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Generic Name: Isotretinoin Capsules

Brand Name: Myorisan

Myorisan Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've used 4 or 5 different brands of isotretinoin at this point. First round I used on brand, and on the second round right now I keep getting a different brand every month, including Accutane. All of them were completely fine, until this month when I got Myorisan, which has the most godawful packaging I have ever seen in my life. Literally so bad there's how-to's on youtube on alternative ways to open the packaging (basically cutting the packaging open with scissors), and so bad I literally went online just to write somewhere just how bad it is. Opening a new pill twice a day gets VERY old with this.

Worked very well and I have zero acne and am super happy. Lots of basic side effects like joint pain and dryness. Although both can be combated pretty easily and only are slightly annoying. By far the most annoying part of using this drug is the terrible packaging it comes in. It is shockingly terrible, hard to open, and confusing. I would prefer any other possible packaging design. If you can take any other form of isotretinoin I'd recommend choosing them instead as this packaging is honestly so frustrating.

I had terrible side effects. Way at the bottom of the Medication Guide it states"..may effect bones, muscles and ligaments and cause pain..." "Stop Myorisan and call your doctor if you have muscle weakness. How I wish I had read this. I took it for 3 weeks and it has permanently weakened my leg muscles. Do PT every day just to stay our of a wheelchair. (BTW, had no effect on my Rosacea)

The medication itself seems to be working, as my acne is under control. Except the box it comes in is terrible!! I have to use something sharp to open it up to get the next pill out every single day. It is very frustrating. It is a very poor design. I usually take Claravis, but that has been on back order, so I am on Myorisan for this month. I can't wait to go back to Claravis. Also my skin is not as dry on Myorisan, which makes me worried it isn't working as well as Claravis was.

I’m on month 4 and I don’t see it getting better. Side effects so far are extreme dryness of the lips, some tiredness, and now, a rash on my neck and arm. Also, I scratched my face and it started “weeping.” There are a few spots where it has crusted over. Not very appealing. The acne/rosacea is not going away. Maybe it’s supposed to get worse, but I haven’t noticed any improvement. I started at 40 mg, then went to 60, now am at 80mg a day. Also, if I scratch or itch my skin, it turns to a rash.

This is my third round in 32 yrs. !st they acne moved from face/chest to back.3 yrs later Round 2 took care of my back. Then for last several yrs I would get them waist down. Yes, there is mouth dryness not to bad,use vasaline for lips or something similar. What the worst is sleep. I'm glad this medicine is around. I am on my 2nd month of this round. Hard to believe that a 61 yrs old would have this problem-always in drs office for lancing or opening the sores. Only have has 3 sores that required medical assistance, had rash on bilateral arms but gone this week. I learned the hard way My husband and I lost a baby back in 1983 we had used protection, I had been off the meds a short time. Recommend: follow the regulations, much stricter now but they are being safe for the patient.

I am on my 4th month of treatment. The saying "it will get worse before it gets better" is very true. I have a lot of side affects like dryness in the lips, face and eyes. Also some muscle and joint soreness in my legs. I have had a constant rash on my arms and legs also however they gave me a prescribed cream for it that helps it a lot. My acne is about 50% better now. I can't wait to see the final results and be off this medication. The side affects I have are rough however, to me they are worth it. The pill packages are a b*tch to open though!

I am in my third month of taking this medience. My derm said my skin would get worse before it got better but nothing too severe has happened. However my lips are extremely dry and the sides are cracked. Different parts of my skin will dry out as well. Coconut oil seems to be the best/longest lasting way to keep my skin moisturized and I tried vanicream

I've been using Myorisan for about 4 months now, and every set of pills I receive iis nearly impossibe to open. If you follow the directions on the package it tells you to push through the front side and then peel off the paper on the back side, releasing the pill. Only this is HARDLY what happens. When you peel the paper off, it tears and rips to where it is still stuck on the box. Very poor design. EVERY morning and EVERY night I struggle to pop the pills out of the container. MAKE A NEW CONTAINER FOR THEM!!!!

Was put on 80mg a day. Works quickly and well. Only side effect (aside from dryness) was upper back soreness.

Worked fast with a severe bout of rosacea. I am still using but the dosage has been reduced.

didnt work

only one year fda approved. Severe neck pain. did not help