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Generic Name: Mesalamine Delayed-Release Tablets, Oral

Brand Name: Asacol HD

Asacol HD Drug and Medication User Reviews

Was taking 3 pills per day at 800 mg for many years...past six months lowered dosage to 2 pills per day...flareups are not as often even with lower dosage.

It worked right from the start.

Have had UC for 45 yrs & since I was given Asacol (1998) I'd had NO flare-ups (used 400 mg, 2 am, 2 noon, 2 evening). It was a Godsend. Then they said that was no longer available & I had to use Asacol HD, 2 yrs ago, and since then have had lengthy flare-ups yearly. A friend had same non-response to it. Why did they change it? To have a "new" patent so they wouldn't have to make generic version (which was eminent)? I am furious. Since I had yearly flare-ups without it, I may as well stop using it. Very disappointed in the company.

Since I have been on this medication, I rarely have flare ups. I take 800 mg twice a day.

2 pills, 3x a day. 2 months now, The only thing that keeps me from having the D is being dehydrated. I don't think it works for me. Diet doesn't matter.

under control with the exception of occasional flare ups

While taking this drug I have not had any flare up of ulcerative colitis. But notice some stiffness in joints Gas, and fatigue after taking for a while.

I started 9 years ago with 8 pills (800mg) and after a year or so went down to 6 and then only 4 at breakfast. That works for me and it's easy to remember. If I travel and forget to take my pills, there are consequences... I start seeing pink mucus and then blood in the stools.

I am experiencing hair loss

In the beginning I had headaches when I started taking the medication. With much discussion with my physician we were able to readjust the doses and space out the frequency of taking the medication. Now I have fewer flare ups and less headaches.

Taking two tablets 3 times a day is difficult to do when you have a very busy day.It also makes for a very uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Taking this while also going undergoing breast cancer treatment has been a real challenge! I hope it helps keep the colon cancer away!I have battling this UC for 42 years and am happy to no longer take steriods.

going from asacol 400mg 3pills 3 times a day to AsacolHD 2 pills 800mg 2 times a day was the big change and still works as well or even better than before.

Started taking it after got out of hospital for the second time for my crohn's and for the first couple of days it would upset my crohn's but after a few days it went away and worked great. I do suggest not missing any doses because my symptoms would come back if I missed my doses. I really like this version of asacol because you don't need to take as many because the mg is greater. only three a day instead of six.

As long as I take the med it is working if I slip up and forget I have a flare up. So I strongley recommend not missing any doses.