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Generic Name: Methazolamide

Brand Name: Methazolamide

Methazolamide Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am curious to read of other patients use and side effects. I could not continue and wait for symptoms to get better so the effect of this RX has not been evaluated properly by me. Made me sick for 3 days in bed sleepy dizzy head

Anorexia and changes in taste has been my most frequent side effect that I have experienced, resulting in unplanned weight loss.

My doctor prescribed me this medication after i developed strong side affects on Acetazolamide 500 mg.. This little pill, Methazolamide 50mg worked quickly to lower my eye pressure down. I did have slight dizziness and tiredness first few days, but if you take pill at bedtime and with food - its easy to control. Methazolamide is a diuretic and removes important electrolytes from your body. I had to take multivitamins, eat bananas and drink Powerade to keep my muscles and bones healthy. I had experienced muscle cramps in the beginning, so its very important to replenish nutrients.. The worst side affect that I still have after taking this drug for 7 months is ringing in my ears, its still going after I stopped taking pills 2 months ago.. I'm afraid it turned into tennitus...

After beginning this drug, my hands began to tingle and I had ringing in my ears. After just a few days I began to have horrible headaches. I returned to the doctors office and told him I was having too many side effects. If fell on deaf ears. I thought maybe after taking this medication I would become adjusted and my side effects would lessen. No such luck. Began feeling depressed and continued with awful headaches. I decided to split the pill in half and began taking it that way. Headaches have lessened but am going to review this with the doctor next week. I want off of this stuff.

lowered pressure after only one weeks use. I do notice that I get a bit tired after taking and tend to fall asleep in front of the tv, but it's much better than losing my vision. I already lost vision before starting this. Easy to use and works with minimal side effects.

Took medication due to the only option left treating high eyes pressure. Helped lowering pressure but felt real tired and have no energy to do anything . Also making me so sleepy i just dozed off many times while watching t.v.

I have been taking this medication for 4 years for relief of nausea/vomiting attacks due to Meneres disease. I was told in the beginning that is is effective for some people, not all. It has been a godsend for me; my cardiologist decided that I no longer needed it and ordered it discontinued. After about three months the attacks returned, I went back on the medication and the problem is gone again.

I've been taking Methazolamid for several years and I know that w/o my eye pressure would be a lot worse, like it used to be before, with only eye drops Cosopt, Alphagan, Lumingan. Unfortunately, the big side effect to this medication is that I feel very sleepy, very tired to the point that I don't have energy to do finish what I'm doing many times.

I have not had side effects at all.

Your article lists side effects of methazolomide that I have not seen; i prescribe it daily. The primary side effect is a decrease in distal vision. this is temporary and clears with cessation of the drug.

about 2 hiurs after taking I become extremely sleepy

After using this medicine for over five (05) years now, I find it to still be very effective and I have not experienced any side effects as a results of this medicine.

causes severe heartburn, some confusion, bloating, tinnitis

taking 25mg 2xd...been on this drug for 5 years ...also helps my essential head tremor

Doc wanted 50 Mg 2x a day, by 3rd day I knocked it down to 75 mg due to side effects.hard to breathe, brought back my neuropathy tingleness, had headaches I cant take aspirin for, drank lots of water as recommended,by 3rd week, stomach pain too much, I took my self off it completely . Still take cosoft drops and lumigan.

tired,dizzy...hard to function..

very effective for high eye pressure as in glanucoma, One side effect witch may or may not be connected is hearing loss over time.

The medicine was very effective in lowering my eye pressure, however I had to discontinue use do to difficulty breathing and dizzy spells.