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Generic Name: Levetiracetam Extended-Release Tablets

Brand Name: Keppra XR

Keppra XR Drug and Medication User Reviews

It works great when you can get the meds. For the last couple of months Have been told that KEPPRA ER is not in stock. Has NOT COME IN That the company has run out. What is it ? they find a drug that works so they slow production down. CAN SOME ONE FIND OUT

I ended up withblisters in my mouth and my glands in my neck swelled up. It also decreased urine output swelled up. Cardiologist had to put me on diuretics. I would not recommend this drug if it is the best out there I think I would rather have the seizures could not stay awake on 500mg fell asleep at work

After brain menigioma (benign) I was prescribed Keppra to control seizures.A seizure prompted my finding out about my menigioma. Difficult to think of NOT using an anti-seizure med...but I have only had 2 mild seizures in 2 years. I went off the Keppra because it made me SO tired and apathetic. Fine so far.

This medication has worked very well for the past few years for me, but with any Epilepsy medication it does have its side effects. They call it Kepprage for a reason, I have been on many different strengths and many different drugs over the years this one as well as my VNS seems to be helping the most.

This medication has had no side effects on me. Maybe a little sleepier but that may be due to my other meds that I take for seizures

I take the maximum dosage of 3000mg/day along with vimpat. Even after 10 years the side effects are still awful. The Drs do not want to change my combination of meds because although it doesn't completely control my seizures, it has worked best.

Ihave tonic clinic seizures , I am taking 1,ooo mgs twice daily every 12 hours they keep changing my does , I get terrible hewdqches and I have alot of uncontrollable mood swings and I can not help it. I wish they found something that works for me .

Doctor started me with lowest dosage at first then increased to dosage he thought I needed of 1,500mg once a day at night. I've had one seizure since taking because of missing a dose.Side effects don't scare me as much as seizures. I never knew when seizure would hit and had no memory of them. It took hours after a seizure before I was able to focus or function at any level.

In the beginning it kept the seizures away(I was on 250mg.) at that time. Now I'm on 1,000 2x's a day, and the seizures are stronger. I want to stop taking it, because they are not working!

I've lived 16 years with a brain tumor and a relapse and re growth of a higher grade tumor in 2010. I have not had a seizure in over 7 years.

I acutally use it for Complex partial seizures. Keppra has worked great for me over the years. I have been on multiple strengths: 1000 mg up to 4000 mg. NOTE: it is well-known cause sudden mood changes or outburst of anger that are (sometimes) hard to control. I have gone through the mood changes many times. But, with epilepsy: side effects vs seizures - take your pick.

right now I am toxic because my level is too high they are trying to get my level better controlled.

I have tonic clonic partial onset seizures. My doctor prescribed this medicine 3 years ago. I have not had a siezure. I did have side effects which was more emotional than usual--plus anger issues. You do get use to it--I am glad not to have anymore seizures.


I have been taking this medication for, oh about 5 years now. Have never had a single side effect. Went 100% seizure free for 2 and 1/2 years. I have myoclonic seizures and tonic clonic seizures. I am very impressed with how well it controls my myoclonic seizures, as every other medication I have tried did little to nothing for those. I have noticed an increase in dizziness lately but it is not something that interferes with my day to day life. One thing I would recommend to people. Pay attention to your seizure threshold and factors in your life that may lower that threshold. I may take medication but sometimes, regardless of that, I can have a seizure. Stress, lack of sleep, and alcohol consumption can all increase my chances of having a seizure. So pay attention to your body!! Overall, I am very satisfied with this medication. I take the extended release and am on the highest possible adult dose and also take it by itself.

with out this medication would not be seizures free from 2009 to now hhh

I just found out after 5 yrs that my "episodes" or "spells" are seizures and was prescribed this medication, at first I was leery about the side effects but it has done great for me I started on the lowest dose & after the 3rd week was increased to triple the amount that has been great! I did notice some emotional changes at the start I was more irritated, emotional & withdrawn but I told the doctor about the problems & after a month I was fine, not a seizure since I started taking it!

This is the med over the past 20 years have stopped the siezures...but now I feel worse due to dizzieness, tiredness, and loss of memory...but that's probably due to the Brain Tumor I have..Oligodendroglioma...but I don't care...as long as the siezures stop that's all that matters!!!!!

been great on it

I take keppra 500 mg 2times a day .Ihad a begnin tumer that was remved 6 month a go when can I start weining and get off this med