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Generic Name: Linaclotide Capsules

Brand Name: Linzess

Linzess Drug and Medication User Reviews

I've had IBS with diarrhea for years and gastroparesis for over a year. Daily morning vomiting. Went to see a specialist who thinks I'm really having IBS with constipation, causing leaking diarrhea?! He put me on Linzess and the diarrhea I experienced was ruining my life! Wearing depends, soiling myself without warning, not making it to the bathroom in time. Not able to leave the house for any social events. Plus, I'm still vomiting in the morning. I believe I've been misdiagnosed. Stopped using it, still having diarrhea, but I have control over my bowls again.

I am 79, hopeful after trying this med. Had diarrhea four times in a day, bloating with gas buildup, hard to pass, bad stomach ache, poor appetite with bad nausea. Stopped med. Disappointed. Very miserable. Just got out of hospital feel like returning. Oh well. Had endoscopy, waiting for biopsy, etc.

I suffer with chronic IBS, constipation. I actually never go to the bathroom, no notion, nothing. I stay very bloated, stomach pain, feeling of fullness, nausea. I have a colonoscopy and endoscopy scheduled for end of month but my Gastro wanted me to try Linzess 290 MCG. I was excited and hopeful it would work. After 6 days, nothing except some gas, and my stomach looked like I was pregnant. I stopped the medicine. Find the closest place to you that does Colonic Hydrotherapy…. It works, no pain, and it cleans about 6 feet of your colon.

Worst drug I have ever used. Totally water, all over bathroom, by the time I got to the toilet. One day is enough for me, before I die of my doctor’s cure. Stomach ache still, six hours later. I’ll figure out something else. I am 74 and don’t know how people older could use this. I urge precautions for everyone, though.

Use this medicine only one time took it 30 mins before eating anything..had a small meal after taking this pill. Sweating couldn't breathe my whole body went numb..got so hot kept feeling like I was going pass out. My husband had to call ambulance to transport me to the hospital..had a very bad side affect...

I've had chronic constipation I'd say ever since I can remember. I'm now 68 and my dr recommended linzess . My first pill took effect in about 3 hrs and yes like others have said it causes diarrhea and some times explosive and gives me 3 bouts of it the day it's taken. but I tell ya what it cleans me out and makes my day feeling much better as they say sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.

72 mcg and one cup up of coffee in the morning and I’m good. Amazing regularity for the first time in my life. Thank you Linzess!

I will never take Laziness ever again. On top of having ibs this pill gave me cronic diarrhea this pill SUCK!!!

On my second day of taking Linzess I pooped myself. If you plan on trying this I recommend staying home and close to a bathroom. Basically just releasing water instead of any solid.

I go weeks without a bowel movement . I just wanted to go I was afraid of all that packing up inside me! Doctor said eat lots of fiber foods .Did not work stayed bloated. 30 minutes before dinner I take one pill and about 45 minutes later I get great bowel movement cleans me right out. Next day feel great. You must take it before you eat a must best time is at night. Love it!!!!! I am male 68 years old.

Only thing that works. Suffering from not going for weeks on end. You HAVE to take it 30 minutes before eating anything and take it with at least a full glass of water. I usually have more than one glass though. I can only take it on my days off which are the weekends so every saturday and sunday morning I take it first thing. After you go if u feel like u have lost electrolytes, drink Gatorade or take a potassium supplement.

I started taking this two years ago. At first it was very aggressive so I could only take it on my days off because it would produce almost immediate bowel movements. Started out as diarrhea.. but I was OK with that because my doctor told me it would take some time. Long story short, two years later I have lost 40 pounds and I do not have the stomach problems I used to have that were caused from the chronic constipation. No more pain, or sitting on a toilet for hours. No more bloating. I only take it maybe once a week now and it was really a life changer for me! I just wish that insurance would cover more of the cost considering it isn’t a brand new drug anymore.

I get on and off constipation (alway have since childhood and I’m 58 now). I never took meds, just managed it with diet exercise, etc. Then during an approx. 8-week time period, including 2 week travel, it got reallly bad. Dulcolax and other meds work once but then become less effective for me ( I get lazy colon). Doc prescribed Linzess (290) and after about 3 day, finally got some loose stool. The first couple days I experienced dizziness which scared me and I asked for a sample of lower dosage 190s. These didn’t seem to have as much of an effective so I’m continuing 290s. It’s been about a month and I am having good BMs almost every morning. To help firm up loose stool, I started taking Metamucil (at doc’s suggestion) before bed each night and it has really helped! Not much gas, cramps are gone and stool more firm like they should be since Metamucil is a bulking agent. I will start phasing out taking Linzess in about a week, and hopefully things will go back to normal. This med may not work right away, so be patient, friends. Overall, I’m glad I’m taking it.

I was put on this medication for gastroparesis. I started on 145 and it was way too much. I played with what time to take it and found bedtime to be best for me, my job, and my sanity. But it was still causing diarrhea throughout the day so much so I was getting dehydrated enough to have cardiac arrhythmias. Dose was lowered, all seemed well. Fast forward I began having what I thought was rib pain for about three months only to go the ER and find out it is a nasty bowel infection/inflammation that I can only assume has been caused by linzess. 10 days of antibiotics and I chose to stop the linzess because the pain was so bad it just wasn't worth it anymore. Antibiotics are completed and the pain has subsided for the most part, but I can feel it coming back....I know this inflammation isn't gone and I wonder if I'm going to be stuck with this for life? This is the kind of pain that makes you wonder if life is worth it, or maybe if I just get the colon removed it will be fine. All of that to say PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THIS DRUG! Do your research before taking medications. This drug may have messed up my health and caused a lot of future financial grief.

Linzess was a horrible medication for IBS-with constipation. It either didnt work or worked where water would keep coming out and made my electrolytes off and made me dizzy and then it kept working after being off it for 4 days and nothing but air was coming out. It caused extreme stomach pain and bloat.

Upon starting Linzess, it took about 4 days to act! At first, I had really great bowel movements for the first time in a very long time! But I started to have heavy rectal bleeding! Then stool was oozing out of my anus without knowing it until I went to the bathroom! This lasts for several hours a day! There is no way I will live with this! To imagine going out with poop in your ass and smelling! This was not listed as a side effect! I will try to back it down to twice a week to see if this terrible oozing stops! If not, I will no longer take it!

I had a small bowel obstruction due to Gastroparesis and BAM!! this med did exactly what it was suppose to do...I had bowel movements all day. I do not take this on a regular basis I'm suppose to but the idea of being stuck by a toilet is not my ideal day. When I do use it I no longer am constipated, no bloating. It worked for me.

1st day was ok I thought I had found help I did continue for 30 days then it got worse my digestive system went crazy. In the afternoon with or with out food my stomach or colon or what?ever would make all kinds of noise groans , gurgles and very painful cramps . It's been 4 days since I stopped taking Linzess and I am still have these issues only in the afternoon but with all my other problems It more than I can endure

I was on Linzess for many years for IBS I had to stop it because it was 1100.00 for 90 days worth. I was so afraid but I didn't need it at all. My bowels work better now than when I was on it. Shame on these exorbitant prices for medication.