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Generic Name: Ivabradine Tablets

Brand Name: Corlanor

Corlanor Drug and Medication User Reviews

Just started hasn't been a month yet. That being said I have not had the raging heart rate I used to just standing and when I used to take just a walk I would hit 140 and up. Now I can do normal things without crazy heart rates. So far the extra low hr is a little challenging and I am very tired and sob but I anticipate these will get better and am happy so far.

Waited for many years before I found a doctor who would accurately treat my IST with Corlanor. Great relief of symptoms but very expensive drug not covered by insurance or a manufacturer discount. In Canada a generic version is available but we can not legally order it from U.S.

I had difficulty doing even light exercise as my heart would race up to the 160s/170s when walking just a short distance and I had to constantly rest when doing housework. The high heart rate caused extreme fatigue. Corlanor was life changing because I can now exercise normally and not worry about having to constantly rest. My resting heart rate is now around 60 versus high 90s/100s prior to Corlanor.

Had a medication regimen change because Cardizem and Metoprolol were not working. I now take the Metoprolol with Corlanor and after using the combo for 4 months, I’ve had no side effects and am completely symptom free of tachycardia. My average HR which was 140-180bpm is now controlled and I am able to enjoy an active lifestyle without fatigue, shortness of breath, & palpitations! Twice a day dose for the rest of my life vs the way I used to feel without it is totally worth it to me!

I started taking this for POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia) and it's been a game changer for me. I can eat and be active and shower without fear of my heart rate skyrocketing. I wish I'd started it 3 years ago when this whole nightmare began.

This medication saved my life I couldn't work or leave my safe environment due to dizziness and passing out all the time. I started on this drug and now I am working full time I can go shopping if needed and stand in line and walk to the back of the store for items that are needed.

started feeling really good for the first month. then starting feeling not too good again. Don't know what is causing that now, but all in all, I like the drug and will continue using it.

Has caused me dizzy spells, weakness and headaches. It seems to be slowing my hr down but I'm not so sure the side effects are something I can tolerate for long. Have been on this for a month niw. 7.5 MG 2x a day

My daughter who is 14 was prescribed this medication for Atrial Ectopic Tachycardia. Her episodes have diminished 85%! Seems to be working and would love if a study could be done so more could benefit. Beta Blockers did not work for her. I also wish the prescription discount card would cover under 18 year olds....totally useless for us since they don't work for anyone under 18. Very expensive and that would have really helped.

i have I.S.T and it works wonders went from a resting heart rate of around 115-140 to 60-80 its amazing and it has been consistant. makes me pretty tired ive had a couple light issues but they are temporary its a great drug!!

My heart condition worsened and my cardiologist started me on this along with Valsartan. He also gave me a card to help with the cost of medication. It seems to have helped and kept me out of hospital.

Drops heart rate into 40's but overall has been a very helpful medication. Dizzy at times but worth staying out of the hospital.