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Generic Name: Memantine Hydrochloride Extended Release Capsules

Brand Name: Namenda XR

Namenda XR Drug and Medication User Reviews

Helped me with the social aspect of my autism, family noticed over time that I have begun talking to them.

My husband is 56 yrs old and he takes 21mg of the XR along with the Aricept. The 2 together work great. He has spunk but still doesn't want to do much of anything. He sleeps and eats well just has no enthusiasm to be physical. I think he is just being lazy but after all, he is sick and that can't be reversed. ;(


My mom has been on Nemanda XR for close to one year. I do NOT recommend this drug. She started on 7 mg then the doctor increased it to 14 mg, then 21 mg and finally 28 mg. My mom's memory was getting WORSE while on the drug and it was due to the drug NOT dementia. She started to hallucinate she became paranoid, she was weak, would sleep all day, shortness of breath, and terrible confusion. I just stopped the Nemanda and my mom feels 100 times better. She actually was laughing for the first time in one year. I would avoid this terrible drug. Please read the side effects because they are endless. I only wish I googled the side effects before putting mom on Nemanda. AVOID THIS DRUG!!

Beginning with the 7mg tab, within a few days my mother had regressed to the point of not eating, nights and days were reversed. Very tearful, confused, seeing things and people who were not there. Constantly crying to go back home. Mom and dad have lived in this house for over 20 years. I immediately took my mother off the medication and she is doing much better. She even laughed again.

Within 4 days of starting this drug my husbands mind became so confused, was unable to make simple decisions, disoriented and he immediately stopped taking it. He was diagnosed several years ago with AZ and taking Aricept. Within 10 days of not taking it he was back to himself. I would not recommend this for anyone.

My mom has only been taking the meds for 6 weeks and twice had really bed nightmares as well as constantly taking about the same things over and over. I don't think this medicine is right for her. This morning she thought people were in her room and when I told her she was dreaming she did not believe me. I will contact her doctor today. This is so sad. I wonder what else is going on that she doesn't share. She is 84 years old.

My mother has taken Namenda xr for about one year. She began experiencing confusion, anxiety and hallucinations--believing people had come to visit her, especially people from her past-- and her memory was disintegrating. Her primary care physician diagnosed her condition and prescribed Namenda. Within weeks she had improved significantly: no more hallucinations, no more distress. Her short-term memory seems limited, but she continues to perform all her own activities of daily living, including going grocery shopping. She takes her medications herself, once daily in the morning. We are very thankful that this is working.

I feel that ever since my mom was prescribed Namenda Xr, it just made her worse. She had swelling, and now she does not even speak. Very confused. I should have never given her this medication. Really wish I would have done my research before giving it to her. Now Namenda XR is on backorder, makes me wonder. Even though I don't plan to give it to her at all. If there is no cure for Alzheimers, then just let it be. She was so well before taking this medicine. Now I feel so bad for her. She tries so hard to express herself and instead tears run down her eyes. Just wish the medical industry would stop experimenting with our love ones.

Read carefully the negative side effects. There is a very good chance my mom's serious illnesses since last March 2014 were the results of a change in her medication for the treatment of Alzheimers. She has been on the time release Namenda XR since March with serious side effects, including fecal incontinence, unsteady gait, dizziness, headaches, confusion, UTI's, Edema, lack of mobility,dehydration, and infections, red blood cells in her urine- a few side effects of time-release Namenda XR. I spoke with a pharmacist who told me there is a good chance mom is getting the full dose all at once rather than on time release. It could have killed her. Mom was changed from Namenda to a stronger dose of Namenda XR for the convenience of time release action. All these months of therapies, antibiotics, loss of sleep, stress, IV's, watching mom suffer in pain and confusion, her swollen legs and feet, infections, literally could have been the result of one pill taken once a day for months. These pills are being pushed on doctors to prescribe. And as mom's caregiver I was giving one to her every morning thinking it would help and she trustingly took it. We are back to the 10 mg 2x daily fast relief. Hopefully LMTX will be on the market soon. The side effects of Namenda are not worth the risk. And one of the major side effects, as I witnessed with my mom, is CONFUSION!!!

This has been prescribed to me for migraine headache. I'm taking 14 mg once daily. It has reduced my headaches considerably.

My mother had a vascular stroke with 5 cm lesion in her right temporal. The neurologist put her on Namenda XR two months after the stroke to "slow down" the dementia. She has lost 14 lbs in 6 weeks since going on the med, rapid pulse and low blood pressure. She's extremely weak and no longer capable of taking care of herself.

we started the namenda almost 4 weeks ago/doctor started namenda xr time release as of today, so the ratings are based on the other namenda not namenda xr

I have Multiple Sclerosis, some of my more severe side affects of it are cognitive. I began taking Namenda 2 months ago. I started with the Tritration pack and have moved on to the Namenda XR. I LOVE IT! I have had ZERO negatives with it. I was having issues with "dropping my words" and "replacing my words". I would either completely lose the word that I had intended to use or I would say things like "I'm going to watermelon." instead of saying "I'm going to Walmart." Or use other words that often began with the same letter or ended in a similar fashion, such as: driveway/doorway, apricot/Africa. VERY irritating. I would also completely forget things that I had experienced or discussed. It was definitely a source of stress. Within 2 weeks of starting on Namenda, it was as if EVERY issue with my cognitive processes were CURED. Things had completely straightened out and life was able to be lead as NORMAL once again!

I really do not notive any difference at this time from switching to the Nemenda XR from Nemenda. I changed from regular Nemenda to XR less than a Month ago. I should give it more time to give an opinion.

I've been on it for 3 weeks. I feel like doing some cleaning after taking it for 6 hours and then very sleepy. Some nightmares, not too bad. I don't know if it causes me to go into the sad stage.

Deplete patient Muscle strength

Makes my dad too sleepy. He is 84, with mild cognitive impairment, not a full blown ALZ diagnosis yet. It has caused him to want to sleep all the time. He does not participate in "life" since being on this drug, and previously he could do daily tasks. Just wants to sleep now and do nothing. My mom is his main caregiver and i think she is going to talk to the doc about taking him off this.

My father-in-law, who is 93, was given Namenda after becoming combative. He could not finish sentences because he would forget what he was trying to convey halfway through. He was beginning to forget family members. About a month after starting Namenda, he had improved so much that we were amazed. On good days, he could carry on conversations and even make jokes. On bad days he still has trouble recalling words he wants to use, but he remembers what he wants to say and keeps at it until you can understand him. He has quit fighting with his caregivers. We are very grateful for this additional time we have with him.