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Generic Name: L norgest/e.estradiol-e.estrad

Brand Name: Camrese oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been taking Camrese for around a year and I Love it. I have experienced no side effects and my period is almost non-existent, which makes me and my partner happy. I would highly recommend this to any woman not wanting to get pregnant.

I have been on Camrese just 3 days shy of one month. So far, I have had a good experience. I did have belly bloating and enlarged/tender breast at the beginning, but those symptoms resolved within week 2 of being on the pill. I am happy so far with this birth control. I was on birth control over 10 years ago for acne, and had the horrible side effect of breakthrough bleeding for a few months. That resulted in me giving up on birth control and never trying it again until now. Iâ??m happy Iâ??ve not experienced that so far with Camrese.

I was on seasonique since I was 17, they switched me to the generic brand when I was made. Seasonique worked VERY well for me but I noticed I stand differences with the off brand . I began having pms symptoms where Iâ??d cry at random, my cramping was bad and my periods were heavy. I also got terrible deep acne, Iâ??ve never had trouble with acne before, Iâ??d get a pimple here or there, but on this medication acne overtook my face, it was everywhere, the pimples were huge and painful. This combined with my pms sadness symptoms made for a horrible time. I also got yeast infections when I never got them before and I felt very depressed and started having panic attacks. I now pay $100 for name brand and itâ??s been almost a year and I donâ??t have acne, donâ??t randomly cry, my depression only happens when something happens to cause me to be sad, and I only had one yeast infection due to new laundry detergent.

Im 16 and i take this because my periods were unbearable. This pill has been so helpful, ive been on it for almost a year now, and its one of the best decisions my parents and i have made. At first i was scared to be on it because, im 16. When i first began to take the pill, i took it at 8pm before bed. I havent had any side effects other than the first month, but they were not bad effects at all. It was like this weird feeling in my stomach, or my bladder, it didnt hurt,it was just uncomfortable, and it only lasted about a minute or two. That happened maybe 2-5 times a day. After the first month, my body adjusted to the pill and i havent felt those feelings at all. I really love this pill because you only get your period after three months, and when it is time for your period while youre on the pill, your cramps are like a piece of cake,most of time i dont even have any cramps at all, only a little bit of back ache, but some ibuprofens and a nap solve that problem really quickly :) But yeahh if youre looking for a period reliever,this is definitely a great option to consider. It worked for me, i dont plan on winging off of it anytime soon. Keep in mind every body is different, so what i feel may not be what you feel. Good luck!! You wont regret it!

I have been using Camrese for almost a year now, I am on the three-month cycle so I only have four periods a year. This pill has made such a difference in my life helped with acne and period pain. My periods only last 3-4 days. If I miss a pill then I will have light spotting which will go away as soon as I get back on track and take my pills regularly. I've had bad experience with other BC and I wouldnt want to change it.

I find this pill extremely effective. It helps with making my periods much easier to deal with.

After 15 years (and a struggle with infertility), I finally went back on the pill to lessen the severity of my heavy periods. I love the idea of having a period once every 3 months, however I'm into my 3rd month taking this pill and even though I haven't even started the sugar pill cycle yet, already I've been having my period for a full month now. Also, I've been very depressed. Another thing to note is that I have had extreme breast tenderness and outright pain since I started taking this pill almost 3 months ago!

Was on the drug for about 2 1/2 months and I missed 2 doses so I took them as soon as I realized and later that night I took my normal dose, 30 min later everything went down hill. I rushed to the er with really high bp, couldn't breathe and had a racing heart. I had numerous test done and labs drawn and everything is pointing to the bc. 4 days later and I am on a beta blocker to keep my pulse on track, feel weak and light headed and no energy. Not sure if the anxiety I have is from not feeling well and having trouble breathing or also another side effect from the drug. Only good part is I have lost over 5 pounds since it happened since I have no appetite, gotta find that silver lining!

Had been taking name brand Seasonique for over 5 years and it worked perfectly with no side effects, but I switched to Daysee almost a year ago after insurance stopped covering the name brand. First cycle was ok, but since I started the 2nd pack I have had spotting consistently around the 8th or 9th week of pills. I also have intermittent breast tenderness, and my period has changed from a regular 5 day flow to spotting/stopping/starting over 7-8 days, which cause some panic. I was also recently diagnosed with IBS and my problems with that started around the time I switched to Daysee. After doing some research, I found that one of the inactive ingredients in Daysee that isn't in Seasonique (Croscarmellose sodium) can cause GI issues in people with certain disorders. I will be looking to change pills at my next doctor appointment, which is a shame because I loved Seasonique.

This was very effective as it reduced the heaviness and painfulness of my periods as well the obvious, birth control. The only downside was that I would get my period 1 week or even 2 weeks before it was due on the 3rd month. The last pack...my period lasted 3 to almost 4 weeks.

I started taking camarese because I don't have too many options for birth control due to having high blood pressure, I was on the depo shot but it cause me to bleed daily and I could not take it!!!! I have been on it for 6 months the first 3 months I started spotting 3 weeks before I was supposed to get my scheduled period. I am on my yellow pills now and have not had a period or spotting as of yet although I do have menstrual symptoms. I love it, I am so glad I went with this pill!!!! I am totally fine with not having a period. I would recommend this pill to anyone who is looking for a great birth control method.

I just completed 2mths. I've experienced Depression, acne all of a sudden, and a vaginal infection. I started bleeding before the end of the 3rd month. I don't recommend this pill. I'm going back to Cryselle.

I am halfway through my first 3-month course, and I've noticed two things: my breasts are swollen and sometimes incredibly sore, and I am insatiably hungry. Otherwise it's nice to avoid monthly PMS and menstruation. I hope the other side effects subside eventually.

I switched to Camrese after taking Depo for 13 years. First period didn't come, next one should be in 4 weeks. We'll see. So far so good. No spotting, no cramping, no acne (but I've never had acne), I have had weight loss and increased sex drive though.

My 14 tr old daughter was prescribed this bc for possible endometriosis and to help regulate her cyle. She suffered for severe depression and cramping while on this bc. After 2 months and many days of missing school because of depression I decided it was not worth the dangers of her suffering thru chemical induced depression and took her off bc a(against the advice of her doctor) Whithin a day her depression had lifted although it might be a while before her system is free of this drug. Would not recommend this drug to anyone...its side effects can be very dangerous!

I have been taking Camrese for over a year now. I really enjoy only having my period 4 times a year. Saves a lot on buying tampons. The only symptoms I have had had are spotting for the first couple months and a couple weeks before my period is about to start. My sex drive has been lowered as a result of Camrese, but other than that I would recommend it.

I've been on Camrese for about 6 months, so I feel that's enough time to figure out if it's a good fit for me. I was on regular monthly birth control for many years, then off the pill for about a year and a half. When I decided to go back on the pill, I asked my doctor about the 3-months cycle pill like Seasonique, and she suggested Camrese. I was hesitant to take a generic because when I tried the generic version of my old pill, I had a lot of spotting, and I was warned about the spotting with Camrese. Luckily, I have had almost no side-effects commonly associated with Camrese. No bloating, almost no spotting (very little a few times a month, not even enough to get a "light days" pad), no acne. One side-effect I do experience is breast tenderness. It gets progressively worse as the pack get closer to the 3 months mark, then goes away during the yellow pill/period week, and starts over on the new pack. As far as benefits, well it's been en effective form of pregnancy prevention. It cleared up my back acne (which I got after going off my old pill). My periods are very light. All this is comparable to my old birth control (Ortho Novum), except I get my period once every 3 months, which is convenient for me.

It was going well the first 2 pack. Started the 3rd one and I felt bloated, pain in my lower belly and back. Im stopping the pill right now, I had 2 more weeks to go but I don't see what else can cause those symptoms plus a 10 lbs weight gain. I'm a personal trainer so I can tell u, my diet and training regiment are on point. I'm very disappointed. I like the fact to have 4 period a year but I rather having it every month then suffering from belly pain constantly like I was to get my period any day.

I have been taking this for over a year and was about to go make an appointment with my PCP to talk to him about depression. Since reading these reviews now I'm suspicious of this medication contributing to my symptoms of no energy, bad, sad dreams, weight gain, and a general feeling of yuck! I was put on this med for heavy, obnoxious periods…c'mon menopause, but the other symptoms are worse to deal with than the bleeding. Good for you if this works for you because 4 periods a year sounds like a dream come true! I, however am going to have to go off of it.

I have been taking Camrese for almost 3 months & I'm not happy. At all. I've been on worse pills, but this is still pretty unbearable. I have become depressed while taking this, to the point where I cry myself to sleep and want to remain in bed all day. Sometimes I go a week without a shower because of how bad the depression has gotten. Also for the past month, I have been bleeding non stop. Ranging from light spotting to a regular flow like a period. It's ridiculous and it also comes with abdominal cramps and back pain! Another uncomfortable side effect...I'm having trouble getting wet, even though I am head over heels in love with my boyfriend and there is always an ample amount of foreplay. I'm way too young for this shit! I've never had this problem before. Luckily my boyfriend is understanding and doesn't just rush into it. Surprisingly, the pill itself and the bleeding have not lowered my sex drive. And I'm not pregnant, which is good. But Camrese really is awful. I will be switching to the Nexplanon implant soon but I wanted to share my experience.