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Generic Name: loratadine

Brand Name: loratadine oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had constant runny nose during day at work and it was very annoying. I have BPH (enlarged prostate) for several years and knew I could not take an antihistamine with the warning on it: "Do not take if you have an enlarged prostate" (because within few days it can stop a man's urine flow!) I saw Claritin, a leading worldwide OTC drug and figured it must be special because it did not have this warning. I took it for over a year in 2016 and it worked great allowing me to do my job working 8-10 hours a day in medical eqipment business. Then in 02/2017 I immediately stopped taking it because urine flow stopped the first night of a week cruise. I had to have an internal catheter inserted connected to an external leg bag by cruise medical staff. After I got home it took my urologist 9 months to get my prostate back to normal and catheter removed. (it was removed several times during this time period but had to be reinserted within few hours since still not normal). I have been fine ever since after that 9th month when removed. Note: I was on prostate med (Tamsulosin) for years before I took Claritin and never had problem. When I started Claritin I continued to take it (tamsulosin) with no problem so the only thing we can assume is that the Claritin over the course of a year caused this since nothing else was introduced into my body. Anyway, after several months of going back

I take one every morning and it works great for me I have forgot to take it in the morning And I would have a bad day I have tried a lot of different allergy medicines but this one seems to be the best for me thanks

Tried it for my tinititus as I wondered whether the humming in my ears may be caused by fluid build up in ear due to pollen- my tinititus disappeared within 1 hour- amazing!!!!!

Doesn't work and it is pointless since it does not address other allergy symptoms. Another medication where the risks out weigh..... Not sure why they even make these medications, it has to be money.

Made my son extremely sick for several years. We had no idea it was caused by the loratadine until a couple months ago. My son had continual tummy aches, anxiety, vomiting, motion sickness/vertigo. Works somewhat for his allergies, but not worth the many years he suffered and the heartache it caused me watching him suffer.

I was told to take this medicine instead of Benadryl because I also take other medications. This medication caused EXTREME itchiness and welts as well as a burning sensation all over my body. I took it for 2 days and couldn't handle it anymore. I did not take it last night and today I am fine. I will never take this medicine again!

Works very well to relieve overnight congestion in my sinuss.

Worked the first few times but quickly lost its durability and strength.

After several months of using the 24 hour dose every morning, I noticed serious pain around my eyes by mid-day. After forgetting the dose one day, and restarting it the next day with subsequent pain, I decided to stop completely. Now the pain seems to be gone. I believe the drug might be drying out my sinuses too much and thus giving me pain.

I should have checked possible interactions before taking this. Got a "severe" interaction with one RX med I take and has not been at all helpful in doing anything to help with the allergy-related nasal problems. I did not experience any side effects with this but I should have checked for interaction problems!

I took loratadine in the form of "Claritin 24 Hour Allergy"- after taking it for 2 weeks, my hair started to fall out. The FDA didn't require the makers of Claritin to label this side effect on the packaging. I have lost 50% of my hair! Do your homework please.

It helps me with the itching, and nerves.

The bottle instructs to only take 1, 10 mg pill within a 24 hour period. Without taking 2, I spend all day rubbing my nose trying not to sneeze; I look like I've been crying all day from red, itchy, watery eyes and my ears, nose and throat are always sore. I feel like the only way this medication is effective is if I take 20 mg instead but is that even safe?

no complications. Sneezing & runny nose resolved leaving my nose less irritated

My daughter usually takes Claritin for her allergies and it works very well for her, this year her pediatrician (we usually see the allergist) prescribed her with Silarx Loratadine Oral Solution. And her relief her has come no where close to what it does when she's taking Claritin, it looks like we'll be switching back.

doesn't always stop the itching and was wondering if it contain pseudophedramine

The tablets I take on a daily basis have helped me control my allergies and, in turn, helped control my asthma.