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Generic Name: Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate

Brand Name: Vyvanse

Vyvanse Drug and Medication User Reviews

My daughter’s doctor recommended Vyvanse initially, but when I told him about her past history of medication abuse he quickly suggested she try Azstarys instead. She has been doing great on Azstarys so far.

My son who is 12 started on the lowest dose of 10mg, he was acting ok but told the doctor at the 2 week checkup he still couldn't focus so they increased to 20mg. After a couple of days he became very defiant, but then aggressive. He told us for the first time in 12 years he hated us, hated the house he lived in and was looking for a foster home. We couldn't even look at him at times. We ended up in the children's hospital for suicidal ideation but were able to get out with a safety plan. The ER doctor and the Pediatrician both said they had not seen anything like this with Vyvanse. I took him off the next dat and after 5 days of being off of it he was back to our normal kid.

I have ADHD as well as BED so my doctor put me on this more for the BED but anyway…I am recovery from alcohol and she didn’t want a drug that could be abused and this is the one she went with. I take in in the morning when I wake up and it kicks in maybe 30 minutes later, I do have a small “high” but it’s more me just being extra chatty. This also gives me what my daughter calls “the vyvanse sweats” and for me and my daughter it seems not to work after 4 hours at the most. It also gives me moderate anxiety if I’m not actively doing something physical which is making me wonder if I should stop taking it. I also am bipolar and I worry about going manic on this, I just had an episode and I don’t know if it’s just that time of year for me or is it the vyvanse? Unlike my daughter I don’t take it everyday right now as I’m not working, I just can’t justify taking a pill that is so expensive so I can wash an extra load of laundry and fold it. This med is CRAZY expensive! Even with my insurance it cost $450 out of pocket, luckily we have a FSA and by March my pharmacy deductible has been met between the vyvanse and the Amovig. So yeah, it works but for me not that long. Since my pharmacy deductible has been met I just keeping refills just in case we lose our insurance.

i was what you call a slam dunk for adhd. this drug over the span of 5 years ruined my life. idn this is not the way...

I started this medication 3 months ago. It works very well and helps me to concentrate and function, but I developed some unpleasant side effects because of it. I now have Raynauds, and I experience joint pain and pins and needles in my skin since going to 40mg. I will be talking to my doctor about switching, but other than the side effects, it’s worth it to try! My 10 year old is also on it and has had no side effects. It helps him so much!

Vyvanse was not the drug for me. For the first 2 weeks was great, but my appetite totally went away and I couldn’t get enough macros to support my workouts. I switched to Azstarys and I get basically the same control, but can actually get enough protein in.

I been taking vyvanse for a good 3 weeks and I’ve notice how much better I’ve been doing with focusing. But, unlike any other adhd medicine I’ve tried the side of this is the worst. I’ve felt dizzy, I went from lasting 30 minutes in bed to 1 and a half hours which is fairly abnormal. I’ve felt queasy and aching like I have arthritis. It’s a good focus medication but I don’t want it ruining my relationships or desire for sexual activities or aching. It’s not worth it.

My 13 year old daughter was prescribed this, she had her first dose yesterday morning and has had dizziness, headache, pain in her legs making her feel unable to move and has not slept all night she still feels wide awake now but her eyes hurt because her body is actually so tired. Do not make the mistake I made and give these meds to your children. I feel awful putting her through this.

I loved Vyvanse the 2-3 week period I was able to take it. The problem is that it cause me to get Raynaud's disease and lumps that will not go away. The lumps started on the tops of my toes and they slightly began to ulcerate and spread to other parts of my body like hands and joint areas; so I stopped taking the Vyvanse. Unfortunately it has caused permanent damage. I still have the lumps, Raynaud's and swelling that has made my feet and hands hurt like arthritis. It is not arthritis but inflammation in my tendons and muscles that apparently is associated to the lumps caused by the Vyvanse. It really sucks because the Vyvanse was working for my binge eating disorder before the side effects. I wish I never took it now. It's ben over a year and side effects have not went away.

This medication worked great for the first 3-4 weeks. My doctor put me on Vyvanse for CFS, it really helped. I had energy again and I even lost a few pounds. Then the terrible things started, at the time I didn’t know it was the medication. I went through a year of pure misery! Irritable, depressed, crying, changes in my relationships, decision making…you name it. I had no idea until my doctor put my granddaughter on it for ADHD and before you know it she started experiencing the same symptoms. Everyone in our family suggested we both stop and we did! We are both happy and healthy on different medications now. Be careful of this I noticed many others experiencing the same thing.

I am soooo happy with Vyvanse. It has been 3 days now and I see a difference. I am completing tasks...meaning multiple tasks around the house (with 2 kids under 2yrs old) and at work (350 Pap smears and Biopies). I am not falling asleep at work either, nor do I drink coffee. The only thing is I am NOT locked in, laser-focus but I am still productive and my personality is still Jessica lol. I think the next medication refill; I am able to manage a higher dosage 50mg or more because I am not sensitive. My only side effect is dry mouth, and non other, slight appetite suppressed. I just stay hydrated which is awesome. I wish I started on Vyvanse first...but with all things through trial and error, we learn. This medication is worth every penny! I'm even prepared to pay for my 30 days supply and include it in my monthly budget. What a lifesaver!

I have tried all kinds of adhd medication and nothing has compared to Vyvanse! It lasts the longest, works the best and has the most manageable side effects. You really can’t judge an adhd medicine within the first year of taking it but I took vyvanse for years! The only drawback is that is INSANELY EXPENSIVE and very few insurances cover it. Had to be moved to adenzys for cost and it really doesn’t compare!

I was really struggling at work so my psychiatrist put me on Vyvanse. It worked ok, but it gave me terrible insomnia. I was like a zombie. Since switching to Azstarys I feel so much better. It still helps me stay focused, but now I’m actually able to sleep.

I lived for 24 years with undiagnosed ADHD, in that time I graduated High School with scholarship awards and went off to University. Unfortunately I dropped out as I couldn't focus properly, had been told my whole life that I just wasn't focusing enough. That I just needed to try more. Coincidentally, after being diagnosed I am endlessly proud of myself for what I accomplished without the support I needed. I went through all of college and graduated as a computer programmer analyst. Only then, did I start taking Vyvanse afterword's. I've heard other people mention weight loss, but as someone who's an amateur body builder getting over the lack of appetite is something I'm used to. I take it on weekdays in the morning before work, the first day of the week there's a slight amount of anxiousness and restlessness. Otherwise, for the first time in my life I've had mental clarity and focus. Additional bonus for giving lots of energy, as stimulants do. The urinary problems do exist, but it's nothing unmanageable in day to day life. Just a lot of bathroom breaks. I've taken melatonin for sleep for a long time now, so sleeping isn't an issue, it's long worn off by the time I need to sleep regardless. Overall, the ability to do my job and get what I need done in my life is beautiful. I've never taken another medication for ADHD besides self induced caffeine addiction, but I don't see myself ever needing to switch.

I have recently been diagnosed with ADD and this is the first medication I’m taking for it. I’m 18 and taking 20mg of Vyvanse. My psychiatrist told me to take in the mornings, only on the days I need it. She explained that Vyvanse sort of behaves like a slow release medication, unlike some forms of Adderall. She let me know that it would lessen my appetite, but it would come back once the meds wore off. She also let me know that it might keep me awake longer. She provided me with a paper or something that had more side effects too. And as always let me know to contact her immediately if I was experiencing suicidal thoughts and bad things. So far, I love the stuff. Before this, I had gone through a really bad depression that pretty much killed my brain. I was in a constant brain fog. If I’m off my meds, I still feel like that and it’s almost been a year since I’ve been okay. Taking Vyvanse I actually feel like I’m awake. I finally feel like I used too. And I’m sooo productive! I no longer feel like a bum who will live in their mom’s basement forever! Although, there are minor some side effects. The first two times I took it, I got no sleep for a long time. I was super happy and excitable. And when it wore off I was really sad. I learned that the mood swing I had was called a vyvanse crash, which can happen on stimulants. I have not experienced it since then, but you should be aware of that if you are giving it to a child or something. Now, I turned really talkative, when before I was silent. And I’ve noticed that I feel less nervous/anxious. I won’t say I feel confident, because it’s not like I feel grandiose or like I could do anything. But I don’t feel like I’m held back by anything. Like, now I could kill spider or say just hi to my neighbor. I still stay awake for 1-2 days straight, though I’m not missing the sleep. And I’m also a bit dehydrated, but already I do drink a lot of coffee/tea and not enough water. And I have literally no appetite, so I must force myself to eat. But I never had a big appetite in the first place, so I’ve had no change in eating habits or weight. I’d still like to say that everyone should beware of Vyvanse and any psych meds. While it’s my heaven, it could be your hell. My mom is 54 and her general doc prescribed her 20mg. It made her extremely irritated and impatient. It made her more speedy, but made her more scattered. It was not helpful even when they played with the dose. While she doesn’t know for sure if it was her meds that caused all of that, it definitely played a part. And she was very angry when I went on it myself, she was scared for what might happen to me. So you must look up all the side effects and how the medication works. Do not assume that you know what it does, and look up how it compares to other medication as well. And if a doctor tells you there are no side effects, they are absolutely wrong. If you notice anything you don’t like, tell them immediately. And if you do not want to take it, let them know. Medication is not to be messed with, don’t forced yourself to take it. There are always other options and medications your doctor can recommend, don’t just “settle” for something unless you have no other choice.

Taking pills isn't my think but once my health was concerned i had to and it worked for me after following all the instructions from my doc...And am happy to drop a review here...Thanks jellresearchchems.com

So far I have been on the Medication for about 3 days. I have noticed that I am not hungry at all. I have to force myself to eat. Just from the few days that I have been taking this medication, I have lost 9 pounds. That is a def bad thing. I will have to speak with my doc about that. It does have me focused on the task at hand. I will update in a month when I go and see my doc about how it has been with this medication.

Vyvanse has given me my life back! I would “binge” by lack of portion control almost 3-4 times daily. I could finish a family size bag of chips or pretzels watching tv daily, eat 3 sandwiches for lunch, bag of chips for “snack”, family size freezer lasagna for dinner, then more snacks before bed…. Now, I drink a Fairlife¡ shake for breakfast, Fairlife¡ shake for lunch and a NORMAL 6-700 cal dinner and feel satiated…. My binges have stopped for the 2 1/2 months I’ve been on Vyvanse and I’ve lost 90lbs (348-258) so far! My iPhone screen time dropped 81% and my tv watching went from 5-6 hrs a night to 2-3 hrs per week. My mood actually IMPROVED and my relationship has never been better. I play board games with my kids and thoroughly enjoy spending time with my family again. I fear the day I ever have to come off the med…. Ive been on 50mg since day 1, and after 2 1/2 mos, I feel my Dr hit the jackpot with dosing. My BP dropped by 22/14, my A1C dropped from 7.1 to 6.2 and my cholesterol dropped 32 points. I’m beyond happy with results. I have felt that I get a touch of mania or willingness to spend $ for home improvements, but could also be attributed to taking an interest in fixing up the house due to renewed/new found energy!!!

I'm 14. I have been taking Vyvanse (30mg) for about 2 weeks now, i started at 10mg for a while and gradually worked my way up. I also take 100mg of Sertraline daily, so that's probably a reason to why the Vyvanse doesn't seem to be working. I've noticed no mental changes besides the loss in appetite, and minor weight loss. But , I am taking this to help with my ADHD, not for losing weight. Id rate Vyvanse a 3/5.

I'm 13 and this drug is so bad I can't even talk to my friends I've lost like all of them I can't even laugh anymore so this drug takes over how you socialice but I have to take it because my parents said so and they don't understand so don't take this dog crap drug!!!