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Generic Name: Highly Soluble Oral Tablets

Brand Name: FeRiva

FeRiva Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am giving one star because of the price of a month supply $440.19 out of pocket. its ridiculous what you pay for some iron pill. shame on the Great America.

While the ease of us and effectiveness is great the cost is ridiculous. $360 for a one month supply without insurance. With insurance it is $50 a month...seriously?

I normally experience hard stool when taking iron supplements. I was pleased to be able to take this med with ease and comfort in knowing that I would not have uncomforted constipation!

I was anemic from blood loss. This drug has helped me feel better. Thank you

I think this medication is helping me. In the past had to get intravenous iron infusions because I couldn't tolerate iron pills. I have had no trouble with this medication. I get a really really dry mouth though and am not sure if it is a side effect. Nothing here seems to indicate that.

After 30 days...i developed a severe headache, dizziness...and the worst part was insomnia ...Calling the doctor this morning for another solution ..