessary to move the A1C and blood glucose levels in the right direction

I'm unable to rate this drug at present, as I'm starting it, 10 mg, 'today'. I am replacing Glimepiride 8 mg with it. And I also take Metformin ER 500 mg twice daily, which I will continue, along with the Glucotrol 10 mg.

started it 20+ yrs.ago, 1 per day. quit ALL medications 5 yrs. ago, did great. hubby got throat cancer, i was caregiver for 2 years, and the stress plus trying to cook for both of us sent my sugars over 500. i lost over 100 lbs., but sugars just soared. recently started glucatrol back, 2 per day and now my feet are swelling terribly. sugars are great, but it's due to diet. i'm 70, hubby died last may and i still have stresses, but a different kind. sugars down to 120, best for me. i'm going to quit meds again, trying to isolate what's causing the foot problem. had problems with metformin, actos and glucophage. actos nearly killed me; glucatrol seems less harmless than other drugs. i find diet to be best! 50q5ww

This was added along with 1000 mg. metformin and within 3 days i was down from the mid 200's to a 99 on a morning fast test. Also, no side effects like the metformin.

Just started taking this medication. Had previously been on Metformin but had side effects. This medication seems to be working with no side effects.


I take 5mg along with 1500 mg of Metformin daily for Type 2 diabetes. With the addition of this medication my blood sugar levels dropped where the doctor wanted them - lower than 150. Along with diet changes and exercise I get occasional loose stools especially after greasy meals. I do get regular (6 month) check ups for nerve damage, check toes, and an eye exam yearly.

by using this medicine because I am out of my regular one, I find it has only kept my blood sugar in the 200-300 range. The medicine I normally use is Glucovance.