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Generic Name: Losartan Potassium

Brand Name: Cozaar

Cozaar Drug and Medication User Reviews

Ever since I was on it and now I'm off of it I have been sweating a lot more. I never had a problem with sweating, but I still have a problem now after I have been off of this medication for years. It has changed my body permanently!! One time I got very dizzy while shopping at the store. All of a sudden out of the clear blue it hit me. Good thing I had my husband with me for support. This medication is not very safe in my opinion!!! Why don't the Dr tell you about your side affects?

My doctor put me on Losartan for about 3 months, and it was working OK, then one day I was driving and lost all hearing completely for about 30 seconds. I panicked and went to the ENT doctor, who told me that it was a rare side effect for Losartan to cause hearing loss, and that I would eventually lose it all permanently, no matter if I stopped taking the Losartan immediately. Since then, (about a year) I have lost a great deal of hearing. I have qualified for hearing aids, and an amplifier for my phone. I also have repetitive tinnitus, and a constant feeling of itching in one ear. Drives me crazy! Just research the meds that doctors love to dish out. Really know what to look for in side effects. This one is a real bummer.

high blood pressure, only slightly reduced.

The generic form of this medication did not work at all. Ended up in the ER with tachardia. Prescribed this because the Atenolol I was taking has a shortage with all 6 manufacturers, but was very effective.

been on this pill over ten years, now on the generic brand and i feel it's not working as well is that possible????

This has worked for me for years!! The only problem is that my insurance co. makes me pay because the generic does NOT work on me. I have tried 2 different mfgs. and the generic does NOT work. Now my insurance co. has got it up to $90.00 a month out of MY pocket besides what they pay (if anything) the generic would be free but it does not work!

Switched to this off Metoprolol by my Dr., stayed on it a week. Blood pressure actually increased notably and heart rate went much higher than normal as well. Medicine seemed to do the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do.

Anaphylactic shock on first dose... trip to ER, IV with four meds administered. The only other allergy to med I have is codeine and naproxen.

Numbness on 1/2 of face and head, excessive ringing in the ears, terrible dizziness plus very little drop in BP.

At end of week after taking had cough, stuffy nose, hoarseness, tiredness, horrible sore throat, leg cramps at night, and numbness in left cheek and right arm.

Dizzy at times, metal taste in my mouth, and dry mouth.

sleep problems, back ache - no change in b/p

coughing, dry mouth and irritate throat.

Pill is bitter when split. Seems to irritate stomach and cause slight indigestion immediately after taking. Experience ringing in ears after taking.

Developed neuropathy in a short time - 4 months.

I took one 25mg pill along with 10mg coreg and BP went up to 150. It is usually 130.

So far so good.

I am told by my doctor that I am in Stage three kidney failure.No one I know including myself could believe this.I am waiting for the report on my lab results to find out if this is true.I have been off Losartan one week now & need to wait another week.

I have noticed a considerable amount of hair loss. Found out from three other females, that they experienced the same side effect. Has anyone else esp. Females? Has been somewhat effective for treatment of HBP otherwise