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Generic Name: Hydrocodone

Brand Name: Zohydro ER

Zohydro ER Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have chronic pain from a bulging lower disc and upper shoulder nerve damage/fibromyalgia from 26 years of factory work.I have been through the mill with pain medications.The most recent combination worked the best.2 20mg Zohydros a day with 4 to 5 7.5 vicoprofens for break through pain which I could further reduce with medical marijuana.I was getting the Zohydro ER through a Quick Care Pharm program..$20 a month.When I called to set up my next delivery they said they were not carrying it anymore! Currently trying to find a way to receive this medication again.It is a MIRACLE MEDICATION! Now it will cost me over $400.I cannot afford it.Still waiting on a Replacement..now I am taking 8 to 10 7.5 vicoprofens a day.The med marijuana was great with break through pain with the Zohydro base...it is not as effective with curbing straight pain relief... soon as it wears off the pain feels twice as bad and I have to double up on the Vicoprofen thus eliminating the whole purpose of trying to cut back with the med m.WHY are these miracle drugs SO EXPENSIVE??? Frustrated

I am so glad I�m not crazy, I�ve been on zohydro for over two years now, with no relief from it whatsoever, I now know why my physician took me off it and upped my Norco !!! Could it be it�s nit effective at all and it is so expensive even with insurance, that�s two years of my life I cannot get back! In pain with false hope that this was supposed to work for chronic pain!! Nope!!!! I have done a 360 since not taking it anymore and upping my Mg on my norco, I have been pain free and have had energy to get stuff done, we should be compensated for the money we threw away! Thousands of dollars wasted and My quality of life was nil�

Took hydro but wanted something longer acting as hydro seemed to help but this is worthless. Even on good days it doesn't last half the time prescribed.

Very disappointed.I was prescribed 10mgs 3 times a day. Have not experienced any relief whatsoever.I had to wait 2weeks before medication was finally shipped to my Walgreens pharmacy. The price is outrageous and an unworthy for the purpose it is advertised to serve. Avoid!

I must say my pain DR started me on 10mg x2 per day after a number of years on 4 hydrocodone 7.5 per day. I think this was too low and so far in a weeks use I have had no relief. I see DR next day and will ask for at least 15mg x 2 and hydrocodone for breakthrough pain. I really wanted to change 100% to zohydro to get away from short acting with acetaminophen. Maybe higher mg will help but at this point not satisfied with 10mg and I read most people use other for breakthrough pain.

I've been in agony for many years... this seems to be working already

1st off no pharmacy in my area stocks it and very few will order it. 20mg has been on backorder for months. Really don't understand the hype, a 10mg hydrocodone is ten times more effective than a 50mg of Zohydro.. I suggest not wasting your time on this drug and predict it will be off the market before long.

I was given this med before going to a higher doseage of a different ER. They are awful, not a bit of pain relief and the cost is crazy. Very disappointed and will be changing to a different one.

I have neurotransmitters that don't function properly, if at all and I don't know if that has anything to do with the way I react to pain meds. Initially, the first two weeks, this drug worked fairly well. Then it began not working as well so now I'm at the point where it's like not taking anything at all.Also, no one carries it, and if they do happen to, right now they can't get any due to some manufacturing issue. Evidently, a lot of insurance companies aren't paying for it, and retail is at least $3-4 a pill, so paying it out of pocket is near impossible. What might be an excellent drug for some is being denied to them because of this. I don't know why I'm not having success, but I hope to change to something different and readily available in a day and a half, when I see my doc. I guess not every drug works for everyone

This medication made me very sick with headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. I have a high tolerance to Hydrocodone, and have no idea what is in this that affected me so badly. I have been in chronic pain with an incurable condition and lack mobility in one leg. I decided long ago not to take things that change me as a person. I don't even drink alcohol. Hydro has always been the best thing for me. I can not take this as it releases at odd times too.

I started this med about 5 months ago it worked very well until they came out with the newly formulated one witch has n-said in it I noticed the difference right away was not as effective as the plain ER with more side affects, I take meloxacam witch is a n-said also but highly concentrated for swelling not good will have to try something else

I have been on zohydro for 6 months or so. It has helped immensely with my pain after finding the right dose. A co-pay assistance card makes this affordable (search online for a free card). My only problem is that the formula recently changed and the pills are now 3 times as big as they were previously. Unfortunately I have problems swallowing big pills so I'm not happy about the formula change. Hopefully the new formula is as effective as the previous and I hope to get used to the larger pill size. I would highly recommend this drug to anyone with chronic pain. The dose seems steady and more stable than taking multiple instant acting pain pills per day and I've had very few side effects with this medication. Mild drowsiness until I got used to the medication and mild constipation but that is all. Much better than the alternatives I have been on.

Spinal fusion with yrs. of chronic continued pain. This med. last longer time wise for me sometimes I need to take 2 at a time (10mg.ea.)As of late Dr. added Norco before another injection. I have script card for one yr.$25.00 co pay hate to find out the real cost!!! This is a maintence drug for me.

I was terrified when doctor told me he was changing my medicine. I was taking 4 7.5 mg of norco per day. I had to go to a hometown pharmacy to get script filled. Debated for 3 days before trying it. I am now a believer in this drug. One pill in the morning is all I take and it works. I don't feel the initial rush, I sleep good, and my overall pain has been reduced. Only day 3 on medication and hope results will continue. Taking one pill before work allows me to not carry pills all day as well as keeps me from taking an extra pill when the evening rolls around and I had to debate if I needed another one. No side affects at all. With all the negative reviews I feel this will allow me to live with the daily pain without having to feel like a pill popper. Can't wait to share this with doctor at next visit. Tricare covered medicane with a $20 copay and hometown pharmacist said he will have to order it each month.

Doctors involved in pain management waited for Zohydro ER to become available for some time knowing it would help their chronic pain patients. They knew what patients needed Zohydro ER, so it’s not a drug you can ask your doctor for. The doctor will not prescribe Zohydro ER to you unless he has exhausted any and all other methods of pain management. Evidently, the doctors qualified to prescribe Zohydro ER are closely monitored. It requires a monthly drug test to verify no recreational drug use and proper dosing. It takes a few weeks to a month for your system to get used to Zohydro ER. If you have been struggling for relief with Vicodin for your chronic round the clock pain, it’s a roller coaster ride. I refer to the two hours of relief on Vicodin as a “window of opportunity”, then its back to dealing with the pain till another window is available. In an attempt to curb the wide spread abuse, doctors can no longer prescribe Hydrocodone in the quantities and duration needed for chronic pain patients. Thats why Zohydro ER was approved, its the only product available without moving to a drug you cannot function properly on. Now that the tamper proof packaging is available, maybe all the fuss over the potential for abuse will settle down. For your doctor to prescribe Zohydro ER, you must sign a contract stating, among other things, that you agree to manage only 60% of your pain. Attempting to manage 100% of your pain is not the target of pain management. Through experience I have learned this not only to be a requirement of the pain management contract, but a rule of mother nature. Nausea and loss of control of bowel movement muscles effect you even if you are opioid tolerant when you get over the 70% level. If you think that last statement is bull, then you probably do not have chronic pain. Effectiveness of Zohydro ER is excellent. Your doctor will start you with the 10mg and move you up till your dosing is correct. The physicians dosing guide instructs them to find

I have been taking this medicine for almost a year. It has worked for me. I hated taking 7-8 pills a day versus 2 a day. I take a lower dose at night. The only thing I hate is I'm having a hard time filling the script. My 90-day pharmacy has to order everytime and a lot of pharmacies won't fill. I finally found something that works for me

It was suggested I take this instead of Vicodin. I didn't like the way I felt on Tylenol and the pain med. the Tylenol would make my ears distorted. I always felt to high I couldn't drive. With zohydro I feel normal and my pain level has dropped to a 4

I recommend NUCYNTA® made by Janssen instead of Zohydro® made by Zogenix! First, because I've heard it works a lot better AND I think that Zogenix did NOT spend any money in researching this drug, just counted on someone else to research. A it has been on the market as a generic for decades with acetaminophen (Tylenol®) in it, Zogenix just didn’t add the acetaminophen when making it. And Zogenix not help poor people, they will help with the COPAY if you’re lucky enough to have insurance, BUT will NOT assist poor people without medication insurance to pay for it like other drug companies! THE POOR MUST PAY FULL PRICE! What a RIP OFF on poor people. Also, anyone that uses a government health insurance like Tricare (military personnel), Medicare or Medicade they CANNOT get any help with their COPAY. That is IF it's even covered. If it's not covered, you pay FULL PRICE! This company should be ashamed! If a person has medical insurance Zogenix will recover maybe $40 in total from the insurance company, but Zogenix wants FULL PRICE from the poorest people. If you can't work, and are broke, there is NO DISCOUNT! You must pay the FULL PRICE which could be over $10 EACH capsule! Like stated prior, I really think they have done NO RESEARCH making this narcotic, all they do is not add acetaminophen (Tylenol®) to the hydrocodone bitartrate. Looking at their website, they use the word "don't" in front of HOW TO ABUSE this medication, just like instructions! This drugs major difference to Vicoden® is that drug abusers on the street can snort it up their nose or inject this into their veins to get a better "high" or euphoric feeling since there is no acetaminophen in it. If you decide to try this drug, make sure it’s under lock and key so it doesn't KILL a child. Or get on the street where someone could abuse it and could DIE from an overdose.