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Generic Name: Letrozole

Brand Name: Femara

Femara Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had stage 2 with isolated cancer cells in nodes. On letrozole for two years. Mental fog, memory problems—can’t do my job well. Insomnia, too. Low mood. My risk of cancer recurrence is about 16% without the drug, 8% with it. They said I’d “half my risk,” true in a way, but the real risk reduction is 8%. Many women have the impression that letrozole is necessary or they’ll get cancer. When really their absolute risk reduction is not very large.

I was diagnosed with Ductal carcinoma insitu stage 1. Colon cancer stage 1 . i had a bilateral masectomy and they removed 18 inches of my colon. I started this medicine first thing sick at my stomach ,sweats,i hurt in my legs and feet and all over. I hurt all over. My shoulders hurt and my ankles they had arthritis in them that made itself known after i started taking the Femara.One year after being diagnosed with the breast and colon cancer my thyroid developed a bad spot so they had to remove the right side of my thyroid.i had one lymph node that lit up on pet scan but now it disappeared. I took this drug for over 2 years and i kept falling and being so nauseated. But if you can take this drug and stay on it you will less likely have a return of your cancer. The femara stays in your bone marrow for up to 20 years.God has taken care of me. Cancer doesnt pick and choose just take good care of yourself .i developed a exercise program and eating program . stay away from sweets and especially carbonated drinks. The people at your work educate and your family run off things about your cancer and some of the reveiws about cancer therapy taking the Femara chemo drug ..Have a meeting with everyone make them understand why you are late and why its harder to complete tasks because of the side effects from this cancer drug because its hard and you hurt and you lose sleep. And the longterm your goal is to get rid of the cancer. One day one of them may have cancer and walk in your shoes and they will think about you and realize your journey has been hard. Educate them this drug can have long term affects on your life but the goal cancer be gone. Love you all God bless you

I had breast cancer surgery in July 2020 followed by radiation (2x day for 5 days) and at the insistence of an oncologist, I started Femara in September 2020. She also prescribed vitamin D, but it made me very sick and I only took it for a short time. From the start I had aches and pains from the Femara, but kept taking it for 6 months. I went from an active, pain free 75 year old to not being able to stand from a seated position without help, not being able to walk upstairs and in constant horrible pain in my hips and knees. Three months after stopping the Femara I still have pain, but it is getting better and I'm slowly getting my mobility back. I changed to another oncologist who wants me to take Tamoxfen, but I am not taking any more medicine! I felt the Femara was going to kill me before cancer had a chance and my quality of life is very important. This is my decision and I'm very comfortable with it.

I have been taking Femara for 17 months, had a bone density scan at the start and then again at 16 months, quite a loss of bone density in that time, not yet osteoporosis but close to it, so an now on daily supplement of calcium with vitamin D. Hope it helps, my diet is good, I don't smoke and I was stage 2 estrogen positive cancer, 2nd operation was a mastectomy of the right breast and lymph nodes, all good now except for hot flushes and aches all over when I first move after sitting. I would like to stop taking the Femara, my Oncologist keeps encouraging me not to stop. I can't face a full 5 years of it, would rather take my chances and hopefully simply feel normal. I am 77 years old, I know I won't live forever, has anyone out there decided to simply stop the medication and how successful was that.

I was 48 yrs old and diagnosed with BC Nov 2015 - ER and HER2 positive. 2.5cm found in my axillar under my armpit. Mammogram was negative but insisted on ultrasound on both breasts and armpits. Bingo! Lymphodema due to anxillary clearance. 7 rounds of chemo / 15 rounds of hyception / 27 rounds of radiation. I was initially on temoxiflan and then changed to Fermia as my hot flushes were out if control. My legs, the bottom of my feet and nerves down the side of my leg especially when I was in bed were unbearable. Spoke to my oncologist and he advised to take vitamin D and a paleo diet. Bingo! I have also started light weights twice a week and walking everywhere every day has helped enormously. My sleep is still not right and I receive an infusion every 12 months that costs my skeleton with a gel that protects it from further bone degradation. I am happy to be alive and see my young child grow up. I have been on this drug for 4 years and think the diet and exercise was the key for me. I also try and drink 3 litres of water a day as recommended to me by my doctor. Stay strong and look ahead is my motto - hard most days but definitely worth it when I watch my son grow up x

I received 4 months of chemo (4 treatments) and 4 weeks of radiation,(20 treatments plus a "blast) after lumpectomy for stage 3 breast cancer. Six positive lumph nodes removed. I was declared cancer free and began femara 4 weeks after radiation. Other than severe hot flashes and night sweats, I have had no side effects from femara. Every day I take a pill it is comforting to believe it is protecting me. I am in my third year as a breast cancer survivor.

Metastatic Breast Cancer. Shrunk 3 cm lung tumor. No side effects. NED for 6 1/2 years. First and only treatment for MBC.

3 years ago DCIS stage 1, mastectomy on right side. Told I would need to take Letrozole for 5 maybe 10 years so that the cancer would not return. Since my oncotype score was 9 with low chance of reoccurrence, no chemo. I took Letrozole daily for 3 years and worked through the many side effects. In January of this year they found breast cancer in my left breast, and although caught early, very aggressive IBC. This time the oncotype score is a 40 so I will need chemo in addition to the mastectomy...

Have been on Femara (Letraxole) for more than 12 months. Experiencing hot flushes, hair loss and extreme weight loss, loss of appetite - I am thin anyway so very concerned about this. I have noticed from the comments, no one experienced this. Fortunately no aches or pain.

not sure reason #1 properly described my condition. I had lumpectomy on my left breast. the procedure involved removal of at least 2 lymph nodes from under my left armpit. That was when I was 50 years old. My doctor started chemo and radiation treatment right after my surgery. I was also put on Tamoxifen initially but it caused me to gain weight. I then switched to Femara which didn't seem to have the same effect. I was taken off Femara after about 2-3 years. And that was 15 years ago :-))

I was prescribed Femara to reduce the tumor size before surgery. The side effects were awful. Constant headaches, rotten taste in my mouth, weight loss, joint pain, and diahrrea. Before my surgery the oncologist said he wanted me on this for 5 years. 5 YEARS! I understand long-term side effects also include osteoporosis, which is already a concern in my lower back. In researching the alternative drugs, they do not appear much better, and in some cases worse. I've already had a double mastectomy and am seriously considering stopping right here and exploring alternative medicine instead.

have bc grade 3 in 2014 and have surgen in nov 2015,1 month radiation, take pill since feb 2016. so far not seriouse side effects that will affect my daily life. but do have side effect that i believe came from pill as i do not have these before, like joint pain, leg numb, eye blury, hair lost.so far all these are bearable. but when i read all these report i am kind scaring what will be in future. seems i do not have other choice as bc is hormone positive.

I had a lot of the symptoms Femara can already. Only been on it for three months. I've had some extra bone pain. I've had mostly nausea and tiredness. I think I'm a little more depressed. I also had a joint injection recently for bursitis so it could be masking some side effects. Good luck to all. I wanted to tell the lady that takes NSAIDS can cause heart attacks and strokes...hope she reads this.

Started taking arimidex after total left mastectomy in January for ductal carcinoma. The side effects were so severe that I had to stop. My oncologist changed my Med to femara. Been taking about two weeks and the side effects have started. I am having hand and jaw tremors. Anyone ever have that? The hot flashes are really bad. It makes working difficult.

I was on Arimidex, but joint pain was severe. I was switched to Letrozole. I was good for about 2 months, then joint pain, fatigue, hot flashes, poor sleep, my cholesterol is up. I will be speaking to my oncologist again. I don't want to complain, but my quality of life is suffering. I will stick it out if need be, in hopes that cancer never returns.

Only on the drug for 4 months following chemo and a mastectomy. Side effects didn't start for about 6 weeks into taking the drug. So far I have had interrupted sleep, knee, hand, and foot aches. Also, what I call malaise, my get up and go has gone. But, if I keep moving, the pain eases, naps help with the interrupted sleep, and I push myself to do things and get out of the house and the malaise passes. Good Luck to all on this drug and who are recovering from breast cancer.

I was prescribed this for fertilty. Five days into taking this drug, my nipples began to hurt really bad and were very hard. I developed a lump in each of my breasts. My mammogram came back abnormal, so the doctor scheduled me for a biopsy. I have never had an abnormal mammogram until now. The biopsy came back benign, but I know it was from this drug. Even with good BCBS insurance, I am out of $750 for this biopsy procedure. I would not recommend using this for fertility issues.

TWO DIFFERENT CANCERS SAME BREAST! 2008 Diagnosed with Mucinous Carcinoma left breast, ER/PR/Her2+; Lumpectomy, Radiation & Tamoxifen for 5 years. In 2014 new cancer in Left Breast: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma ER/PR+ Her2-; Bi-lateral Mastectomy, Reconstruction of both breast, started 3 years of Lupron shots and 3 years Femara. So far, (now October 2015) bone pain, joint pain in wrists, knees and ankles, hot-flashes, and overall not well feeling, shoulder pain, trouble sleeping, short term memory troubles, depression. I am starting a stretching program asap and when I feel a little better (hopefully soon) will start strength training. Not happy about the side effects or either Tamoxifen or Femara. Onco says joint pain is from Femara, and the once a month shot of Lupron accentuates those side-effects. Asked my Onco what treatment I would go on if I couldn't handle these side-effects and he stated there is no other treatment for my cancer. ER/PR+ Her2- JOY! Will work with this until I can't. Changing lifestyle big time! Pink Warrior has shown her face!

I am writing to advise the people who are using generic femara (Letrozole) that it can be purchased at Costco warehouses for $16.39 instead of a whopping $350 - $700. You do not need a membership to use the pharmacy and even if you did, it would be well worth it.

I have been on Femara for almost two months after I was diagnosed with stage 4 inflammatory breast cancer. I have noticed tissue changes in the lump in my breast which seems to show an improvement. I have had bone aches and pains, nausea, hair loss and I do not know if the drug caused depression or if being told I had stage 4 cancer. I do not like the side effects but am also receiving a shot xgeva for adding calcium which could be part of it. I am still here which is what is important.