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Generic Name: Icosapent Ethyl Capsules

Brand Name: Vascepa

Vascepa Drug and Medication User Reviews

My Cardiologist put me on this and said it was a cleaner fish-oil than over the counter. Long story-short, it almost killed me in many ways. Worse year of my life. Had a fistula surgery. when I left the hospital, my pants were saturated in blood and blood running down my leg. Went back to hospital. They thought they fixed it and happened again. Over one year and another "Corrective surgery attempt" It still would not heal and would have blood in stool. Also Heart rythem issues, dizzy spells, shortness of breath, Extreme muscle and back pain, Pain in toe because it causes Gout. All my doctors just blew it off as anxiety and need for more exercise. I was always fit and in good shape. After these pills it paralized my life and doctors just kept saying "Oh your numbers look good" Must be anxiety and need for larger shoes. It was so scary I was praying to live for one more year to get my stuff in order for the family before I died. I'm type 1 diabetic and stroke is the leading cause of death. I felt like I was having a stroke on a regular basis and they all just said it's just anxiety and to do breathing exercise and yoga. OMG! So I stopped taking these pills and within 5 days I feel great and back to exercising again and not heart racing etc. Body aches went away and finally surgery wound is slowly healing. This stuff should not be allowed to be on the market.

Only took about 3 days because it caused nausea and headache for me,

After suffering a mild stroke due to the Covid booster my doctor put me on Vascepa. I took it for about three days and stopped because of the side effects. My hands and feet became so painful that I couldn't use them. I collapsed twice and ended up in the hospital for a week. I used to walk 4 miles a day and now I can barely stand up. It has been 3 months and I don't think I will ever return to normal. That stuff ruined my life.

Been in for two months now, joint pain in elbow and shoulder which I’ve never had before, can’t go my usual 2 mile walks as the pain and heaviness in my legs is unbearable. Came off it yesterday, going for bloodwork next week. Not worth it in my opinion. Would rather be able to go walking.

I took Vascepa for a week and stopped because of adverse effects Been off of it for three weeks and still having terrible pain in my feet and hands. Can't sleep because of pain. Terrible! Hope it will go away.

After extreme diarrhea for weeks I stopped taking v a s e p a. After three weeks I was still passing out pills in stool in whole undigested pills. Have had stool samples analyzed. Barium stomach testing and now cholonoscopy these are undigested pills stored somewhere in my intestines giving me extreme distress!!!

Vascepa was nearly poison for me. The muscle and joint pain progressively became unbearable...I could hardly walk. I'm sure it works for some, but sure didn't for me!


I was buying generic EPA and with the coupon I switch to Vascepa. Worked nicely. in 2019 I got a btl for $9.00, in 2020, my deductible changed and it is now +$250.00. Have to rethink this because of cost, a bit high.

Started treatment in March 2018, absolutely no side effects. My Blood work is showing improvement and I feel like I've taken control of my heart health. Dont forget to sign up for the coupon at vasecpa savings plan! Also you should know in my opinion these bad reviews are from a competitor that knows V is the real deal. I have 4 co-workers that are now taking V and none of us have any side effects. Game Changer!

My doctor swears by this drug, but it didn't work for me. I took it for 6 weeks and my triglycerides went up!! I use Fenofibric Besylate and it works.. Been taking it for 15 years.

Works great, no side effects, I love this drug. People saying they are getting hives and diarrhea from Vascepa are delusional.

I am not a fan of taking drugs but Vascepa has done exactly what it has suppose to and more. It has improved not only my lipids but has improved inflammation markers and has cleared brain fog. I feel better all over. No side effects. I will happily take it forever. The company has a copay coupon so make sure to get that.

About one week into taking it and I have hives on my belly and a rash on both forearms like poison ivy. Not worth it.

I've only taken Vascepa for about 35 days now and i feel so much more energized, feel stronger with more stamina when working out at the gym, faster recovery time, breathing is better, sleep better, general mood is better, my memory and thinking process are sharper overall. I really have no complaints except maybe that my knee pains which i have for years still persist and i thought maybe the inflammation reduction benefits from Omega 3 would make it go away as well or perhaps it will over time with the 1 Gram a day of Vascepa i am taking for supplementary diet benefits. I had to convince my Doctor for a prescription, because he said i didn't really need it, he said a better diet with more fish, less meat and exercise would do, as my yearly blood works from October 2018 showed TG=54, HDL=90, LDL=159 & Total=251. But i told my Doctor that Omega 3 has too many other benefits for better health in general and i wanted to take advantage of the $9 Savings Card for 3 months supply of Vascepa from Amarin Corporation, which should last me a year at 1 Gram a day, the only RX purified EPA on the market and so my Doctor agreed, the offer was too good to not take advantage of it. He is eager to see my next bloodworks from my next physical at end of 2019 to compare with 2018 results since my total cholesterol had jumped from 205 in 2017 to 251 in 2018.

Have taken Vascepa for 3 years for artery blockages and general cardio improvement. It reduces heart attack and stroke by 25 percent in a recent research study. I have no side effects from it. It also improves your mood somewhat. And I suspect it has curbed my appetite a little as I have lost 8 pounds. IMO anyone with cardio issues should be taking it.

I have only been of this stuff for a few weeks. YUK! I have now developed joint pain and vicious diarrhea. I will stop taking it.

Trigs have been reduced by half, Iâ??ve lost weight without changing my exercise routine. Iâ??m over 60 and was worried that Alzheimerâ??s was going to be a thing for me. Itâ??s in my family history. After starting Vascepa my mind is much clearer. Itâ??s amazing. I hear a song on the radio and I know who the band is. I see an actor and can remember their name. That was slipping away from me previous to Vascepa. I highly recommend this for anyone thatâ??s getting older.

Dr prescribed Vascepa for my high TG level (253 in April). Very pleased after first 3 months. TG level at 186 now. Sleeping better and lost some weight which may be attributed to this drug since I didn�¢����t change lifestyle much. Thankful to have a Dr who knows what he�¢����s doing.

I have an OK blood panel. I was interested in the arthritic pain relief side effect. After 30 days I had 90% relief.