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Generic Name: Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol

Brand Name: Lutera

Lutera Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am a really happy person and for some reason i didnt know why i got in such a cloudy place. First i thought i was just moody but then symptoms got worse and worse getting irritated about almost every and was extremely emotional! and after close to 2 months i started having suicidal thoughts! I called my doctor and he instructed me To stop the pill right away. Its been now 5 days and i feel lighter, free and i am back to being a happy person. I still have some minor mood changes but the doctor said it will take 2 weeks to get it off my body completely; however i am doing way better and i am back to a Happy place

Honestly this birth control really depressed. I’ve never had so much anxiety in my life, but it does it’s job to not get you pregnant. The side effects though are really tough. I have horrible insomnia and I gained weight. I have decided to get off this pill just because my mental health is so horrible.

I had never been on birth control before. I took it for birth control and preventing pregnancy was about the only effective thing. It did make my skin more clear and hair thicker. The mental side effects were excruciating. My unmedicated, mild depression and anxiety turned severe and I developed suicidal thoughts, and random crying spells. It made me nauseous, although I noticed taking the pill with milk at night helped alleviate it. My period had always been irregular and on the heavier side but after taking Lutera, I had excruciating abdominal and leg cramps before and for the entirety of my cycle which lasted for about 9 days from the regular 5 day cycle I had experienced before. The bleeding was also intense. I bled heavily (soaking through a tampon every 2 hrs). I get agitated right after taking my pill. I didn’t notice a sex drive difference or any other problems sexually. Overall would not recommend.

I've been on 3 different birth controls. I have not had any mood changes or depression on this... but I do have irregular bleeding, I've been on my period for 9 days and it's still going to continue. (Tested: cause was lutera)literally. Don't recommend if you just want a lighter period, I have major stomach issues since I've been on this

This pill did prevent pregnancy when having intercourse without a condom. Although it did its job, I experienced depression, anxiety, mood swings and weight gain. I had suicidal thoughts and my poor partner had to witness and deal with all of that. I didn't even give it a thought that my symptoms could be caused by my Lutera BCP but when he suggested I stop taking it after 3 days I felt like myself again. I was so high on life and it felt so great. As women we go through so much! Periods are not really 1 week, it's more like 2 with PMS included. The hunt for a new BCP continues...

This medication made me feel like I was going crazy. These were my symptoms - heavy depression - suicidal thoughts - weight gain (2 lbs a day) - triggered my anorexia b/c of the weight gain - insomnia - vivid nightmares - anxiety/ panic attacks - intense mood swings - extreme fatigue (could not get out of bed) I have never had such bad side effects on birth control, and I realized that it was the pill because I got 100% on my final exam and could not stop crying from how depressed I was.

I tried this brand for a month and I had to stop before I even completed the full month. I had TERRIBLE mood swings that made me feel bipolar. I felt like crying about everything and it made my daily anxiety worse.

I have been taking this for nearly two years (was taking generic Vienva and then insurance switched me to Lutera which is the same thing chemically). I was scared initially from reading reviews and previous bad symptoms from other brith control pill, but I have had no major side effect from this! I noticed the first couple of months I had a lower sex drive but it’s back to normal now. My period is only 3 days and every predictable. Going great so far!

Made me depressed af. Was thinking about committing suicide a lot on this medication. It also worsened my anxiety to the point that I was having panic attacks almost every day. I also had trouble orgasming (which I don’t normally have this problem super often with my husband). And had migraines. Gained a ton of weight too. After going off it I didn’t have a period for 4 months.

I have been in a very dark mental place. Tonight i tried to hurt my boyfriend. I’ve been having extreme mood swings!!!!! And I don’t like who I am. I won’t take it any more

This pill really did its job, however I will have to be getting off of it. I was on the pill for a year, accidentally skipped a pill and had to restart all over, and now I've been back on it for about 3-4 months. For some reason the second time around, I have terrible mood swings and almost no sex drive. I'm also incredibly anxious but I'm not sure if that's 100% because of the pill. This is just my experience but I'm just ready to be back to "normal" again.

A couple of years ago, I took Lutera. I gained weight significantly, probably 15pounds or upwards. I did not get pregnant, so it did what it was supposed to do.

Was it effective? Yes, as a birth control it was effective, but I wish I would’ve never taken it at all. I never had acne (other than an occasional pimple here and there) until I started taking Lutera. Painful acne everywhere, every single day. I have been off of it for months and my skin is still terrible. Not to mention the terrifying leg cramps. Got to a point where I was having leg cramps that woke me up every single night. Please try other options before you try Lutera like I wish I would’ve. This may work for some but I deeply regret it.

I had been getting painful cycstic acne before using this, and after this medication I will occasionally get a pimple or two. My main use for this was for acne, but it shortened and lessened my periods. Not sure of effects on weight since I’ve been quarantined all year. I had mental health issues before, but I believe this has been making me severely depressed and anxious. I’d been on it 6 months I think. I’m taking a break now to see how my mental health is affected.

Everyone reacts different to birth control, but this was my experience with Lutera. I am an 19 yr old 110 pounds woman and I have been on lutera for about a year now. I was a bit inconsistent I’ll admit, I quit and restarted this birth control months later. On both occasions the birth control gave me unpleasant side effects. It began by exponentially lowering my sexual libido which is something that had never happened before. When I quit this birth control the first time my libido almost instantly came back. The first time I spent about 3 months on it. Then I restarted the birth control about 6 months later. The second time around it once again lowered my libido and it also lowered my overall energy levels. I felt exhausted all day everyday. It gave me weird discharge I had never had before and when I got off of it I had some of the craziest mood swings I’ve had in my life. The second time I spent 3 months on it as well. Like I said, everyone reacts to BC differently but I do not recommend this product based on my experience.

started on this with birth control being the main reason. no side effects except HEAVY depression for the first two months. my periods are also consistently heavy but no cramps/pain, always on time.

I was on this birth control for 6 months. At first, I thought the side effects were just because of the pill changing my hormones and trying to get my body balanced out. It did a great job at getting me on track with my cycle, BUT it also caused my face to break out with severe cystic acne that I still have yet to completely get rid of and Iâ??ve been switched off the pill for a couple months. I was blessed with great skin all through my teenage years and early twenties, so cystic acne was foreign to me. I wouldnâ??t recommend this drug to anyone. Save your face from acne scarring and try a different birth control pill.

I am half way through my second pack. During my first pack, my period was SO SO SO much lighter. Before Lutera, I’d have awful PMS for 8-12 days... aka I was miserable most of the month. My skin seems to be purging congestion in my pores. I’ve been a bit moodier but this pack has been better than the last. Overall, I feel pretty darn good.

It does what it’s supposed to do. I didn’t get pregnant, but I had HORRIBLE insomnia whenever I took it at night, and I’ve gained about 10-15 pounds, which on a 5’2” frame feels pretty significant. No sex drive whatsoever.

Horrible! Breakthrough bleeding every single day, and acne started after 2 weeks. I’m also hormonal, moody, have no energy, and bloated like crazy.